“The Ex-Files”
Original Air Date: Sept 22, 2008
Alicia Gray – TwoCents Reviewer
Oh. The. Memories. Bad ones too! It’s the first day of senior year for the Gossip Girl crew. Lily is back. Finally. The rich take the longest vacations ever. I wish I were rich. Anyway, Lily talks about her honeymoon as Serena gushes. Chuck enters trying to be a bit up a kiss-up to his new step-mommy. Serena seems to be stalling. She doesn’t want to go to school to face to crowds. As you remember, she and Dan broke up the episode prior. Chuck is freakin’ awesome. He tries to make Serena feel better about her break-up, by calling her a Queen who deserves better.
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[photo: Giovanni Rufino/The CW]
Gossip Girl
ReplyDelete“The Ex-Files”
Original Air Date: Sept 22, 2008
Alicia Gray – TwoCents Reviewer
Oh. The. Memories. Bad ones too! It’s the first day of senior year for the Gossip Girl crew. Lily is back. Finally. The rich take the longest vacations ever. I wish I were rich. Anyway, Lily talks about her honeymoon as Serena gushes. Chuck enters trying to be a bit up a kiss-up to his new step-mommy. Serena seems to be stalling. She doesn’t want to go to school to face to crowds. As you remember, she and Dan broke up the episode prior. Chuck is freakin’ awesome. He tries to make Serena feel better about her break-up, by calling her a Queen who deserves better.
In poor land, Dan is also talking to his parent about what school is going to be like with Serena there. Jenny enters prattling on about how life stinks that she is no longer going to be Blair’s project. You see the first day of school is draft day. Blair at the beginning of the year categorizes girls into two groups: projects and victims. Projects are girls with the potential of being Blair-wannabes and victims, well, they’re victims.
Blair and her Worker Bees are interviewing Juniors to see who makes the cut. Blair picks a girl, who’s blonde and who’s brother has cute lacrosse playing friends. Of. Course.
Nate runs up to Vanessa asking what’s going on with her. She hasn’t returned his phone calls and won’t have anything to do with him. She tells them they were never really friends and she bolts.
Dan is walking down the hallway when he runs right into a sloppy looking girl named Amanda. Serena and Blair walk down the opposite side of hallway and see Dan talking to Amanda. They get her file and note she’s “Dan with boobs.”
Catherine enters Vanessa’s gallery where she works (why she’s not in some form of school is beyond me). Catherine hands Vanessa an envelope and leaves. It’s a check for 5,000 dollars.
Dan and Serena finally run into each other and it’s all kinds of awkward. Serena bites the bullet and asks Dan to be friends and if wants to eat lunch with her. He can’t, he’s already eating lunch with Amanda. And this scene is all while Chuck looks on.
Blair demands that Amanda eat lunch with her clique. Amanda doesn’t really want to. Serena sees what’s going on and asks Blair to stop
At Catherine’s house, Vanessa has stopped by to return the check she was given. As she places the check on a table and leaves she hears a noise. She follows it and quietly opens the door to find Catherine, um, well, fooling around with her stepson Marcus. Yeah. Gossip Girl is going into some weird territory. Vanessa takes a picture of the two.
Blair goes at Amanda telling her she must never date a friend’s ex, while Vanessa shows the picture to Dan who says that she has to show it to the Queen Bee herself. Serena finds Dan to apologize for Blair’s actions, but Dan doesn’t buy it. He’s ticked off Serena was apart of Amanda’s harassment.
Vanessa shows the picture to Blair, who’s obviously heartbroken. She says she will take care of it, without saying how. Amanda forces Dan to come out with her to a dance place where everyone goes. Amanda throws it down with the Beettes and smiles showing “oops, I’m with Dan.”
Serena is angry that Dan went out with Amanda and lets him know it. Serena demands that she, Amanda, and Dan all go out together.
Blair is eating brunch with Marcus. She is furious at him, but its clear from her eyes she has a plan. Catherine enters and Blair tells her to have a seat when she sends Vanessa’s picture to Catherine’s phone. Blair has the upper hand. Vanessa goes to Catherine’s husband to tell him what’s happening.
Serena, Amanda, and Dan all hang out together at a bar, where they order martinis and yes the bartender just hands them alcoholic drinks without a second thought. Only on the CW. While Amanda and Dan talk at a booth, Blair’s Beettes come up to Serena at the bar. They have a surprise for her. They’ve apparently taken hostage an entire lacrosse team so they can be at Serena’s beck-and-call. Serena’s going to use them to get back at Dan. One of them comes to sit with the group. Serena and Dan decide this competition isn’t healthy and that they need time apart.
Nate comes over to Blair’s to find out everything that has been happening. She says that Catherine has agreed to pay Nate’s money if they all keep they’re mouth shut about the pictures. But, Catherine calls Blair to say Vanessa went to her husband. So maybe there isn’t good news. Blair confronts Vanessa about the bad news and how she screwed Nate over.
Serena decides from this moment on that every prank, every little thing against Amanda or any girl for that matter will be done through her. We find Amanda and Chuck eating together. They had planned this enter meeting with Dan. Chuck wanted Blair dethroned as Queen so she’ll come running back to him.
Jenny skips school and goes to work at her internship job.
Serena is now at the top of the social food chain while Blair seemingly has become one of her projects.
In the end, people are shunning Dan left and right. Serena walks by and gives him a look. Now this is a Serena I can like. Welcome back Queen Serena! Thank you Gossip Girl for being good again!