The Brains Behind Everything
Original Air Date: 13 Nov 2008
Rachel – Two Cents Associate Editor
One of the fatal flaws of Survivor is that the people who should win or at least make it far in the game because the paranoid, manipulative, weak people vote them, the strong ones, out. I swear, Final Tribal Council has become more of a vote for the lesser of two evils than the best player. Will the cycle be broken this season? Not likely…
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[photo: CBS.com]
One of the fatal flaws of Survivor is that the people who should win or at least make it far in the game because the paranoid, manipulative, weak people vote them, the strong ones, out. I swear, Final Tribal Council has become more of a vote for the lesser of two evils than the best player. Will the cycle be broken this season? Not likely…
ReplyDeleteThe Top 9 Things I Learned About the Castaways of Survivor: Gabon
Bob is my hero. He knew he was in trouble, and when he got sent to Exile Island and discovered the Hidden Immunity Idol was already taken, he made his own. And I’m not talking a silly piece of wood with a face scratched into it, but a necklace with beads and shells and feathers. It. Was. Awesome.
Corrine has a horrific personality. She will tell you anything to get what she wants, even if it means lying through her perfectly white teeth. And she was shocked that Marcus was voted off at the last Tribal Council? She should know that there are others in the game that as just as jerky as she is.
Crystal is killing me. She is such a bitter person, and when she started referring to herself in the third person at Tribal Council, I rolled my eyes so hard they almost popped out. She is mean, too. I don’t like it one bit!
Ken thinks he is in control of everything. I can’t wait for him to get his comeuppance, if it happens. Like I said before, the weasels usually get way to close to the million in this game, and he is definitely a weasel.
Matty knew he was on the copping block before the merge, but after the change in the game, he decided to lay low for a while.
Randy must be stopped. He is so annoying. I do agree with one thing he said: that Crystal has to go (Again with the lesser of two evils!). Then, at the Reward party with a local tribe, he stated that he hadn’t had a girl come on to him in about twenty years. No surprises there!
Sugar may be too sensitive for the game, especially with the vicious turn it has taken. I really like her, but I think she has sided with the wrong group and that she will get burned soon… and that hurts my heart because she will NOT take it well. Come on, Sugar! Toughen up and kick some butt! I’m rooting for you!
Susie won the Individual Immunity Challenge! What? You heard me!
Charlie became the second member of the Jury when he was blindsided at Tribal Council. At least he’s going to the Ponderosa with Marcus!
What do YOU think? Did the right person go home? Who is YOUR least favorite castaway? Who are you rooting for? Who will be voted out next? Give us your Two Cents… We’ll buy Randy a verbal filter.
Next week: Nothing Tastes Better Than Five Hundred Dollars