Tuesday, November 20, 2007

"King of the Hill" Recap & Review - "Raise the Stakes"

King of the Hill
"Raise the Stakes"

Original Airdate 11-18-07

Jeff L - TwoCents Staff Writer

Hank is having a barbeque. He’s just put the finishing touches on some propane grilled steaks and everyone sits down to enjoy them, but the steaks are awful. Hank heads to the Mega-Low Mart to talk to the butcher but they don’t have a butcher anymore and everything in their meat department now comes packaged from the Mega-Low headquarters.

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  1. King of the Hill
    "Raise the Stakes"

    Original Airdate 11-18-07

    Jeff L - TwoCents Staff Writer

    Hank is having a barbeque. He’s just put the finishing touches on some propane grilled steaks and everyone sits down to enjoy them, but the steaks are awful. Hank heads to the Mega-Low Mart to talk to the butcher but they don’t have a butcher anymore and everything in their meat department now comes packaged from the Mega-Low headquarters.

    Hank runs into Appleseed, the local hippie dippy guy. Appleseed wants to turn Hank on to some quality meat at his co-op. The places is full of hippies but Hank really likes the looks of their meat department. Hanks tries to buy a bunch of meat and vegetables, but they won’t let him since he’s not a member of the co-op. Hank fills out the paperwork to join the co-op and has Appleseed buy all his groceries. Appleseed tries to get Hank to try out the hemp toilet paper, but that’s too much for him and he grabs the meat and vegetables and takes off.

    As casa Hill, the family is loving the co-op food. Hank, in order to fulfill his membership requirements, has to volunteer for a few hours at the non-profit co-op. Nobody there knows much about running a business and soon Hank whips everyone into shape. They even let Hank drive up to the farm where all their cattle is free ranged. The alley gang all accuse Hank of being a hippie, but he doesn’t want to talk about it.

    The girl running the cash register at the co-op thinks that it must be broken, since it’s still filled with money after all the vendors and suppliers have been paid. Hank figures out that the register isn’t broken it’s just full of profits and that freaks everyone out since they are supposed to be a non-profit organization. They flip the “open” sign to “gone to yoga” and lock the doors.

    The hippies think they need to smash everything in the store and use the profits to fix everything, but Hank sets everyone straight. Hanks wants to buy a new sign for the store and fix all the carts. He also wants to do away with the membership fee so everyone can shop at the store.

    The hippies are going through some Growing Pains when some yuppies start to shop at the store. But the real trouble starts when Mega-Low Mart tries to buy out the co-op. There’s a big meeting and the hippies are all going to sell. Hank doesn’t want to lose the co-op and the farm, but he’s just one member and he gets out voted.

    Later, Appleseed see’s what Mega-Low Mart has done to the place and how they are treating the cattle on the co-op’s old farm. He and Hank steal some cattle and Hank tries to raise them in his back yard. Kahn grows suspicious and calls the cops when the cows knock down the fence. Hank sends Appleseed to find somewhere out in the country where he can raise the cattle. He takes off with the cows just before the police arrive.

    Weeks later Hank gets a letter from Appleseed showing him out in the country with a baby calf which Hank thinks is delicious.


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