"The Griffin Equivalency"
Original Air Date - Oct 13, 2008
Theresa - TwoCents Staff Writer
Lesson: If you want to keep your friends, do not discover a celestial body. When Raj discovers 2008 NQ(17) - I think - he is chosen as one of People Magazine's 30 Under 30 to Watch. However, instead of thanking Howard for the mounting bracket that enabled the telescope he used to see, or being at all humble, he becomes a full-blown egomaniac within hours.
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[photo: Robert Voets/CBS]
The Big Bang Theory
ReplyDelete"The Griffin Equivalency"
Original Air Date - Oct 13, 2008
Theresa - TwoCents Staff Writer
Lesson: If you want to keep your friends, do not discover a celestial body. When Raj discovers 2008 NQ(17) - I think - he is chosen as one of People Magazine's 30 Under 30 to Watch. However, instead of thanking Howard for the mounting bracket that enabled the telescope he used to see, or being at all humble, he becomes a full-blown egomaniac within hours.
At work, Raj is treated to a new office and an assistant, while the boys try very hard to be supportive of this success. Sheldon's creepy forced smile is so awesome, it's not even funny. Well, actually it's hilarious, but you know what I mean. Penny walks in, not knowing how unbearable Raj has become, and agrees to go with him to his celebratory reception because she thinks the guys are just being rude by blowing it off. He shows up very drunk to pick her up, dressed like a high roller, raving about his limo and maligning her clothing choices. Penny can already tell this won't go well, but she continues with the "date" anyway.
At the end of the night, Raj brings Penny back to his apartment (the "Raj Mahal"), where he suggests they make out. Penny tries to make an escape, but Raj insists she talk to his parents who are calling in from India via webcam. They criticize the fact that she is not Indian, calling her "the local cuisine", and then Raj goes to throw up. In the meantime, Sheldon relates a story about how he wanted a gryphon (yes, I prefer this spelling, Chuck Lorre!) as a childhood pet after his cat Lucky died. He thinks that they should create a better friend for themselves, at which point I thought they would build a gryphon robot, but nothing ever came of that. Such a missed opportunity. The next morning, Raj comes by to apologize to Penny for his behavior, and Leonard misconstrues yet another situation when he sees a pajama'd Penny hugging him. You have to wonder how Leonard sees Penny if he thinks she's sleeping with all of his friends every week.
I really enjoyed this episode, mostly because of Sheldon's continued bewilderment at social requirements. I'm really glad they used Raj and Howard - or rather, MISTER Wolowitz - more in this episode instead of focusing too much on Penny. Nothing against Kaley Cuoco or the character, but the geek dynamic is where the strength is. Agree, disagree? Leave your Two Cents in the comments down past the quote recap, and tell me what you thought of that and the fantastic Charlie Sheen cameo!
Some of the best lines:
Howard: Poverty? Your father's a gynecologist, he drives a Bentley.
Raj: It's a lease.
Sheldon: Oh, there's my missing neutrino! You were hiding from me as an unbalanced charge, weren't you, you little subatomic dickens? Look, I found my missing neutrino.
Howard: Oh good, we can take it off the milk carton.
Sheldon: I often forget other people have limitations. It's so sad.
Howard: He can feel sadness?
Leonard: Not really, it's what you and I would call condescension.
Leonard: (referring to Sheldon's forced smile) We're here to see Koothrapali, not kill Batman.
Raj: Of course, I couldn't get you into the VIP section, because you know that's for VIPs, and you guys are just, you know... Ps.
Sheldon: For the record, it could kill us to meet new people. They may be murderers, or the carriers of unusual pathogens. And I'm not insane, my mother had me tested.
ok, so let me just say that I never laughed so much in a half hour. The face Sheldon makes when faking a smile, was hillarious!!And I have to give a shout out to the costume person who does Howards clothes.... way too funny! They are so colorful and totally play up how thin and slight-built he is. Kudo's to them!