Wednesday, March 25, 2009

NCIS - Recap & Review - Hide And Seek

Hide and Seek

Original Air Date: March 24th, 2009

Angelique – Associate Staff Writer

A young boy living with his parents on a Navy base finds a gun and takes it home. He hides it from his mother, who finds it when she threatens to clean his room for him, if he doesn’t do it himself. He gives his hiding place away when he frantically tries to keep his mother away from a certain drawer. Inside she finds a box with an adult magazine in it. Not really surprising, boys will be boys after all, however she calls in NCIS when she finds a revolver in the box.

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[photo: CBS]

1 comment:

  1. NCIS
    Hide and seek

    Original Air Date: March 24th, 2009

    Angelique – Associate Staff Writer

    A young boy living with his parents on a Navy base finds a gun and takes it home. He hides it from his mother, who finds it when she threatens to clean his room for him, if he doesn’t do it himself. He gives his hiding place away when he frantically tries to keep his mother away from a certain drawer. Inside she finds a box with an adult magazine in it. Not really surprising, boys will be boys after all, however she calls in NCIS when she finds a revolver in the box.

    Abby finds brain matter on the gun and tells the team to gear up. Even though Abby does her best to act like Gibbs the team laughs it off and doesn’t listen think that she is being serious until Gibbs rounds the corner and tells them to listen to her.

    Noah claims that he found the gun in a storm drain at the play ground. They take Noah and his mother to the playground an tell him to show them where they found it. Two of his friends are also at the playground, Zane and Travis. The stories of the three boys don’t match up and when they are questioned the true story come out, or in this case a story which is much more true then the first story. The gun was found next to a death body.

    The hunt for the death body is on and while Ziva and Gibbs return to NCIS. Tony is left in charge with McGee as his back up on the search for the death body. The boys point them into the right direction but the body isn’t there anymore.

    McGee who used to be a scout is using all of his tracking skills to follow a tire track which goes from the scene to the asphalt road, where he looses the trail. Luckily for McGee and Tony they are able to find the body close to the road in a ditch.

    Ziva arrives back at NCIS from a trip to a gun shop, she tells that she hit a stone wall. Tony tells her that it is a brick wall not a stone wall. Ziva disagrees and tells him that she backed her car into a stone wall. Nice to see that her driving skills haven’t improved.

    Noah is being questioned by Gibbs, when it turns out that the tire track matches a wagon that he owns. Noah breaks down and first tells that he is the one who killed Dylan. But Gibbs doesn’t believe him tells him that he must be protecting someone important. He then tells that his father is the one who killed Dylan.

    Noah’s father however is cleared when Abby and Ducky find evidence which puts the murder three days after he deployed to Iraq.

    Another boy Joey Ellis is connected to Dylan, he is found death. He killed himself. Rebecca, Noah’s sister was his best friend. He was being bullied by Dylan, thanks to Dylan Joey couldn’t join the marines. Dylan taunted and pushed Joey till he couldn’t take it anymore. He committed suicide, and Rebecca was the one who found him. She took the gun and wanted to tell Dylan what he had done, the gun went off and Dylan was killed as well.

    I loved this episode, this is why I watch this show. It had everything great interaction between the actors, good storylines and a good supporting cast. There was a serious case but also the lighter tone when they make fun of each other.

    It keeps me wondering though how do you think that you can replace handmade, one of a kind golf clubs and hope that the original owner won’t notice is beyond me? I mean wouldn’t ‘one of a kind’ be the keyword here? Though after all those teasing comments Tony made towards McGee he really had it coming so him buying the wrong left handed golf clubs was really a good punishment. Oh well he can always auction them off and maybe he will receive more money for it then he paid, who knows.

    Did you like the episode just as much as I did? Share your two cents with me, I am curious to see if others agree with me.


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