Friday, March 20, 2009

Bones - Recap & Review - The Salt in the Wounds

The Salt in the Wounds

Original Air Date: Mar 19, 2009

Karen - Sr Staff Writer

This case dealt mostly about some high school girls that are pregnant by the same boy. One of the girls is found dead in a huge pile of salt. The issue is mostly about how the boy doesn’t take any responsibility for what he did because the girls wanted to get pregnant so they can all live together and get out from under the parents. Whatever!

So there, that is what it was about in a nutshell; now, let’s talk about what happened to the main characters…shall we?

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[photo: FOX]

1 comment:

  1. This case dealt mostly about some high school girls that are pregnant by the same boy. One of the girls is found dead in a huge pile of salt. The issue is mostly about how the boy doesn’t take any responsibility for what he did because the girls wanted to get pregnant so they can all live together and get out from under the parents. Whatever!
    So there, that is what it was about in a nutshell; now, let’s talk about what happened to the main characters…shall we?

    Angela wants to adopt a dog or cat with Roxie. When she approaches Roxie about this, Roxie gives a look of “we need to talk”. Roxie ends up breaking up with Angela, but surprisingly she takes it pretty well. Of course when Hodgins finds out, he takes her for coffee to talk, but they end up in the artifacts room…in bed. Maybe that should turn Angela back around, huh?

    Brennen and Angela talk and at first Brennen agrees that they are alike in thinking their decisions out. Brennen also says they make rational decisions on who we want to be with. But Angela says that it has to do with the heart. Finding the right person and becoming one.
    Sweets tells Angela, if she wants to try something different from living life in the moment, to try and leave sex out of the equation. She is like…WHAT? He suggests to her to go 6 months without sex. I don’t think she can do that. We will see.

    Finally, in the end, Booth and Bones are talking and he decides he is going to talk to the boy who got the girls preggers and shake some sense into his head. It works.

    What did you think of the episode? I think it needed more Booth/ Bones interaction.


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