“Dream a Little Dream of Me”
Air Date: September 25, 2008
Valeria – TwoCents Reviewer
As one can suspect from the title, dreams are an ongoing thread throughout the season premiere. Last we left SGH, Meredith admitted to Derek that she wanted to spend the rest of her life with him, George (accidentally) kissed Lexie on the lips, Callie and Erica gave into their sexual tension, and Alex and Izzie shared a kiss a well, comforting each other after the trauma of Rebecca. So what does this mean for the new season?
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[photo: ABC.com]
Grey’s Anatomy
ReplyDelete“Dream a Little Dream of Me”
Air Date: September 25, 2008
Valeria – TwoCents Reviewer
As one can suspect from the title, dreams are an ongoing thread throughout the season premiere. Last we left SGH, Meredith admitted to Derek that she wanted to spend the rest of her life with him, George (accidentally) kissed Lexie on the lips, Callie and Erica gave into their sexual tension, and Alex and Izzie shared a kiss a well, comforting each other after the trauma of Rebecca. So what does this mean for the new season?
Like always, Grey’s starts off on a gloomy note. Meredith, after realizing that Derek is taking way too long coming back to her house of candles, she runs off to the hospital, only to be stopped so that she won’t realize that Derek, is dead.
JUST KIDDING!!!! It’s just another depressing Meredith dream.
What really is pushing this episode forward is the new ranking of the best teaching hospitals in the United States. SGH, used to being in the top 3 – is hoping to keep the momentum going. Well, I’m left wondering, after all the dramatic deaths, love triangles, and intimate doctor-patient relationships, its no wonder that Seattle Grace has fallen to the #12 spot. Everyone is determined to improve the situation.
Erica wants to know how she can be a better teacher, Cristina is looking to where she can go to (Dual Doctors – she’s got a PhD. – don’t’ do #12), George wants to retake his intern exam, and well everyone else is still pretty much in his or her own world.
But before we get onto the love lives of the doctors, lets move onto what hospitals exist for. Traumas. Well, all the traumas are steering clear of SGH, they’re #2 in the area. So Bailey just hopes that something bad will happen to someone and they’ll come to her hospital because Mercy West is too far away. She get’s her wish. Two traumas arrive - limos filled with injuries.
The first: a group of 3 older women, Sarah Beth, Anna, and Betty, all dressed up in their evening wear, ready to meet their husbands – who are traveling separately – at a ball. Did I mention that the roads are covered in black ice? Because for some reason, it’s snowing in Seattle. The second: their husbands, accompanied by an Army Trauma Surgeon, who is totally making Cristina hot and heavy.
As the Traumas are being treated, secrets begin to come up. It might be confusing, so read closely: Anna and Sarah Beth have been BFFs for their entire lives; Anna has been having an affair with Sarah Beth’s husband, Michael for 8 months. Anna’s husband Phil, is currently paralyzed, and Betty’s memory keeps resetting every 30 seconds, so no one has the heart to keep repeating to her that her husband is dead.
In true Grey’s fashion, the patients will inappropriately interact with the doctors. Meredith, having just asked Derek to move in with her, is delivered a sucker punch by Cheating-Anna who confides the infidelity. Which wouldn’t be such a big deal, until she goes on to say that spending the entirety of her live with one man is not al it’s cracked up to me, “your love gets chipped away by another person . . . you shave yourself away so that you fit together, and then one day, you just can’t remember who you are.” Great Job Anna! Now I’ll be sure to grab a snack during Meredith’s ongoing moments of doubt about Derek.
Luckily, Derek, being Dreamy and all, understands Meredith. He wasn’t really expecting to move in with her anytime soon, and is more than willing to take things slow. Which is good, because Meredith will continue to doubt their relationship until Cristina gives her blessing. Which Cristina doesn’t want to give. She’s sick of hearing about their crap – it’s all Meredith ever talks about! And if she really wants to know the truth, then No, Cristina doesn’t think that there’s a happily ever after for Meredith and Derek. For this sentiment, she receives a karmic slip on the black ice, a bump on the back of the head, and a stabbing in the gut by an icicle. But of course, she’s treated and stitched up by Army Doctor – and she gets a little smoochies at the end as well. Get it GURL!!
