Monday, May 5, 2008

"Lost" Recap & Review - "Something Nice Back Home"

“Something Nice Back Home”

Original Air Date: May 1,2008

Laura Ann - TwoCents Staff Writer

Another week, another episode of “Lost”…another set of questions that are raised & not answered…

These were my reactions...

1. We start with Jack’s eye opening to reveal that he’s been unconscious on the beach. Usually the episodes tend to center around whoever’s eye it is. Hence: Jack. Juliet says Jack needs to rest but Jack is all, “No! I am the leader! I am Dr. Jack Shepherd! Which A) Means I’m a shepherd aka LEADER & B) I’m a doctor which means you should be intimidated by my title & listen to whatever I say.”

Juliet answers back with, “Wwweeelll…MY name is Dr. Juliet the Other…which means I am just as smart but also way more intimidating & creepy because of my Otherness.”

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  1. Lost
    “Something Nice Back Home”

    Original Air Date: May 1,2008

    Laura Ann - TwoCents Staff Writer

    Another week, another episode of “Lost”…another set of questions that are raised & not answered…

    These were my reactions...

    1. We start with Jack’s eye opening to reveal that he’s been unconscious on the beach. Usually the episodes tend to center around whoever’s eye it is. Hence: Jack. Juliet says Jack needs to rest but Jack is all, “No! I am the leader! I am Dr. Jack Shepherd! Which A) Means I’m a shepherd aka LEADER & B) I’m a doctor which means you should be intimidated by my title & listen to whatever I say.”

    Juliet answers back with, “Wwweeelll…MY name is Dr. Juliet the Other…which means I am just as smart but also way more intimidating & creepy because of my Otherness.”

    Jack: “GAAhhhhhh!! Why did you just rupture my appendix with your complete lack of respect Juliet?! Why?!”

    Juliet: “To PROVE to you that I am just as awesome & will perform an appendectomy & you can’t do anything about it.”

    Jack: “Sigh. Can I please at least not be numbed during the surgery?”

    Juliet: “Sigh. I suppose. But anymore of your lip & the chloroform will be there sir.”

    2. Meanwhile, we get a flash forward! Hurrah! What? Jack & Kate are a couple? What? This is AFTER the huge airport confrontation that we saw in the finale of season 3?? Ok…so here’s what we know now….
    -Jack & Kate live together.
    -Jack has developed an attachment to Aaron. It still makes me sick whenever I see Aaron without his mom & seeing Kate raise him.
    (Oh, quick bit of trivia…the book Jack was reading Aaron was “Alice In Wonderland.”)
    -Jack is still a doctor..but still has a drug/alcohol problem & starts seeing his father again.

    3. Jack goes to visit Hurley! Awww..Hurley’s crazy & has apparently stopped taking his meds & still sees/talks to Charlie on a regular basis. I, for one, do not quite believe Charlie is dead.

    4. Lots of meaningless yelling goes on back at the beach & Jin, Sun, Creepy Dude, & Charlotte all go to one of the hatches…I forget why…it’s not important. I think medical supplies maybe. Creepy Dude & Charlotte have a crush on each other. Don’t care!

    5. Back to the future….Jack & Kate get engaged. Weird. Then Kate gets home late & Jack has like two empty bottles of wine & a ton of beer out on the table & wants to know where she was. Kate lies….THEN…Kate admits she was doing something for Sawyer because she promised. We find out these things:
    -Jack saves Kate.
    -Sawyer CHOSE to stay behind on the island & is therefore still alive…hurrah!
    -I still don’t fully trust Kate. She’s being portrayed as the good girl…but she still burnt a house down with a human being in it & she still robbed banks & did crazy stuff…and now she’s a stay-at-home mom? I think not.

    6. Back to the beach…Sawyer wakes up & Claire & Aaron are gone. Sawyer goes running around looking for them (oh by the way, Claire saw her dad (Jack’s dad) at the campfire with them holding the baby that night…run, Sawyer, run! Sawyer finds the baby! Why do I feel like I’m watching season 1? There’s the baby. But no Claire. Sigh. I know they’re TRYING to make me care but I just don’t because this whole episode is focusing on storylines from THREE YEARS AGO. Sigh.

    7. The most exciting part of this episode was the previews for next week when they meet a guy on the island who says he’s been dead for 12 years. WWOOO!!!!!

  2. Are we SURE that the flash forward engagement was AFTER the airport confrontation? I don't think it is... I think it is between getting off the island and crazy messed-up drunk Jack. I think it signals the beginning of Jack's decline.

    And as for the dude in the previews for next week... Well, he was a creepy yellow-eyed serial killer on The X-Files years ago so I have preemptively decided to not trust him. I did the same with Jin and Bernard... they used to work for Wolfram & Heart, people! :)


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