“Bridge Over Troubled Water”
Original Air Date: September 22, 2008
Kara – TwoCents Staff Writer
This week, mostly everyone is trying to adjust to life without Quentin. The team is struggling and a bunch of the main characters see him hanging around, just being Q, in the opening scene. Meanwhile, Peyton shows a mysterious man around, who she mysteriously found using her recording studio. Don’t worry. Peyton knows him. Sort of. Brooke takes Haley’s advice and goes to see the local British psychiatrist. Nathan deals with Skills dating his mom by making his mom move out. Let’s dive in!
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[photo: Andrew Eccles/CW]
One Tree Hill
ReplyDelete“Bridge Over Troubled Water”
Original Air Date: September 22, 2008
Kara – TwoCents Staff Writer
This week, mostly everyone is trying to adjust to life without Quentin. The team is struggling and a bunch of the main characters see him hanging around, just being Q, in the opening scene. Meanwhile, Peyton shows a mysterious man around, who she mysteriously found using her recording studio. Don’t worry. Peyton knows him. Sort of. Brooke takes Haley’s advice and goes to see the local British psychiatrist. Nathan deals with Skills dating his mom by making his mom move out. Let’s dive in!
Upset by Nathan’s decision to kick her out, Deb decides to break up with Skills. This sends Skills to confront Nathan and Haley and tell them both how much Deb means to him. No one believes it at first, not even Deb, really. But Skills’s love prevails, as does Jamie’s ability to put Nathan in his place. Nathan asks Jamie if he’s scarred for life by seeing Skills and Deb kissing. He says no and then tells Nathan, “I let you kiss mommy.” Nathan just gives that patented Nathan “seriously?” face and walks away. It was cute.
Jamie does more good for Brooke this week. Brooke says she wishes she had had a family like the one Nathan and Haley have made for themselves. Jamie says she is part of the family, stating, “You’re Aunt Brooke.” Aw. Healing Brooke, one emotional scar at a time. You’re a good kid, Jamie Scott. Brooke responds well to her one therapy session and goes to New York to confront Victoria. In what is an amazing Brooke moment, she walks in, puts her gun down on Victoria’s table and sits down in a chair. Victoria is stunned and I’m cheering. Victoria insists up and down she had nothing to do with the attack but gets a little shifty when Brooke suggests maybe she thought Millicent was going to be there. She’s a clever one, that B. Davis. Victoria cements her reputation as Coldest Bitch Alive by telling Brooke how she didn’t want kids and how her father only wanted a son. Brooke tells her she wins and can have it all. She can have the company and not have a daughter anymore. There you have it, folks. The epic return of Power Brooke. It was about time.
The Ravens feel guilty about playing without Q and get a lovely pep talk from Quentin’s mom. Then, Lucas decides they’re going to play with four players on the court instead of five. They lose but they made a point. They showed those dastardly Wildcats they’d have to fight hard to beat the not quite broken Ravens. Or, they could have just played with five players and beaten them for Q. I think Q would have been like, “Uh, that’s cool but what are you guys doing?” The Ravens decide they want to play with four on the court for the rest of the season.
As far as Dan goes, well, all signs point to he’s still alive just based on the fact that we didn’t see Crazy Carrie dragging his dead body out to her backyard. We did see her having a wonderfully creepy conversation with an unsuspecting Deb at the playground. There was also that little thing about Carrie sneaking into Nathan and Haley’s house during the game and stealing what looked like most of Jamie’s clothes and threatening poor Chester the rabbit. Haley did finally get a clue though. Jamie saw Dan’s tombstone in the cemetery (come on, it is Dan) and asked to see him. Haley cracks and goes to Dan’s house to find a pile of newspapers and an unlocked door. Then, everyone’s favorite Haley James bursts into action. Okay, so she calls Dan’s doctor to see if he knows what’s up. That is bursting into action as far as helping Dan is concerned.
Then there’s Sam, the angry shoplifter who Haley is genuinely trying to help. Whenever Sam spouts out about how Haley doesn’t know anything about her life and Haley’s is so perfect, I wish Haley would just say, “You don’t know me.” She’s got years and years of twists and turns in her life, little girl. Haley doesn’t lash out at Sam because she’s Haley and Haley is too good for that crap. She’ll turn Sam around eventually. I want to hear your wild theories about what Sam’s deal is. I don’t read spoilers so if you know, don’t tell me. I’m going to clock in with Wild Theory #1 – Sam is Brooke’s half sister and is wildly jealous that Brooke got all the love. Love in this case means clothing line because we all know Brooke didn’t get any parental love. Now your turn. The crazier, the better.
And that rocker I mentioned earlier that blows into town and is showed around by Peyton? Yeah, he may or may not be Peyton’s father. Shocker. Hey, wasn’t there some talk about a Peyton/Lucas wedding happening at some point? Yeah, thought so.
Next week is going to be insane. There seems to be some epic chase through a cornfield involving Carrie and Jamie and it looks like Carrie hits Haley over the head with something unpleasant. Too bad Brooke left that gun in New York. It would be handy in a showdown with Crazy Carrie. Don’t forget, give me your wild Sam theories!