“Sex Trade”
Original Air Date: Oct 12, 2008
Brittany Wells – TwoCents Reviewer
I have never been to Bosnia, but this episode wouldn’t make me want to go there. Our boys – and girl, apparently – are on the ground for a new operation trying to recover some plutonium. Moments into the episode and Bridget is complaining about how they’re behind schedule. I wonder when someone put her in charge; oh, wait, that’s right, she’s not. She just likes to act like it, Apparently, she set them up in a big vacant warehouse somewhere, organizing everything down to picking out their wardrobe. Complete with her in a dress I wouldn’t wish on a hooker. This isn’t shaping up to be one of my favorite episodes.
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[photo: Justin Lubin/Fox]
The Unit
ReplyDelete“Sex Trade”
Original Air Date: Oct 12, 2008
Brittany Wells – TwoCents Reviewer
I have never been to Bosnia, but this episode wouldn’t make me want to go there. Our boys – and girl, apparently – are on the ground for a new operation trying to recover some plutonium. Moments into the episode and Bridget is complaining about how they’re behind schedule. I wonder when someone put her in charge; oh, wait, that’s right, she’s not. She just likes to act like it, Apparently, she set them up in a big vacant warehouse somewhere, organizing everything down to picking out their wardrobe. Complete with her in a dress I wouldn’t wish on a hooker. This isn’t shaping up to be one of my favorite episodes.
In a very ugly nightclub some time later, Bob and Bridget could not possibly be talking any louder despite the fact the music isn’t that loud. How someone hasn’t heard them I have no idea. Jonas goes to meet with the guy that’s going to broker the deal for the plutonium, Dragan, who of course really works for some other terrorist named Petrov. The conversation seems to go well and Jonas finds himself treated to a hooker, by which I mean he finds out from her that she needs help for her best friend and of course he can’t turn a blind eye to the mistreatment of women. Not to mention, downstairs Bob notices their middleman also talking to someone else interested in the plutonium. Uh-oh.
Meanwhile we’ve figured out what happened to the Scientist Guy rescued on the plane last week: he’s in a military hospital being interrogated by Colonel Ryan. I use the term ‘interrogated’ loosely because he’s actually being somewhat nice while he wants to know what’s going on with said plutonium. Scientist Guy tells him it’ll be sold to somebody who wants to make a really large bomb. Obviously. I mean, who buys plutonium to make nuclear sculptures of Alan Jackson?
Bad news back in Kosovo: Jonas interrogates Dragan and finds out the mystery guys are willing to pay five million dollars more than they have. There’s no time to come up with the extra money, which means they’re just going to have to make the opposition go away. This gives us our obligatory shot of Max Martini holding a sniper rifle (does this happen every episode?) as Mack suggests they just shoot them. Jonas suggests using the hooker he met earlier to do some recon, saying she might need a favor in return. Not that he wouldn’t help her anyway. He goes back to the club that night and convinces her to find out where the other guys are holed up in exchange for safe passage for her and her friend.
Back in the unsafest hiding place in the world, Charles has turned up to give the wives paperwork on their new careers. Which leads me to wonder why we bothered hiding them at all if every member of the Unit is just going to turn up here. Molly works for their phantom aerospace company, Tiffy is going back to teaching and Kim…well, no one has any idea. Poor Kim. At least she’s not dealing with a bratty daughter and some teenage Lothario trying to hit on her, unlike Tiffy. She just has a mysterious job interview for a nanny position that suspiciously opened up.
Jonas gets the address of the mystery guys’ hideout from the girl, who in return gets him to take her to a doctor so she can get morphine for her friend, who as it turns out has AIDS. I swear I can hear violin music playing in the background. Mack, Bob and Bridget, who vaguely resembles what Barbie might look like if she wore too much makeup and went on a bender, go to check out the bad guys. They end up shooting them, which looks really suspicious to Dragan, who nonetheless is coerced into bringing his boss for a meeting which our guys plan to ambush. Except that’s not Petrov. And that’s Colonel Ryan’s annoyed face.
In California, Tiffy confides in Charles about her being sexually harassed by an eighteen-year-old and being worried about blowing her cover. Charles gives us a Zen moment by suggesting she use his own accusations against him. Things are only further complicated when Tiffy finds out Lothario has been hitting on Lissy, and the two of them decide to argue about that as if they don’t have enough to fight about. Eventually Tiffy decides to take things to the school principal…which turns out to be unnecessary because Lothario gets arrested for being in possession of a gun he swears isn’t his. It actually isn’t; Lissy planted it on him. And yet, in next week’s preview, she still hates her mom’s guts. Weird.
The real action takes place in Bosnia where the real Petrov finally stands up. He is pissy about all the difficulties, though, and demands more money – from Dragan, who doesn’t have it. Petrov says he’ll take Dragan’s harem instead including the two girls Jonas promised to save. Knowing that they can’t lose the plutonium for good, Jonas has no choice but to buy the girls from Dragan and use them to seal the deal with Petrov. The team gets the plutonium, and Dragan gets a few bullets courtesy of Jonas. Petrov gets a hole in the head courtesy of Mack. Still, there’s unfinished business: the team gives chase to the van with the women inside, but a rescue isn’t happening. The van’s been ditched, and the girls are gone. There’s nothing Jonas can do but realize he won’t be able to save them after all. And for once, as his heart breaks, Bob says what I’ve been saying for a month and tells Bridget to shut up.
Not one of my favorite episodes, though I have to admire the heart and effort Dennis Haysbert put into it. He really created a conflict and empathy for his character. I’m not fond of the high and mighty Bridget, who needs to go. And I’m convinced Mack and a sniper rifle is the best pairing on the show. Not to mention, I love how next week the previews make it seem like never mind the illegal activity, we should be more concerned that Lissy is throwing a fit. Mixed priorities anyone? What do you think? Is the show paying off its premiere or are we still waiting for the big happening? Sound off and let me know.