Monday, April 28, 2008

"Grey's Anatomy" Recap & Review - "Where the Wild Things Are"

Grey’s Anatomy
“Where The Wild Things Are”

Original Air Date: April 24, 2007

Valeria – TwoCents Reviewer

Just a refresher: George and Izzie are finally over. Rose and Derek are definitely dating. George and Lexie are new roomies. Grey’s Anatomy returns, with an episode that is entertaining, but definitely leaves something lacking. The residents are back to their old ways, namely being childish and competitive (but isn’t that why we love them?). Cristina is in the lead, obviously being the most competitive, and Izzie is lagging behind, desperate to catch up. You see, it seems like she’s going through a personal crisis of sorts, insecure about what her instincts are as a doctor. This feeling leads her to perform over $120,000 worth of pointless tests on a man with a swollen ankle.

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  1. Grey’s Anatomy
    “Where The Wild Things Are”

    Original Air Date: April 24, 2007

    Valeria – TwoCents Reviewer

    Just a refresher: George and Izzie are finally over. Rose and Derek are definitely dating. George and Lexie are new roomies. Grey’s Anatomy returns, with an episode that is entertaining, but definitely leaves something lacking. The residents are back to their old ways, namely being childish and competitive (but isn’t that why we love them?). Cristina is in the lead, obviously being the most competitive, and Izzie is lagging behind, desperate to catch up. You see, it seems like she’s going through a personal crisis of sorts, insecure about what her instincts are as a doctor. This feeling leads her to perform over $120,000 worth of pointless tests on a man with a swollen ankle.

    The rest of the doctors treat two brothers that were attacked by a Mama Bear in the forest. Big brother dies (his intestine were hanging out of his body) and it turns out that little brother has a tumor that causes behavioral problems. Meredith suspects this is why he thought it was a good idea to marry his rebound girlfriend after 10 days and pet a bear cub. Could it be that Meredith is imposing her own feelings?

    Meredith has been to three therapy sessions and has yet to say anything. She and Derek haven’t spoken since he got with Rose, and she still blows up at Lexie when she tries to be a compassionate little sister. By the way, Rose has become a very annoying love-sick teenage girl, who when her lover is out of sight, yells out to a complete stranger (Lexie) about BEING IN LOVE WITH DEREK. Thanks Shonda, for making me think she’s annoying as HALE.

    George swallowed a whole bottle of bitter pills after breaking up with Izzie, because right now he is insufferable, and causing a lot of distress to his new roommate – forcing her to steal things from the hospital to make their cock-roach infested apartment slightly homier.

    While Cristina’s been sleeping at the hospital trying to win the competition, her new roommate Callie has become BFFLs with Erica Hahn. Cristina tries to penetrate the bubble and is thoroughly re-buffed. But in the OR, it seems that little by little Hahn might be warming up to her.

    McSteamy + McDreamy = AWESOME-NESS OF LIFE. I agree with McSteamy, Derek needs to be single for a while so that the two of them can be on the prowl together. I really want to see what life was like pre-Addison. Mre homo-eroticness between the two of them I say . . .

    Mark: I thought it was gonna be the two of us.
    Derek: What, sleeping with each other?
    Mark: No!

    Haha! Love it.

    Per usual, Alex has a nice scene that gives us a glimpse into his past, and then leaves the audience questioning everything about him. Please, give me more of these.
    Meredith ended up winning the competition and with it a sparkly red pager and the privilege for the next months to get first dibs on every surgery

    As for Tumor-guy, it turns out to be inoperable. But Meredith, because she’s a good doctor, searches for a way to operate. She seeks out a certain lovely-haired Neurosurgeon to help her out. She might just be making progress in therapy.

    So, that’s it for the first new episode of Grey’s since the writer’s strike. Like I said before, it was good, but it’s still nothing compared to the glory days of season two and early season three. I was hoping that the writer’s strike would have brought the show back to its heyday.
    But with Addison coming back for an episode next week, and a whole ½ season packed into four or five episodes, good things might still be on the horizon.

    So, I wanna hear, what did y’all think about the episode?

  2. Thanks for the review - my TiVo didn't bother to tape it. Grr!!
    So who here still wants Izzie with Alex? I do!
    What exactly happened that revealed part of Alex's past?

  3. It was just a conversation with the Chief about being an underdog. It was just sort of a little gem about how Alex keeps what's going on in his life really to himself. . . i feel that those scenes are always really subtle, which I like.

    And yes, I totally want Alex & Izzie together again - it was the only time that I could stand her.


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