“The Mousetrap”
Original Air Date – Sept 22, 2008
Tara – TwoCents Staff Writer
Cromartie has a plan, and it's a pretty good one: kidnap Charley Dixon's wife to flush out the Connors and then go after John. The plan goes well, really well in fact. Someone dies—and it's not Cromartie.
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[photo: Michael Desmond/FOX]
Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles
ReplyDelete“The Mousetrap”
Original Air Date – Sept 22, 2008
Tara – TwoCents Staff Writer
Cromartie has a plan, and it's a pretty good one: kidnap Charley Dixon's wife to flush out the Connors and then go after John. The plan goes well, really well in fact. Someone dies—and it's not Cromartie.
We join the Dixons with their road trip already in progress. They've stopped for gas in the desert, but there's no need to worry about the heat, the icy looks Michelle (Mrs. Dixon) is throwing Charley will keep things cool enough. I guess she hasn't forgiven him for all the lying—smart woman.
Charley turns his back and before you can say...well...Cromartie, Cromartie has jumped in their truck and driven off with a screaming Michelle. Cue the Connor phone. Charley calls John and asks to speak to Sarah.
As soon as Sarah is on the phone, he spills the kidnapping news. She's reluctant to help at first, figuring that it's a trap, but eventually agrees. Sarah orders Cameron to take John computer shopping and not let him out of her sight. She doesn't tell John, wisely, about Michelle.
Derek catches Sarah suiting up for action and insists that he join her, reiterating that it's a trap. Sarah knows, but doesn't care. They rush off to the desert, where Michelle manages to make a phone call to give them her location.
Unfortunately, Cromartie has wired explosives to her chair and set the chair on mousetraps. Sarah, Derek, and Charley arrive and ponder the situation, before Sarah realizes that Cromartie is nowhere to be found, but has disabled their truck. She puts two and two together and realizes that they're a decoy, which is why Michelle is still alive. Sarah rips the fake explosives off the chair, scaring the crap out of Michelle.
She calls John to warn him about Cromartie. Derek, who is searching the warehouse, realizes that Cromartie is listening to Sarah's cell phone call. Cromartie gets the information he needs and sets off the real explosives in the warehouse.
Derek gets orders everyone to take cover, but it's not in time for Michelle who gets hurt. Sarah and Derek hijack a van and try to reach John, but have to stop driving so Michelle doesn't bleed out from her wound. I'm truly amazed that Sarah actually stopped.
Meanwhile, John has ditched Cameron to hang out with Riley (who is actually played by Leven Rambin and not Busy Phillips as I thought last week). Riley is just as suspicious as usual and John is just as oblivious as usual.
Cromartie calls John pretending to be Sarah and tells John to meet at the pier. Fortunately, John spots Cromartie and is able to jump into the water. After a brief underwater wrestle, Cromartie sinks to the bottom while John escapes. Cameron has tracked John to the pier where she stands around watching him nearly drown, because she doesn't swim.
It turns out that terminators don't swim, but they do walk across the ocean. Cromartie isn't dead; sadly, Michelle is. Cromartie pays his respects at her funeral and watches for the Connors who don't show up.
Meanwhile, the red-headed terminator, Katherine Weaver, offers Ellison a job tracking down terminators. We don't get to hear his response, but I'm going to guess he agrees.
This was definitely a better episode than last week. I can't say I'm surprised that Michelle died; it seemed inevitable. I'm glad John was able to outsmart Cromartie on his own, though. I was really beginning to doubt his intelligence.
What did you think? Better than last week? Will this episode help the lamentable ratings? Write your Two Cents below.