“The All Out Fall Out”
Original Airdate: Sept 21, 2008
Charles — TwoCents Reviewer
Top 10 Things I Learned from Entourage This Week
1. A ho + a floozy = a hoozie. And hoozies are most likely French.
2. Mrs. Ari doesn’t always mind when Ari acts like a 25-year-old, or even an 18-year-old, and if it takes a new red Ferrari to get him there, well, that’s why we have anniversary presents, isn’t it?
3. If you are going bankrupt, like Vinnie, you have three options:
A. Reduce your expenses, mainly by cutting off the rest of the gang.
B. File for bankruptcy
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ReplyDelete“The All Out Fall Out”
Original Airdate: Sept 21, 2008
Charles — TwoCents Reviewer
Top 10 Things I Learned from Entourage This Week
1. A ho + a floozy = a hoozie. And hoozies are most likely French.
2. Mrs. Ari doesn’t always mind when Ari acts like a 25-year-old, or even an 18-year-old, and if it takes a new red Ferrari to get him there, well, that’s why we have anniversary presents, isn’t it?
3. If you are going bankrupt, like Vinnie, you have three options:
A. Reduce your expenses, mainly by cutting off the rest of the gang.
B. File for bankruptcy
C. Take a temp job appearing at a Hollywood sweet sixteen party.
4. If you are Debi Mazar (Shauna), and you want to make sure everyone notices that you’re back on the show, drop a ton of weight and wear a knockout dress. It also doesn’t hurt to knock Drama down a peg or two, even if he’s still hurting over his breakup with Jacqueline.
5. If, like Ari, you pay off a $100 bet with a complimentary bag of human feces, be prepared to endure a visit from the “Boner Patrol.”
6. If everyone around you is upset, it’s probably due to the moon being in retrograde, according to Drama.
7. If you want to impress Lloyd, try paying a visit to a rival agency and bitch-slapping Adam Davies in front of his staff. “Fists of fury,” indeed!
8. Drama does a mean impression of Nic Cage in Leaving Las Vegas.
9. If Vinnie Chase is singing “Can’t Take My Eyes Off of You” to you at your sixteenth birthday part, you are probably the spoiled drama queen child of Fran Drescher (though Turtle will still think you are a “sweet kid.”)
10. Vince is not that bad of a singer, and Drama can’t hold his liquor.
So would you like Vince to sing for you at your next birthday party? How much weight would you be willing to lose to appear on the show? Is hoozie a legitimate French term? How long has it been since you raced your new sports car through downtown L.A.? Let the truth fall out in your comments!