“Turning Biminese”
Original Airdate: Oct 26, 2008
Valeria – TwoCents Reviewer
Oh, have the marital problems already begun? I’m guessing it’s just a knee-jerk reaction that every man has when he encounters an unplanned pregnancy and a shot-gun proposal. The end of bachelorhood. In Dexter’s case, the end of playtime with his Dark Passenger.
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[photo: Showtime.com]
ReplyDelete“Turning Biminese”
Original Airdate: Oct 26, 2008
Valeria – TwoCents Reviewer
Oh, have the marital problems already begun? I’m guessing it’s just a knee-jerk reaction that every man has when he encounters an unplanned pregnancy and a shot-gun proposal. The end of bachelorhood. In Dexter’s case, the end of playtime with his Dark Passenger.
Dexter makes his first connection with his unborn child. But, there’s no actual connecting going on. Knowing that he has a baby on the way is overwhelming sure, but does feel a surge of love for Dexter Jr? Nope. None whatsoever. But this baby is obviously weighing heavily on Dexter. During a golf game with Miguel, he pulls out the ultrasound that he’s been carrying around in his pocket. After some healthy heterosexual male bonding over the baby, Miguel gets down to brass tacks. His golf game is off. He’s having trouble bringing forward a case on a Black Widow. Ethan has, for the second time, managed to get off the hook after throwing his wife off of a boat cruise, and has managed to mooch off of all the money. But because the suspected murder was on a cruise, Miguel has no jurisdiction in the ocean. Dexter doesn’t need to worry about such silly technicalities. He’s off for a Caribbean Cruise with his Dark Passenger.
Dexter really needs this little vacation. Rita has gotten a little too excited with the marriage proposal. She’s ready for Dexter to move in, and for the two of them to start thinking about buying a home. Dexter is not putting up with it. He’s going to take a fishing trip. Damn be Rita and her house hunting. Of course, fishing trip is just a euphemism for ritualistic murder.
I think that a love triangle is starting to brew. Deb is getting a little too friendly with her CI, Anton, and Quinn is quick to try to prove to Deb that he isn’t a bad guy and actually wants to work in partnership with Deb to crack every single case that comes their way. But, I think Deb only has eyes for Anton. They even made a little deal about whether the Yiddish word is “Bumpkus” or “Bupkus.” Deb lost the bet. But she did get a lead in her case. She was able to question little Wendell - the
15-year-old that worked for Freebo and was basically the equivalent of a drug dealer’s secretary. Apparently Freebo owed some people a lot of money. She rushes to his apartment at the end of the day to tell him all about a crack in the case of Freebo’s disappearance. When another woman in a t-shirt and undies opens the door, Deb makes a hasty and awkward exit. In another relationship brewing on the show, Angel makes a pit stop again to a popular hooker hangout. He’s there searching for the detective that busted him in the first place. But instead of asking for sex, he asks for a lunch date.
There’s much more to Masuka than meets the eye. He’s not just a perverted sex-fiend. He’s a person with real feelings that’s hurt that his colleagues don’t support his more academic pursuits. But Deb and Angel make an attempt at reconciliation by standing up for Masuka when Ramon Prado insults Masuka’s forensic abilities.
Rita does some house hunting with her new friend Syl. She seems to have found the perfect house – although I think the paintjob on the outside is horrendous. The house hunting ends up becoming a visit to the hospital when Rita starts to experience some abnormal bleeding. Syl, Miguel, and Rita spend all evening trying to get Dexter on the phone. Miguel even sends out the Coast Guard to look for Dexter. After some therapeutic killing, Dexter admires the new slide for his collection. Then, surprisingly, he pulls out the ultrasound that he’s been carrying around in his pocket all this time. In a daydream that Dexter had during his time on a tropical island, he had a conversation with Harry about who was going to be Dexter’s wife, and who was going to be Dexter’s mistress. Will Dexter always choose his urge to kill over caring for his growing family? Dexter doesn’t want to. Besides, he’ll always have the ocean to dump his bodies and his boat to take him on adventures. So Dexter pulls out his cell phone and checks his messages. He rushes to the hospital, asking about the baby. Fortunately (or unfortunately if you hate this storyline) the baby is fine. And, it seems that for now, Dexter and Rita have moved past the early problems of marriage. Rita is willing to wait to move in together and buy a house, and Dexter is willing to fully commit to Rita and set a date for the wedding. As for the baby, Dexter still doesn’t feel emotionally connected, but he’s relieved to know that the baby is still alive and well.
Like true Bromancers, Miguel and Dexter put the kids to bed. After Astor and Cody fall off to sleep, Miguel, not so subtly tells Dexter that he knows about the Dark Passenger. Miguel had told Dexter about Ethan and knew that Dexter would react in the way that he did. Miguel knows Dexter. They’re the same. In fact, one could even say that Miguel admires, and respects Dexter.
I must say, Miguel is turning out to be one of the most interesting characters this season. I can’t put my finger down on whether he’s in the grey area that Dexter lives in, or if it’s all an act. Let me know your thoughts.
Also, if I’m missing anything in the reviews, let me know so that I’ll be sure to re-cap it next time around.