Original Air Date: Sept 21, 2008
Andi - TwoCents Reviewer
It is important to remember when watching tonight’s episode that HBO loves sex and laughs. Also, if you’ve read the series, it is important to remember that the TV show will be different from the books – please do not form a mob and there will be no need for pitchforks and torches. Despite the cries of book-fan outrage, this episode was one of my favorites so far.
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True Blood
Original Air Date: Sept 21, 2008
Andi - TwoCents Reviewer
It is important to remember when watching tonight’s episode that HBO loves sex and laughs. Also, if you’ve read the series, it is important to remember that the TV show will be different from the books – please do not form a mob and there will be no need for pitchforks and torches. Despite the cries of book-fan outrage, this episode was one of my favorites so far.
So, apparently, True Blood is going to be one of those shows that ends on a cliffhanger and we will always pick up right where we left off, which means Sookie is being smelt up and felt up by some vampires of questionable morals on Bill’s front porch. It’s at this point that the viewer is supposed to look at Bill and say, “WTF, VAMPIRE BILL?” Which we do.
For his part, Vampire Bill comes rushing to Sookie’s rescue and kills all of the bad guys in her honor…what? He didn’t? Oh, my bad.
Bill proceeds to sit in a dark corner for what feels like several hours while Sookie mouths off to and is tormented by a trio of baddies. Then suddenly, he stands and says, “She’s mine.” Presumptuous, no? And who else is seriously questioning Bill’s choice of pals? And what’s up with the guy getting a blowjob standing by the couch – sit down for heaven’s sake.
Opening credits. I still love them and that song is truly great.
Sookie and Bill get rid of the baddies when Sookie overhears and states that their little human toy has some kind of vampire Hepatitis. Sookie then gives Bill a heap load of attitude for saying that she was his and I say, “you go girl.”
Meanwhile, Tara and Sam are wallowing in their misery and loneliness and Tara is drinking a lot for a woman who has an alcoholic mother whom she hates for that very reason. So they do the only logical thing and sleep together. It is at this point that the cries of millions were heard round the HBO studios. It won’t be the first time tonight.
Dawn heads home and is jumped by a masked man claiming to have killed Jason, but soon is revealed to be Jason pulling a prank on her. Dawn is understandably upset, but apparently forgives him because pretty soon they’re having sex again. Honestly, do these two stop? What’s that? They do stop when Jason looses his erection because he pictures the bald, tattooed vampire instead of Dawn? Oh, right. She’s understandably upset for the second time that night.
Bill shows up on Sookie’s porch all ninja like and she yells at him for sneaking up yet again. This is a fun gag, but it’s getting old. Mr. Ball, enough of the poof-here’s-Bill trick.
So, Sookie and Bill have a little chat about why they think she can’t hear his thoughts and she tells him they have to break up, which is quite the statement since I wasn’t entirely certain they were dating in the first place. Maybe I’ve been out of the dating scene too long and am unclear on the rules?
Sookie has a kinky dream and wakes up masturbating, which is a definite sign that she’s already changing and evolving. I have to admit that I love a series with characters that actually change over the course of the series and so far this looks promising. However, the HBO studios heard more screams later when Sookie feels herself up on Bill’s front porch. Come on guys, in bed is one thing, but on the porch? Can I have character consistency for one hundred, Alex?
Also, apparently Sam barks in his sleep. Okay, I know what’s up with Sam, who else here has him figured? Book readers, no spoiling!
It is also revealed that vampires are actually old people in disguise, as expressed through their fondness of plastic couch covers.
Lassie is still palling around and ends up at Sam’s for a pick-up game of fetch, which has all the book fans cocking an eyebrow and wondering what the heck is going on.
Tara ends up at Lafayette’s after her drunken mother whacks her in the head with a vodka bottle and we learn that Lafayette is a) a prostitute in his spare time, b) fabulous, c) a drug dealer, and d) fabulous.
