Things A Mama Don't Know
Original Air Date – 5 Jan 2009
Kara – TwoCents Staff Writer
Wow, what an episode! This week, One Tree Hill comes back from their December break with a definite bang. Brooke finally gets to confront her attacker and Sam is in big trouble. As for Peyton's mystery disease they were leading us to believe was cancer? Well, mystery solved.
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[photo: CWTV.com]
Wow, what an episode! This week, One Tree Hill comes back from their December break with a definite bang. Brooke finally gets to confront her attacker and Sam is in big trouble. As for Peyton's mystery disease they were leading us to believe was cancer? Well, mystery solved.
ReplyDeleteDear Peyton Sawyer is pregnant. She tells Lucas by saying she doesn't know if she can call him her fiancé anymore. Uh oh. It seems like a classic Peyton moment, with her running and pushing everyone away when things get rough but she quickly turns it around, calling him her baby daddy, saving us from waiting and wondering through a commercial break. Lucas is busy meeting with an important producer, Julian's father, who doesn't believe in his son and Peyton spends the episode helping out with someone else's crisis. They do finally meet up at the end and share a sweet moment.
Now, you remember when we last saw Brooke, a sobbing, deeply apologetic Sam confessed she knew who had taken the sketches and then ran right out of the house. Brooke, completely stunned and no doubt reliving the attack in her mind, didn't follow right away. This episode picks up where she left off, flying about the town, searching everywhere for Sam. The police won't help her but she finally realizes Sam is probably with Jack, the boy she discovered in Sam's bedroom.
Meanwhile, Sam is being held hostage by Jack's older brother. Ever the gentlemen, when Sam convinces Jack they need to get out, Jack opens a window and lets himself out first. You guessed it, Jack's brother grabs Sam before she can follow and Jack runs. He takes out a roll of duct tape and menacingly rips off a piece. What we have here is a bad situation. He beats his own brother, viciously attacked Brooke and murdered Quentin without a second thought.
Luckily, or unluckily, depending on how you see it, Brooke finds the house and has a whole creepy conversation with Jack's brother while Sam is tied up in a closet. She leaves, weirded out by his behavior and he tells her to have a nice night. She freezes, recognizes that as what her attacker said to her and pounds on the door. He opens it, Brooke maces him and gets a few good hits in before rushing around the house trying to find Sam. She finds Sam and then Jack's brother grabs Brooke and drags her through the hallway. Brooke fights back magnificently and claws her way to her purse. Jack's brother mocks her until she pulls out a gun and presses it against his head. He tells her she won't pull the trigger but she repeats that he doesn't know her. Brooke tells him how much she hates him, Sam frees herself and Julian and Jack show up.
Brooke looks every inch the girl who is about to kill this psychotic bastard and maybe she would have but Sam begs her not to, says she needs her and calls her Mom. Brooke snaps out of it long enough to tell him he doesn't get any more of her life and then promptly clocks him in the head, hard, with the gun. Sam and Brooke hug like they're never going to let go of each other. Thankfully, a police officer finds Quentin's wallet in the house so hopefully we won't ever see Jack's brother again. He's too sadistic for Tree Hill and that says something.
What I don't get is why he stole Brooke's sketches. I get that he's completely psychotic and totally gives Psycho Derek a run for title but did he know about the sketches and want them as a souvenir? Or is it just one big hole left from the maybe Victoria was behind the attack plot point?
In other parts of Tree Hill and beyond, Nathan gets the call that he's made the cut for the Charleston Chiefs and leaves to start practice. The other players aren't so welcoming, and one mocks the fact that number 23 is already taken, tells him he's not good enough and rips up the photos in Nathan's locker of him and Quentin and of Haley and Jamie. Nathan takes it all in stride, letting the worst one know that he doesn't have to worry about losing his position as point guard since he'll have it right back when Nathan makes it to the NBA. Go Nathan! That's the Nathan Scott we know and love.
At Tric, Owen drinks heavily on the job, disappointing Chase (one of Brooke's exes from high school) who has suddenly turned up in town. Jamie and Quentin's little brother go off on their own, without permission, to visit Quentin's grave. Mia struggles with writing new songs but finds some inspiration teaching Chase how to bartend, despite the fact she's only eighteen. Mouth apologizes to Millie who cuts him off to confess sleeping with Owen and they quietly break up. They'll get back together eventually. They have to.
I actually got really emotional during the fight sequence between Brooke and her attacker and the conversation that followed. I'm glad it's over. Maybe Brooke can get a pass on the psycho drama for the rest of the season. What did you think? Tell me your TwoCents in the comments so we can talk about it. See you next week!