But what I really love about this exchange with Meredith and Cristina, is what Cristina’s dream reveals. In her dream, the two of them have grown as old spinsters and still live together, and fight about what’s for dinner, and where Meredith’s glasses are. Which just makes me think that Cristina needs to let go of her grip on her best friend, just a little bit. Mer will always be her person, but she needs to be healthy with Derek as well.
As for the crew of supporting characters – lots of groundwork is being set for developing storylines with last season’s kisses. The most exciting, in my opinion, being what will happen between Alex and Izzie. Now, I don’t think I’ve told you all this, but the last time that I liked Izzie was when her and Alex were having their fling. She was bubbly and happy, and well, I loved her. There might be some of that Izzie coming back. That is until Alex finds out that Izzie told Meredith that she thinks he’s a nice man. He goes from confiding in Izzie, and being a generally all-around-nice guy that cares about the little things, to a meanie (if you wanna PC about it) who picks up a skank at Joes, and blatantly paws her in front of Izzie, with a creepy, smug smirk on his face. But I’m not giving up hope, because while Izzie dreams of her and Denny finally being together, she can’t keep her eyes off of Alex.
I’m still having trouble adjusting to the newest canon couple of Grey’s – Erica and Callie. After avoiding each other for the entirety of the episode, they’re finally able to confront each other after Erica comes to Callie’s rescue when an experimental treatment goes wrong. In a revealing conversation, we find out, that this whole, being with a girl thing, is new to both of them. Together, they can be scared, and virgins at this new relationship. We have yet to see how things develop. So far, I’m not feelin’ it – but if the writers can avoid anything like the George/Izzie debacle, I’m confident that I can deal with it.
One new development that I am looking forward too though is Lexie and George. Who, at the moment, are just BFFs, as George so eloquently put it when his roommate tried to voice her feelings to him. On a side note, may I mention, that McSteamy is shaping up to be the resident matchmaker of SGH? First, he pushes Callie to give in to her feelings for Erica, and then, he does the same for Lexie. Now, if only Addison would come back and get back together with Mark.
Although, not the most enjoyable episode of Grey’s by far, conversations with other viewers has revered to me that this is the glimpse of light at the end of the tunnel. Although, I found myself looking at my clock occasionally, trying to figure out when the episode was going to end, I was caught up in the story line the majority of the time. What I’m most excited about is how this #12 ranking is going to play into the rest of the season. The episode ended with The Chief giving a speech to his entire staff, that they’ve gotten lazy, and careless with their work, and that from this moment now, everyone’s on notice. It’s going to be exciting to see who can stand the heat. But of course, not too much heat – because what is Grey’s Anatomy without the love triangles and inappropriate sex? Bring it on; I want this show to go back to its glory days.
Anybody think the "We need to do better" speech at the end was the writers' prolonged apology to the fans for the crap that has been the last season and a half?
ReplyDeleteI thought the show was decent. Not good... not bad. I have hope for this season. If they can help some of the characters get their heads on straight and stop it with the Jekyl/Hyde thing with Alex already.
ReplyDeleteI do like the George/Lexie situation right now. I hope Meredith and Derek figure it out and give us something else to focus on. Like you, I'm not currently feeling the Callie/Erica relationship. What I find strange is that last season, Erica came across as familiar with the female/female relationship and pretty secure in what was happening yet now she's the blushing virgin??
I guess we'll see what happens over the coming weeks. What did you think of the whole situation with Rose??? A little over the top?
This was the first episode in a while that actually got my attention. I hope the rest of the season remains this compelling. I loved that there were so many different things going on at once. I know there always has been, but it just felt like even more subplots than usual.
ReplyDeleteI loved the scene where George walked out of the room and Lexie said "I adore you." It was so cute and honest. I'm also interested to see where that relationship goes. George has always been my favorite character.