Thursday, March 5, 2009

Lost - Recap & Review - LaFleur


Original Air Date: March 4, 2009

Laura Kelley - Associate Staff Writer

Everyone who thought tonight’s Lost was a big heaping bowl of boring, raise your hands! Okay, that’s everyone. Last week’s episode kicked major ass, but this week’s was like normal Lost after a massive dose of tranquilizers. Why? My guess is because there was no Ben this week. If you take the cool, diabolical, interesting guy out of the show, you get an hour of Sawyer yelling. Not cool, Lost.

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[photo: ABC]


  1. Lost

    Original Air Date: March 4, 2009

    Laura Kelley - Associate Staff Writer

    Everyone who thought tonight’s Lost was a big heaping bowl of boring, raise your hands! Okay, that’s everyone. Last week’s episode kicked major ass, but this week’s was like normal Lost after a massive dose of tranquilizers. Why? My guess is because there was no Ben this week. If you take the cool, diabolical, interesting guy out of the show, you get an hour of Sawyer yelling. Not cool, Lost.
    We’re back to Sawyer trying to rescue Locke from the well, and Miles notices they’re “way before.” We see a giant statue, start thinking that we’re about to learn something, and then BAM, Locke turns the wheel and we’re plunged into an hour of TV that made me envy those who were already comatose, probably from that God-awful Paolo and Nikki episode a few years ago.

    Miles, Jin, Sawyer, Juliet, and Daniel wake up to find the well sealed off and their nosebleeds gone. Three years later, a few Dharma people are dancing in a surveillance room when they see Horace on the camera feed, lighting dynamite. They go to get LaFleur, who turns out to be Sawyer. (Really, dude? You get to make up an alias and you pick something totally uncool? I would’ve picked Cobra.) Sawyer and Miles go get Horace and bring him back to his pregnant (!) wife Amy.

    Three years earlier, Sawyer and Juliet find Daniel crying over Charlotte. He tells them they’re in this time for good, and he’ll never tell Charlotte she’ll die. Sure he won’t. While they’re walking back toward the beach, they hear gunshots and a woman screaming. They go to investigate, and see two hostiles putting bags over a woman’s head.

    Juliet and Sawyer kill the hostiles, and save Amy. She cries over the body of Paul, her husband, and says they have to bury the hostiles and bring Paul’s body back because of a truce. They agree, and head to Dharma camp. Amy pretends to turn off the fence, but everyone collapses. Three years later, Amy is giving birth, but the baby is breach. Sawyer/LaFleur goes to get Juliet, who has taken the Flashdance approach to life and spends her days at a manly job, and probably dances at night. What a feeling, indeed. We learn that Jin’s English has greatly improved, Sawyer now has time to straighten his hair, and that the baby survives. It’s a boy!

    Three years earlier(again) sawyer wakes up on Horace’s couch and makes up a story about how he and his posse were on a salvage vessel looking for the Black Rock, and he was the captain. Despite the story, Horace tells them they have to leave on the submarine. Juliet tells Miles about her time as an Other, and Daniel sees Charlotte as a kid, and I started having terrible Breaking Dawn flashbacks. Anyone else lame enough to remember the fourth Twilight book, where Jacob falls in love with that baby? Yeah, it’s creepy in the Lost universe, too. Don’t go there, Daniel. An alarm sounds, and they all hide in a house. Oh snap, it’s Richard Alpert!

    Horace goes to talk to him, and we learn that the fence can’t keep Alpert out, probably due to the sheer force of his hotness. (Why yes, I do spend a lot of time reading romance novels. How could you tell?) Sawyer goes to talk to Alpert. He admits to killing Alpert’s men, and asks him about meeting Locke and burying Jughead. In exchange for keeping the truce, Amy agrees to give Alpert her husband’s body. Horace hits on her even though her husband just died, and gives Sawyer two weeks to find his crew. Juliet agrees to wait two weeks.

    Three years later, Sawyer and Juliet make out and say they love each other, and I realized that I like Juliet in comparison to Kate. She may not wear a bra, but at least she isn’t whiny. Sawyer tells Horace his baby was born, and Horace says they fought over Paul’s necklace. Sawyer says three years is enough time to get over someone, but the next morning, the phone rings, and Jin has found Kate and the others. Lame.

    I was really disappointed this week. We learned basically nothing that didn’t involve Sawyer’s hair, Kate showed up with her one facial expression, and I accidentally caught the last ten minutes of the special-ed version of last week’s episode before this one. On the bright side, Ben will be back in two weeks, as will the show. Stupid hiatus! What did you all think? Leave me your two cents in the comments!

  2. WOW. FREAKING WOW. This episode blew last weeks out of the water. First, the statue when the team is briefly stuck in time... god I want to know what that statue is.

    Then the story and then at the end the Sawyer-Kate tension.

    Oh man, that was a classic.

  3. Ha I commented before I Read your R&R-- you really didn't like this weeks? I loved it. I actually thought last weeks was less interesting.

    But, to be fair, I am in love with Kate and Juliet and so Sawyer is like my hero. And Juliet never- NEVER- needs to wear a bra! :)

  4. Now, I love me some Ben... don't get me wrong. But I liked this episode. Back to old school Lost. I liked that that the producers equalized the time between the Oceanic Six and those they left behind. I liked that Jin's English got better. And I REALLY liked seeing Eyeliner Richard freaked out for once. Nice.

    Ah, the four-toed statue... and it was completely intact! That jump was WAY back in time!

  5. I thought this was a great eppie. I had forgot what a great actor Josh Hollaway is. Didn't think I'd go for Sawyer/Juliet, but they made it believable. Hate that Kate will probably ruin that, but I think she came back for Sawyer.

  6. Awww, I thought this episode was awesome. They can't all be fast paced action, but I loved the tone of this. I liked knowing what happened to everyone on the island and how they integrated into that environment. But I'd be lying if I said I didn't miss my dose of Benry :D


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