“Kids Ain’t Like Everybody Else”
Original Air Date: Oct 12, 2008
Faye O - TwoCents Reviewer
So, Thursday night, I broke my foot. I had to sit on my butt all weekend in front of the television because my bedroom is in the basement, so I couldn’t enjoy my time reading there, or on the computer in there. It was a long weekend, and it made me realize that there is VERY LITTLE on TV. It got me thinking of how grateful I am for Housewives, because it was honestly the only thing that got me through this long weekend. Let’s see…what happened this episode?
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[photo: ABC.com]
Desperate Housewives
ReplyDelete“Kids Ain’t Like Everybody Else”
Original Air Date: Oct 12, 2008
Faye O - TwoCents Reviewer
So, Thursday night, I broke my foot. I had to sit on my butt all weekend in front of the television because my bedroom is in the basement, so I couldn’t enjoy my time reading there, or on the computer in there. It was a long weekend, and it made me realize that there is VERY LITTLE on TV. It got me thinking of how grateful I am for Housewives, because it was honestly the only thing that got me through this long weekend. Let’s see…what happened this episode?
• Susan: She has noticed that MJ has been coming home with bumps and bruises. He refuses to talk about who it is that’s causing problems for him. We find out very soon that it’s Gabby’s eldest daughter. This causes a huge argument between the two, and a catfight in the front of their houses. Finally, she apologizes for it, as does Gabby and they end the episode drinking lots of liquor together complementing each other’s motherhood skills.
• Bree: Her and Orson have a visitor this weekend…well, 3 to be exact. Danielle, her husband, and Benjamin come to town. Here, we find out that Bree is extremely unhappy with the way Danielle is raising Benjamin. She’s raising him as a vegetarian and, to Bree and everyone else’s shock, Benjamin calls his parents by their first names. Bree ends up feeding Benjamin a hot dog, setting Danielle into a fit and they leave the next morning. Orson blames Bree for everything; for what happened this weekend and for what happened when Benjamin was taken from them.
• Lynette: Okay, Lynette. I love her dearly, but she’s really got to lay off Tom. Tom is cleaning out the garage having a hard time getting rid of things that he just can’t seem to part with. In doing this, he and Dave decide to start a garage band. Lynette decides to run over his guitar with the car, but frame Penny for doing it. Dave gets Lynette alone and explains to her that Tom is going through a mid-life crisis and that she really needs to back off if she wants her marriage to work. I agree with Dave. Lynette really needs to give Tom some space and let him run his life by himself in a few aspects.
• Gabby: She and Carlos have to get rid of their car. They end up selling it to a couple who is giving it as a gift to their nanny. That made ME jealous. I’m a nanny! I want a new car! Anyways, beside the trouble Gabby has with Susan, they end up buying Andrew’s old car. It dies within one drive and he tries to refuse to pay for the repairs since he sold it in full disclosure “a piece of junk.” Gabby finally gets her way because, well, that’s Gabby.
• Edie: It seems that this season I’m going to be writing more about Dave in this section than Edie. Dave is really creepy. He reminds me of a Stepford Husband. We find out that he didn’t attend college, and took a job right out of high school. It’s probably the only time we’ve seen a vulnerable side to him. But besides that one moment, I really hate his vindictive smile that he gives to all the neighbors. I’m very excited to see how his character turns out.
• Katherine: Finally! A storyline for Katherine! Her and Karen are working together to gather information about Dave. Katherine really likes Dave, but is starting to see the shadiness in his personality. I can’t wait to see how this turns out.
I cannot wait for next week’s episode. Let me know what you thought too! Leave your comments on here or email me at Faye@thetwocentscorp.com. I cannot wait to find out what your TwoCents were! I’ll see you all next week.
I have to disagree with the part about Dave. I didn't believe the getting a job right out of high school story that he told at the party. I think he made that up on the spot to cover whatever it is that he's hiding from Edie and everyone else. I don't think for one second he is vulnerable - I think he made the story kind of pathetic to make Edie feel bad for pushing the question so that she won't ever do it again - especially in public. He's manipulating her like he is everyone else on the street.
ReplyDeleteAnd what was the deal with that party anyway - since when is Bree such good friends with Karen McClusky and Edie that she would invite them for a dinner party and not Gabby, Susan, and Lynette? That whole moment of the show seemed very forced and poorly written in an attempt to move the Dave story along a little more.
Pretty good episode, but I liked last weeks better. I too, wanted to tell Lynette to back off of poor Tom. But I will say ... I loved her hair.
ReplyDeleteNext,Dave is still a bit spooky and I like it.His eyes are so pale and it adds to his mystique. I also agree with Carysgirl why would those certain people be at the party?
I thought it a bit funny how Bree reacted to her kid being vegetarian, I thought it pretty spot-on if your a cook.