Thursday, March 26, 2009

Lost - Recap & Review - He's Our You

“He’s Our You”

Original Airdate: March 25th, 2009

Laura Kelley, Associate Staff Writer

I was hoping for a Lost episode with tons of Ben for my birthday, and I sort of got it. But I also got tons of Sayid, whose crisis of conscience is getting a little old. In a flashback, he killed a chicken for his brother and was praised for it, which is a bit of a character insight. Back in the (sort of) present, Little Ben brings Sayid a chicken salad sandwich, and hopes Sayid will take him to the hostiles. The plot thickens…

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[photo: ABC]


  1. Lost
    “He’s Our You”

    Original Airdate: March 25th, 2009

    Laura Kelley, Associate Staff Writer

    I was hoping for a Lost episode with tons of Ben for my birthday, and I sort of got it. But I also got tons of Sayid, whose crisis of conscience is getting a little old. In a flashback, he killed a chicken for his brother and was praised for it, which is a bit of a character insight. Back in the (sort of) present, Little Ben brings Sayid a chicken salad sandwich, and hopes Sayid will take him to the hostiles. The plot thickens…

    In Moscow, a man runs and hides in a room, but Sayid bursts in and shoots him. Then, Sayid goes to meet Ben, who is wearing a jaunty hat. Ben says they’re done, and Sayid has killed everyone that poses a threat to the six. Back on the island, Horace comes into Sayid’s cell, because he thinks Sayid is either a spy or he’s against the hostiles.

    Juliet tells Sawyer that she thinks it’s over since Kate came back. He sort of reassures her, and then goes to talk to Sayid. He punches Sayid, saying he has to make his confession look convincing. But Sayid says he’d rather be on his own. In the Dharma cafeteria, Hurley brings Kate and Jack breakfast, and tells Kate that Juliet and Sawyer are together. She puts on her lame face and starts pouting about it. Little Ben tries to bring Sayid another sandwich, but his father beats him for it.

    In a flashback, Ben comes to see Sayid while he’s building houses in the Dominican Republic. He tells him that being a killer is part of who he is, and he can’t change it. This will be proven later in the episode. On the island, Sayid is taken by the Dharma guys to see Oldham, a creepy old man who lives in a tent in the woods. Sayid asks who he is, and Sawyer says “he’s our you.” Oldham has him tied to a tree, and gives him a pill. Hey, I like this guy already!

    Before they went back to the island, Sayid met a woman in a bar who he thinks is a prostitute, but is really a bounty hunter. In his hotel room, she attacks him and says she’s taking him to Guam so he can pay for one of the men he killed. But the plane to Guam never makes it, so that’s how he ended up back on the island. On the island, he’s paying for something different, and he tells Oldham that he’s not a hostile and he’s from the future, and that they’re all going to die. No one believes him.

    Kate goes to talk to Juliet, but they’re interrupted by the Dharma van returning with Sayid. Radzinsky wants to kill him, and everyone votes with Radzinsky. Back in his cell, Sawyer tells Sayid to steal his keys so he can escape but Sayid still refuses. Sawyer goes to Kate’s house, and asks her why she came back, but a flaming van crashes into Dharmaville before she can answer. Little Ben breaks Sayid out, and Sayid agrees to take him to the hostiles. While they’re in the woods, Jin drives by in a Dharma van, and Sayid hits him so he can’t call Sawyer. Sayid says that Ben was right, and shoots him.

    Though I do absolutely adore little Ben, since he’s both precious and diabolical, I thought this episode lagged in parts. Horace should have had less screen time, and I might go on a rampage if Kate tries to break Sawyer and Juliet up. There are more pressing issues here, like the fact that is Faraday is right and the six can’t change the past, then they cannot be killed, or that would alter the future. So Little Ben is obviously not dead, and that’s how he knows that Sayid will always be a killer.

    What did y’all think? Leave your Two Cents in the comments!

  2. Ok, Based on what Farraday has said in the past- about how the future has basically already happened at the there are things that are "meant to happen" and thus will happen one way or another.

    Based on that, doesn't Ben have to be alive, or if he is dead, won't the big events still find a way to happen? For example, someone else will lead the genocide of Dharma?

    I am leaning towards Ben still being alive somehow. The island is also magical, after all.

    Awesome episode, though. flaming bus for the win!!


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