“Cold Ground”
Original Air Date: Oct. 12, 2008
Andi - TwoCents Reviewer
Well, Gran’s dead and Sookie’s coping in that numb, shocked way that you do when you don’t quite know what to do. But Bill’s there and so is Sam and so is that awkward tension that seems to follow the two of them. And this episode is all about death and sex and family and what to do when you’re crazy and/or possessed by demons. But we’re not really going to delve into that because I’d need twenty pages and I haven’t got them. Sorry.
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True Blood
ReplyDelete“Cold Ground”
Original Air Date: Oct. 12, 2008
Andi - TwoCents Reviewer
Well, Gran’s dead and Sookie’s coping in that numb, shocked way that you do when you don’t quite know what to do. But Bill’s there and so is Sam and so is that awkward tension that seems to follow the two of them. And this episode is all about death and sex and family and what to do when you’re crazy and/or possessed by demons. But we’re not really going to delve into that because I’d need twenty pages and I haven’t got them. Sorry.
In the aftermath of Gran’s murder, Sookie and Sam have a moment on the porch and she makes it relatively clear that she doesn’t have time for his bullshit, which makes me sigh and be sad for Sam. But Sam, being the lovelorn guy that he is, fetches Bill for her like she asks. The men square off a little and Bill gets in a nice dig about Sam marking his territory. That’s a big red flag for those of you who haven’t read the series.
The cops stop Bill on his way downstairs to see Sookie and question him, but he pretty much runs their line of questioning for them. I liked Bill here. Quite a lot.
After Gran’s body is moved, a numb and broken Sookie sets to work cleaning the blood. It’s a little bit heartbreaking, I’m not gonna lie.
Come morning, the house is completely invaded by townsfolk wielding tuna casseroles like season passes to Disneyworld. They mill around, bug-eyed and curious and annoying and I wonder why no one’s opened a gift shop. Then Sookie finally looses her cool over a pecan pie and Tara and Lafayette usher her upstairs for some girl time.
I wish like hell my girl times were more like this. Tara extends some excellent advice and Lafayette provides the Valium. Yes, I realize this would seem to contradict my issues with Lafayette last week, but the defining difference is that in this scene he’s offering, not peddling. If he’d pressured Sookie like he did Jason I would have been throwing tuna casseroles at Alan Ball’s head. My faith in his character has been restored.
Meanwhile across town, Jason shows up at work with what appears to be withdrawal symptoms, unaware that Gran’s dead. Hoyt and Rene break the news and he charges to Gran’s house and proceeds to slap his sister, tell her it’s her fault Gran was killed, get royally told off by Tara, and toss Andy against a pick-up. I still maintain that he’s too stupid to live.
Tara kicks all the tourists out and someone strangles Sookie in her bedroom while she sleeps. Bill, sensing her distress, wakes up in his little hidey-hole and panics because the sun hasn’t set yet. As soon as it does though, he’s up and in her room. Apparently, Bill was dreaming because Sookie is fine, if a little woozy from the Valium. Failing to heroically save her, he does the next best thing and gets in touch with his inner stalker. He stands watch in the yard for the rest of the night. So does Lassie, something Bill does not look even a little surprised about.
Everyone except Bill is at the funeral, even Uncle Bartlet, a fact that Sookie is horrified by, but Jason seems clueless about. You’re probably as shocked as I am that Jason’s clueless about something. Does the man have even one brain cell?
With all the stress, Sookie is finding it hard to block everyone out and leads to her yelling, “Would everyone just shut the fuck up,” at the silent attendants. It’s vying for the funniest moment of the episode. The other moment being Tara and Lafayette discussing why the hell white people make Jell-O. An excellent question! I have been wondering this myself?! Though I usually wonder why old women make Jell-O, but they’re old white women so that’s the same, right?
Upset, Sookie runs off and Jason follows, which leads to… a whole lot of nothing. Basically, Sookie ain’t got time for anybody’s bullshit except Tara and Bill, so she tells her brother he hasn’t a clue about anything. She’s not wrong.
Back at the funeral, Tara’s mom says nice words about Gran and then hits Tara up for money because she has a demon inside her and it’s expensive to get it out. Huh. It’s a good thing I put away my metaphor alarm.
Jason’s in pretty bad shape after the funeral; it seems that V leaves you with one hell of a hangover. But he tosses his last dose out the window, only to change his mind and rifle around in the dirt for it. He doesn’t find it, of course.
Sookie spurns Sam, again after the funeral. Oh, Sam, your timing is serious crap. But Tara shows up, fresh from telling her mother to stuff it, and the two of them agree that life sucks and they could at least be lonely and miserable together. See, romance isn’t dead!
Back in the house, Anna Paquin earns her paycheck and hands in a truly heart wrenching scene, weeping over Gran’s pie, forcing herself to eat it. It makes up for the poorly crafted attempt at romance that comes in a few minutes.
Elsewhere, Jason has sad sex and Tara and Sam have needy sex and somehow it is still better than Sookie and Bill’s vestal virgin sex.
I think they stole the first half of this scene from a bad harlequin novel. I was a little embarrassed for Anna and Stephen. Sure the imagery is pretty and it looks nice, but my Cheese Meter was reading Velveeta. Don’t get me wrong, though, the last minute or so of the Sookie and Bill sex-scene is pretty great. Kissing with fangs is kind of hot and when he bites her it’s definitely hot. Too bad she was just flouncing around in one of Jane Austen’s old nighties.
But stay tuned! Eric returns next week! Maybe he’ll bring better sex?
Oh, Eric will definitely bring better sex. And he won't even have to get naked.
ReplyDeleteHAHA! Yes, I think you're right.