Jason, horrified that he can’t keep it up, goes to Lafayette for some Viagra, but walks away with some V-Juice (vampire blood) in exchange for dancing in his underwear for one of Lafayette’s videos. It is one of the most hilarious moments on film. Seriously.
Sam calls Sookie because Dawn is late for work and asks if she could swing by and wake the girl up, but when Sookie gets there she finds Dawn dead and in True Blood fashion, that’s the end.
But in the previews, the HBO studios get another million-fan squeal when we get actual footage of Eric. I don’t know about you guys, but this series is shaping up beautifully and I am more excited about it than ever.
YAHZAH!!! I'm a huge fan of the books, and I have the presence of mind to realize that the show and books ARE GOING TO BE DIFFERENT!!!!
ReplyDeleteDuh. Great Synopsis and two cents!!
Still loving the show!!
Lafayette is a) a prostitute in his spare time, b) fabulous, c) a drug dealer, and d) fabulous.
ReplyDeletehahaha yes! I LOVE Lafayette and I'm so glad he gets screen time in each episode so far. I agree, I really, really liked this episode. A lot happened. One of my favorite things is that these characters do things that we just don't expect. I so expected Bill to kick ass and take names but he's smarter then that. Seeing that girl being drained was probably one of most creepy things in the season so far.
What I really loved? Is that FINALLY someone in a show about vampires asks about the mechanics of vampires and how it is that they can exist and what blood does for them and all that. And I loved his answer about it being a different kind of magic.
Did I think it was a little weird with Sookie on that porch? Yes, BUT, she didn't actually do the deed and I felt like this episode dropped a lot of hints and based on what Bill said previously that it was supposed to show what that vampire blood does to a human. Now we know what males and females can expect when on the V juice. So if you like to sleep with vampires your called a fangbanger, but what do you call a human addicted to V blood? I can't wait to see Lafayette's dealer!!
It should also be said how sad it as at my level of excitement in hearing Eric speak a few words in the preview for next week. I can't wait! Great review as always!
Re "She's mine." Did you miss the reason he said that? Only to keep the other vamps from claiming her - not that he really meant it.
ReplyDeleteI thought he waited a long time also. Was there meaning to that, or did Ball merely want to set up tension and forget what it meant re the characters - if so, that's a slip as far as I'm concerned.
He wanted us to see Sam with the dog right after showing that painting in Sam's office - playing with us, I think.
Ball had better not tease me with another of Sookie's sexy dreams - two are enough already.
Agree with Jason's "dance" scene, especially with the mask - too funny.
I LOVE Lafayette, but who is his contact?
This is my new favorite show.
lI also squealed like the fangirl that I am when Eric spoke. I can't wait to write next weeks review!
ReplyDeleteYou guys are right - that bit on the porch was probably to express to us how the blood effects humans. Maybe I'm letting the book version of Sookie taint that one.
I did see the reason why Bill said she was his, but I still felt like making a joke out of it. I couldn't resist.
This was one my least favorite episodes out of the three. I just didn't like most of the deviations from the book that didn't seem to make any sense for what comes down the line.
ReplyDeleteJason dancing was hilarious and can I have an icon of that NAO PLZ!
I liked the talk with gran and the conflict Sookie is having with herself.
*lol* I love what you said about the vampires and their couch *rotfl*
YAY Eric next episode. This is going to be great! The voice THE VOICE! I don't know about you but I am going to need a big glass of ice cold water next week.
You know, I think I liked it so much because it was different from the books. I admit to hating the Tara/Sam thing, but I was kind of happy to be thrown for a bit of a loop. For the first time, I didn't know where they were going with things.
ReplyDeleteIt does make me wonder where they are going with the Sam/Tara thing if anywhere.
ReplyDeleteI just hope the changes they made will make sense later on and not just for the sake of being different from the book.
Let us hope they're going nowhere. LOL
ReplyDeleteNo, I agree. I have faith that they're going somewhere with all of the changes. If not, well, then I've been had!