“The Ghost Network”
Original Airdate: September 23, 2008
Tameca - TwoCents Reviewer
This was hands down the best episode of Fringe so far. Funny quotes, gross out moments, deception, a funeral, and we were introduced to SuperJuniorAgent Astrid.
The episode opens with a man half crying, half confessing to a priest. He can see things, *cue flash to a business man boarding a bus, camera takes notice of a brunette woman clutching a blue backpack and a lovey-dovy couple recording themselves.
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[photo: Patrick Harbon/FOX]
ReplyDelete“The Ghost Network”
Original Airdate: September 23, 2008
Tameca - TwoCents Reviewer
This was hands down the best episode of Fringe so far. Funny quotes, gross out moments, deception, a funeral, and we were introduced to SuperJuniorAgent Astrid.
The episode opens with a man half crying, half confessing to a priest. He can see things, *cue flash to a business man boarding a bus, camera takes notice of a brunette woman clutching a blue backpack and a lovey-dovy couple recording themselves. As the bust enters a tunnel, the man pulls on a gas mask and releases a gas container. He steals the backpack belonging to the brunette, exits the bus, and gets into a getaway car. *end flash
The crying man runs from the confessional and the Priest gives chase, calling out “I know its you Roy.” to no avail. Roy gets away leaving behind a freaky picture and his rosary.
Olivia and Charlie are at Johns funeral, he is being buried with full honors and Olivia couldn’t look more pissed. Johns mother eyes her the entire time, casting blame without words. Olivia makes it through the funeral and Charlie attempts to make her laugh before Agent Phillip Broyles AKA SexyDarkAgent interrupts them to bring Olivia her next case.
The team arrives at the bus crime scene. The passengers are frozen in mid motion “Like Mosquito’s stuck in Amber”. Walter explains that this was caused by the gas colliding with the nitrogen.
As Charlie, Olivia, and the team go through the evidence. They find the young couples camcorder and spot the brunette clutching her backpack. Her name was Evelina, she was an undercover special agent. They called in her handler- Grant. He told them she had learned of an event called the pattern, but he had no idea what it was. He asked to identify her body and Olivia watch him stand beside her body, trailing his fingers down her arm.
Cut to the bad guys realizing the backpack doesn’t hold what they were looking for.
The priest calls the police on Roy and at his apartment they discover paintings, depicting previous Pattern incidents. They bring him in for questioning and he explains his abilities. Feelings come upon him and the only way to rid himself of them is to put them on paper.
Walter realizes he had been a test subject years ago and the metallic compound injected into his brain had multiplied over the years, turning him into a receiver. Walter and William Bell worked on the project together. A Ghost Network that allows information to be transmitted directly from one person to another. He had been a test subject years ago and the metallic compound injected into his brain had multiplied over the years, turning him into a receiver.
They plan to rewire his brain using an machine from old days. So he can hear what is being said instead of just seeing it. They are successful and Roy relays the conversations being held in Latin. Fortunately (and conveniently) SuperJuniorAgent Astrid majored in linguistics and can translate for the team. “Something‘s going down at South station and they found what they were looking for on her person”
Olivia realizes that whatever they had been looking for was on Evelina’s body *cue flash to Handler Grant saying goodbye to his dead agent, his back to Olivia as he cut into the palm of Elvina’s hand and removed a round disc.
They rush to the Station and arrive in time to see Grant pass off a package and get shot by the business man from the bus. Olivia and Agent Phillip give chase, caught up to him and ordered him to drop the package. Rather than turn himself in, the business man stepped backward into the path of an outgoing train. And that was the end of his story.
Per the norm for Fringe there were several surprising developments at the end. Agent Philip took the circular disc to Nina Sharp at Massive Dynamics and they had a strange conversation about Agent Dunham. Nina Sharpe in turn, took it to her scientists and it was revealed that John Scott was being sustained(alive?) and they were downloading information from a disc inside him.
The episode ended with Peter playing Jazz on the piano for the team….very touching.
I loved this episode, it made a true fan out of me. Anna Torv’s interaction with Walter and Peter had an authentic feel to it this week. As if they had worked together forever. I have a sneaking suspicion that Olivia Dunham is somehow connected to the pattern. The conversation between Agent Phillip and Nina had serious undertones. We got a fleeting mention of Peters mother and some classic Father/son scenes in the diner.
I loved the scene outside the interrogation room between Agent Phillip and Peter. Am I alone in thinking that Peter sometimes comes off as extremely arrogant? We learned that a man is following peter and he was suppose to notify certain individuals when he came back to town. My favorite part of the episode had to be when SuperJuniorAgent Astrid and Peter updated Olivia on their progress and Walter gave dramatic sound effects on the piano, in the background.
The gross out moment in this episode had to be when Walter was drilling into Roy’s forehead. Ugh, so disgusting.
Walter: Omigod
Roy: WHAT???
Walter: I believe with the proper modulation you can receive satellite television for free.
Peter: They say the psych profiles of cop and criminals are almost identical, ever consider a life of crime?”
Olivia: No dental.
What do you guys think? Does Astrid’s newly revealed linguistic skills endear her to you? Does Phillip Broyles have Olivia Dunham on his team for a mysterious reason? Is John Scott alive? Feel free to leave your two cents below.