Monday, April 27, 2009

The Unit - Recap & Review - Best Laid Plans

The Unit
“Best Laid Plans”

Original Air Date: April 26, 2009

Brittany Wells – Associate Staff Writer

Another two weeks since the last episode of The Unit. What else is new? Bob’s in Rome, trying to ferret out some terrorists, while Bridget is trying to work the opposite angle in the Philippines. With only like two episodes left in the season, one only hopes these are the terrorists we’ve been looking for over the last twenty.

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[photo: CBS]

1 comment:

  1. The Unit
    “Best Laid Plans”

    Original Air Date: April 26, 2009

    Brittany Wells – Associate Staff Writer

    Another two weeks since the last episode of The Unit. What else is new? Bob’s in Rome, trying to ferret out some terrorists, while Bridget is trying to work the opposite angle in the Philippines. With only like two episodes left in the season, one only hopes these are the terrorists we’ve been looking for over the last twenty.

    This leads into Tom doing Standard Exposition Scene in the TOC. He’s talking to the Secretary of State about something with the Chinese and nuclear submarines, and then to Jonas who is in Hong Kong driving a big van. Looks like everyone racked up the frequent flier miles on this episode. I have no idea why Jonas is bothering to attempt a bad Oriental accent…as if anyone is going to believe he’s native to the country. (It reminds me of Neal McDonough trying to pretend he was Oriental in Street Fighter. I didn’t buy it then, I don’t buy it now.) Bob is in the back of the van and they’re doing all sorts of sneaky stuff trying to crack into the research lab. They have more power tools than the hardware department at a Sears, and they like blowing through layers of concrete. We intercut this with shots of Tom and Kayla (yep, still getting to run stuff) looking Very Serious, as if we’ve somehow mistaken this for Desperate Housewives. Unfortunately for Jonas and Bob, their escape is thwarted when their train is delayed indefinitely. Oops. Should have had a backup plan, boys.

    Meanwhile, Bridget is still poking around Sam, trying to figure out what the hell his problem was. Tom wants to philosophize with her, which is his nice way of telling her to let it go. I would like to point out that all of us want to know what his problem was. Much cooler, James Saito (aka Frank Chen from Eli Stone) is in this episode! Sweet. Reminds me of how much better that show was than this one is.

    And back in California, Molly is hanging out with Susan Guilum, who’s suddenly remembering stuff about her husband that of course didn’t come up months earlier. Apparently, her husband is back now – yay for John de Lancie guest spots – and wants a meeting. Susan of course is an airhead and wants to take him back, like every woman on every daytime talk show. Molly is smart enough to call Tom’s office and tip him off. Meanwhile, Mack is still having problems with Lyssie. She’s hanging out with drug dealers.

    Making things worse is Susan and Molly getting into a big unmarked van with a guy making cryptic comments. This is one of the things that should warn you about horror movies (and Lifetime movies).Said Mystery Machine finally arrives to reunite Susan with Elliot – and that slimy pain in the butt Leon Drake, not to mention Sam The Psycho, who knows who Molly really is and promptly blows it to everyone.

    Jonas and Bob get off the train only to be accosted by more security types, while Tom does his best to B.S. the authorities. Including framing Dr. Chen. Man, that is so not cool. Meanwhile, Bridget’s buddy that we met at the beginning of the episode comes through to rescue Jonas and Bob.

    Mack opens a can on the guy that Lyssie is hanging out with – and apparently in love with. And by “opens a can,” I mean has a gun and is yelling at, which given that it’s Max Martini, would be pretty good to scare the heck out of mem too. Although he sounds more like a Terminator robot while he’s doing it. Seriously. “Transmission ends”? Who wrote that? He is not the T-1000. We have the T-1000. And surprisingly, Tiffy is actually growing on me. I can’t believe I’m typing that, but it’s true.

    Sam The Psycho is still spouting off evil cliches while Susan is getting tortured, then he goes and kills both Susan and Elliot. So much for them being important (so why did we waste a whole other episode on them again, only to kill them off?). He kidnaps Molly, so we know Jonas is going to go on a rampage. Of course, Tom only bothers to check his voicemail and figure out she’s missing right at the end of the episode. Like we didn’t see this coming. Actually, is there anything we didn’t see coming?

    If anything, next week looks exciting only because we know the strength of the actors involved – one expects Dennis Haysbert and Regina Taylor to put in superb performances. (I’m not too thrilled to see Robert Patrick getting roughed up, but I’m sure he can hold his own.) But we have to ask ourselves, with only two episodes remaining in the show’s future, why are we going in circles with self-contained episodes and the same old bad guys we’ve seen all year?

    What did you think? Sound off below.


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