Smoke Signals
Original Air Date: Sept 22, 2008
Kathryn - TwoCents Reviewer
Boston Legal is the show where you can be yourself. One guy keeps his hands on his legs all the time; one guy has a fetish for having his inside leg measured and one guy sees nothing wrong with shooting people. Welcome to Crane, Poole and Schmit. The best legal firm in Boston.
Bwah dawh dan dan dan da nun…
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[photo: ABC.com]
Boston Legal
ReplyDeleteSmoke Signals
Original Air Date: Sept 22, 2008
Kathryn - TwoCents Reviewer
Boston Legal is the show where you can be yourself. One guy keeps his hands on his legs all the time; one guy has a fetish for having his inside leg measured and one guy sees nothing wrong with shooting people. Welcome to Crane, Poole and Schmit. The best legal firm in Boston.
Bwah dawh dan dan dan da nun…
In the last four seasons of Boston Legal producer David E Kelly has taken on the war in Iraq, salmon farming, education, social security, global warming, and shown there is nothing wrong with dressing up as a flamingo with your best friend. What possible global issue will he tackle next?
Oh, yes: A tobacco company and Denny must tackle the problem of his non functioning tackle.
Speaking of tackle, Alan and Denny have been accepted into the Coast Guard. The first thing they do is head for a ship full of ‘persons of interest’, mostly because they are young, female and wearing bikinis.
So Alan Shore raises his margarita to the audience raises his glass to audience and announces ‘so the last season of Boston Legal begins’. Not with a whimper, but with Denny in a Jacuzzi surrounded by half naked women.
Cue the credits: It’s sweet this season. There’s lots of hugging.
Bethany, the little person, is back and she wants to get a big nasty tobacco company for killing her client and his doctor. Shirley Schmit reminds everyone this is like waiting for Godot, ie good luck. But Carl Sack says good luck and it’s on for lawyer and smoking beast. Even Denny is woken up to help with the good fight.
But as usual Alan has slept with the opposing council (Phoebe). Oh do I sense sexual tension here?
Considering Alan smokes cigars he’s very moralistic about the tobacco industry and does his usual left wing spiel, but it’s when he says the word ‘numb’ Denny freezes. Nothing’s up, and that’s the problem. It’s receded like a turtle into its shell. Denny wants to borrow Shirley’s cheerleading costume, but she isn’t having a bar of it. Bar… law… bar… get it?
Phoebe offers $140 thousand to the dead guy’s daughter in settlement, but Alan reckons that is a lousy amount of money for a man’s life, Phoebe has become a corporate whore and he tells her to sod off.
Cue obligatory shots of Boston. They love doing that. Just in case we forget the show is set in Boston. It’s almost as bad as Torchwood where they constantly show off the amazing and wonderful tourist sites you can visit if you are mad enough to go to Wales on holiday.
Back to the courtroom and Denny’s phone has the most erotic ring tone I have ever heard, this is especially inappropriate when some poor woman is telling the story of her dad snuffing it of cancer. Alan is pissed and tells him to shut up. Fortunately Denny falls asleep again and we can get back to the terrifying addictive properties of cigarettes and the agonizing pain of watching a loved one dying of cancer.
Excuse me; I’m having an odd craving. Back in a tick
Oddly enough Phoebe and her tobacco company reckon it probably wasn’t the 50 years of smoking, but anything else that caused his lung cancer. Then it’s ‘oh baby baby again’ on Denny’s phone. Now Alan is really pissed.
Denny’s afraid his penis has Alzheimer’s, but Alan ‘a Shores’ him it happens every so often, even with a scantily clad woman in a hot tub.
Back in the courtroom Jerry ‘hands on his thighs’ Espenson is in fine form. He’s a bit more not quite so ‘unusual’ this season. He’s in charge of the David E Kelly memorial lecture on the evils of tobacco companies. One death every six seconds. Oh how jolly. He also gets to carry Bethany around which is just cute.
Alan seems to think all this suing tobacco companies is jolly because he suddenly launches into a dream sequence dream number with lots of dancing and singing. Aw! He’s not over Phoebe, but she reckons he’s lost it. Fortunately he always has Denny to cheer him up or shoot something.
The completely implausible Alan Shore Memorial Emmy Winning Closing Speech (just not this year) is slightly interrupted when Denny’s phone goes off a third time. He’s now changed the ring tone to a sheep (don’t quite know what that is meant to signify).
We have to get a little serious here as Alan points out that because the tobacco industry loses about a third to half its customers each year (no, they don’t end up on a desert island: they die) they desperately have to try to recruit more kiddies to take up smoking to keep the sales up – and presumably keep oncologists like Wilson from House in business.
The jury obviously doesn’t watch House and they make the mysterious and ambiguous connection between the dead guy and the fact he smoked for fifty years.
Chalk one up for the little guy, or in this case – chalk one up for the dwarf.
Balcony time
Shirley has left Denny a little present. “Are we weird,” asks Alan as they dance around the balcony to bits of Shirley’s cheerleading outfit.
Yes, yes you are Alan. Decidedly odd.
Odd things about this episode: The director had an unusual fascination with Alan Shore’s briefcase. It’s featured quite a bit, but yet is not mentioned in the credits.
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