Wednesday, October 8, 2008

NCIS - Recap & Review - Capitol Offense

Capitol Offense

Original Airdate: Oct 7th, 2008

Angelique – TwoCents Reviewer

A couple of mountainbikers drive down some sloopy hills challenging each other till one of them falls into a lake. When he arrises from the water a body floats to the surface.

Ziva gives Abby a 'chocoholic' choice' cupcake, Ziva spend the night at Abby's apartment because her house was getting fumigated. Tony is immediately interested when he hears it and wants to know everything about it. It was great when McGee called Tony 'DiNoosy'! When he wanted to know why Abby and Ziva spend the night. Wouldn't he like to know! Finally McGee stood up for himself and gave DiNozzo a name, like he usually does with McGee.

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[photo: Cliff Lipson/CBS]


  1. NCIS
    Capitol Offense

    Original Airdate: Oct 7th, 2008

    Angelique – TwoCents Reviewer

    A couple of mountainbikers drive down some sloopy hills challenging each other till one of them falls into a lake. When he arrises from the water a body floats to the surface.

    Ziva gives Abby a 'chocoholic' choice' cupcake, Ziva spend the night at Abby's apartment because her house was getting fumigated. Tony is immediately interested when he hears it and wants to know everything about it. It was great when McGee called Tony 'DiNoosy'! When he wanted to know why Abby and Ziva spend the night. Wouldn't he like to know! Finally McGee stood up for himself and gave DiNozzo a name, like he usually does with McGee.

    Gibbs takes his team to the crimescene but then leaves early to meet with an old friend. A senator Patrick Kiley, who he served with during Desert storm. He seeks Gibbs' help because he had an affair with the female officer who was killed.

    Vance receives a voicemail message telling him where he can find the gun which killed the female officer. Gibbs sends Tony and McGee out to find the gun. McGee is using a metal detector to find the gun in the dirty water of the ditch. Tony claims that he has seen something and he tells McGee that he will hold her if he bends forward more to see if he can find what Tony claims to have seen. You could see that one coming from a mile away, but still it was funny. But luckily for McGee his dive into the dirty water did give them some evidence, the gun. Which they only found because of a voicemail message which Vance received from a secure line.

    Vance gives his voicemail access code to McGee, he tells him that it is for his eyes only and that the messages from his wife are not for his ears. McGee promises him to only see if he can track the origine of the phonecall.

    Meanwhile in the lab Abby finds out that her cupcake is stolen. She had put it in her refridgerator in her lab and when she wanted to eat it she found out that it was gone. Abby being Abby she taped off the lab with NCIS crimescene tape. Gibbs asks her what she is doing, Abby explains him that her lab has been violated and that she will find out who is responsible. She even takes a crum from Gibbs' jacket to test if it is from her cupcake.

    She visits the team upstairs and asks for a swap so that she can search for DNA. Tony tells McGee to give it to her, he does reluctantly open his mouth so that she can take a swap. She then goes to Tony and asks him to do the same. Ziva tells her that she will buy Abby a new cupcake at which Abby turns around and asks her if she feels guilty and that she has to donate a swab anyway.

    A second phonecall is left on Vance's voicemail telling him that Gibbs is covering for a friend. Vance asks him if there is something he wants to tell. Senator Kiley is talking to Vance and Gibbs about his affair after which they return to his house so that Gibbs and Tony can take a look at his gun cabinet. Since the gun which was found was owned by Kiley's father in law.

    Lynn Kiley, senator Kiley's wife knows Gibbs as well and when her husband told her about the affair she visits Gibbs in his basement. They talk for a while, in the end when she leaves she tells him that even though right now she hates the bastard he is a marine to the core and would never shoot anyone in the back especially not a woman.

    Abby finds out who stole her cupcake and she is not happy. It turns out to be McGee and the whole team gangs up on him. Abby obviously because it was her cupcake, Ziva because she bought it for Abby and Tony because he is Tony. McGee claims that he hid it because he wanted to save Abby from herself. Abby apparently had said that she wanted to eat gluten free. Then he said he ate it because he was hungry and didn't have anything to eat since lunch. The team gangs up on him, headslapping him when Gibbs comes in. Abby asks him how the cupcake was, he tells her it was life changing.

    The senator wants to take blame for the murder when Gibbs finds out that Cole couldn't have commited because at the time that the second phonecall was made he as calling with his mother on his PDA fifteen miles away. He had an airtight alibi for his where abouts which gives Gibbs his last couple of puzzle pieces to solve the murder. When his wife comes forward, she says that it was her fault that the woman died. Gibbs confirms it because she already revealed what she did when she talked to him in the basement. She made a mistake when she said that her husband would never shoot a woman in the back, no one revealed that the woman had been shot in the back. It was one of the details which where kept out of the press in order to catch the killer.

    However her husband found out what she did and to hide it he framed his assistant Cole for the murder by using his phone to call to Vance's voicemail. Then he killed him and made it look like suicide. So both he and his wife are taken into custody for the murders. And Gibbs' trust once again is betrayed.

    I loved this episode, and I know that I say that each and every time but I love it. I can't help it! NCIS is a show which found the perfect balance between serious crime scenes and humor. What do you think? Let me know.

  2. where can you buy that chocoholic choice cupckae at????


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