Hour One: The Second Coming
Hour Two: The Butterfly Effect
Original Air Dates: September 22, 2008
Brittany – TwoCents Reviewer
Here it is faithful watchers: the (hopefully) saving grace of a show that left at least this T.V. watcher with a bitter taste in her mouth last season. Where should I even begin? With West, the creepy possible stalker love interest of Claire? Or what about the Wonder Twins from south of the border? And then there was that Irish girl that Peter loved (or something) but left behind in post-pandemic New York City. Or did he? We have two hours to get hooked again, and hopefully Tim Kring will not disappoint.
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[photo: Chris Haston/NBC]
ReplyDeleteHour One: The Second Coming
Hour Two: The Butterfly Effect
Original Air Dates: September 22, 2008
Brittany – TwoCents Reviewer
Here it is faithful watchers: the (hopefully) saving grace of a show that left at least this T.V. watcher with a bitter taste in her mouth last season. Where should I even begin? With West, the creepy possible stalker love interest of Claire? Or what about the Wonder Twins from south of the border? And then there was that Irish girl that Peter loved (or something) but left behind in post-pandemic New York City. Or did he? We have two hours to get hooked again, and hopefully Tim Kring will not disappoint.
Peter’s running through New York four years in the future. He runs into a warehouse where future Claire holds a gun on him. She tries to shoot him but he blinks away. In the present, we find out that Future Peter went back in time to kill his brother to keep him from telling the world about their powers. But Peter never has to worry about that again, because Nathan finds God as he’s recovering in the hospital. Nathan tells Future Peter that everyone with powers was sent by God to be Angels.
Peter leaves and in pops Linderman, alive and kicking and saying great things are coming, but only Nathan can see him. Angela Petrelli confronts Future Peter and tells him to go back to his own time. She can see the future in dreams, and she’s seen that all the villains have escaped because of what Future Peter has done. The villains, by the way, are led by Nikki. (Or is it?) Future Peter says that Present Peter is somewhere safe and we find out he’s being kept in Level Five where all the bad people with powers are sent. Our Peter is trapped in another man’s body named Jesse, and Noah Bennet has the cell next door.
As Claire packs a bag to fly out and help Nathan with her special blood, Sylar shows up at her house, ready to get her power. They play cat and mouse for a while in the dark until she stabs him through the heart, but he still tosses her down and opens her skull. She asks him if he’s going to eat her brain and he tells her she’s disgusting. He tweaks a part of her brain, and suddenly he can heal. He tells her she’s too special to kill, and with that he leaves. As she’s cleaning up broken glass later, she cuts herself and realizes she can no longer feel pain.
Hiro is discontent in Japan at his father’s company. Ando tells him to get over it because they’re rich now, but Hiro needs a quest. A DVD is delivered and on it is Hiro’s dad telling him that there is something in a safe that must never be opened. So, Hiro opens it, and inside is another DVD and an envelope. On this DVD, it’s explained that what he’s holding is one half of a very special formula that no one else can lay their hands on. Enter Daphne; a super fast chick who snatches the formula right out of Hiro’s hands before zooming away. Hiro doesn’t really know how important the formula is so he blinks to the future, sees Ando killing him, and decides that it’s pretty important. They go to Daphne’s and try to trade a medal she won for the formula. She gets away with both her medal and the formula, but Hiro placed a tracking device on the ribbon of her award.
Here's the living half of the Wonder Twins: Maya still wants a cure to her power, but Mohinder is ready to bail back to India, so she pulls the trump card by throwing a fit until her powers ooze. That changes Mohinder’s mind, and in five seconds he figures out that the gene that manifests people's abilities is in the adrenal gland. In another five minutes he’s taken a sample from her and against her wishes injects himself with it. On the streets he’s being mugged, but he has super strength now. Maya coos about how he really is different, and once they get back to the loft, they make sexy time. Injecting himself came with consequences though, and his skin starts peeling away form his back.
Nikki is now Tracey, who is boffing the Governor of New York City/being his political advisor. As she’s trying to convince Nathan to run for Senate, a reporter keeps harassing her. He has pictures of Vegas internet stripper Nikki Sanders and she protests that woman is not her. She has no clue who the woman is, and as the reporter persists, she grabs his arm. He literally freezes, and then breaks into a million tiny pieces.
When Matt confronts Future Peter about shooting Nathan, he gets sent to the middle of a desert in Africa where he wanders around, finding a rock with a painting on it. A man who can paint the future tells Matt to drink the water out of a tree, and then asks if he knows who Britney Spears is. He finally gets around to telling Matt that he has to go on a spirit walk to find all the answers he’s looking for.
Sylar goes to the Company and kills Bob, Elle’s dad. She’s none to happy about that and springs Noah from his cell just in time to pump Sylar full of bullets. Sylar of course heals and knocks Noah out so that he can go after Elle. As he cuts into her head, she lets out a volt of electricity powerful enough to both knock him out and free 12 of the ‘villains’ being held down on Level Five. Present Peter escapes as well and is forced to go on a killing and robbing spree with the other villains. Angela goes to Sylar and tells him that he has to be strong for what’s to come. After all, she’s his mother, and mommy knows best. Back at the Bennet household, Noah sends in Claire’s biological mom to babysit while he goes on a vigilante mission to recapture all of the villains.
So what did you all think? It’s a definite step up from where we were back in December, but I’d still like to know some things. Where’s Micah? What exactly is going on with Nikki/Tracey? And is Nathan going crazy, or does he really see Linderman? Leave your Two Cents in the comments!
I'll be honest here, I fell asleep during the second half of the second episode. It was ok, and more than a little confusing at times.
ReplyDeleteHowever, a horny Mohinder is the Mohinder for me. ROWR! I don't even care if he's molting.
But seriously, why'd he have to do it with the most annoying character on the show?
I agree, Shannon. It wasn't stellar writing. It wasn't season one, but then again I don't think we'll ever get back to that magic. It was still better than what we were left with last year though. I liked it. I didn't love it, which is how I used to describe the episodes of this show, but I liked it.
ReplyDeleteThere are a lot of things that need to be improved (such as why a charater as supposedly briliant as Mohinder would use himself as a test subject), and it was a shakey set-up at best. But if the viewers can give it another two episodes, I have a feeling the show will find it's footing.