"Manhattan Project"
Original Air Date: Sept 25, 2008
Karen - TwoCents Staff Writer
Well, lets just say, it has been a long wait to have Ugly Betty return this season. I was very anxious to watch the season premier. Now as all of you avid followers of Betty's love life know, we were waiting to see how they would handle her love life situation. This seemed to be the biggest part of the show with fans either shipping for Henry or Gio. I will say that I was very disappointed in how the writers dealt with it.
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[photo: ABC.com]
Ugly Betty
ReplyDelete"Manhattan Project"
Original Air Date: Sept 25, 2008
Karen - TwoCents Staff Writer
Well, lets just say, it has been a long wait to have Ugly Betty return this season. I was very anxious to watch the season premier. Now as all of you avid followers of Betty's love life know, we were waiting to see how they would handle her love life situation. This seemed to be the biggest part of the show with fans either shipping for Henry or Gio. I will say that I was very disappointed in how the writers dealt with it.
In the beginning of the show there was about 5 seconds spent on each guy with Betty telling them she picked neither of them. She told Henry that she loved him but was not ready to marry him....yet. That there is a lot she wants to do . She told Gio she liked him but not the same way he does and didn't want to lead him on.That was it!! I mean 5 seconds on each of them! Henry (Chris Gorham) and Gio (Freddy Rodriguez) didn't even speak!I was not too happy about this. Anybody else agree? Didn't you expect a better send off of Henry/Gio? I guess when the writers said they wanted to get back to the "heart" of Betty, they figured they better drop the guys in her life ...quickly. The show was much more about Betty and her life.
So Betty is back from her month long vacation and her plans are to take on more responsibilities at work, no more love relations, and to get an apartment in the city.
Betty shows up at the office with Amanda and Marc actually happy to see her. The Mode office is no longer orange, it is black & white and very cold. Betty finds out Daniel is now working with a magazine called "Player" and Wilhelmina is Editor in Chief of "Mode". She made Daniels office into a nursery for the baby.
Next, Betty finds herself an apartment and rented it without seeing it first. Lets just say, it is not good. Gross, to be quite honest. That's our Betty , believing in everyone.
Daniel takes an idea from Betty's "Idea Book" but puts a whole new twist on it. He decides to get 6 "hot chicks" on motorcycles to go to different towns. Now , on opening day of unveiling this,one of the girls goes home and Betty decides to take her place.Long and behold our Betty gets squirted in the face by DJ with silly-string and her cycle gets off course and runs into a pool of watermelon slush.This makes Marc and Amanda very happy.
Wilhelmina & Alexis go on "Regis and Kelly" where they make fun of "Hot Flash" magazine. Willie is back to no good schemes. Alexis decides to kill "Hot Flash", and Claire is not happy and warns Alexis that Willie will try to take over.
Betty & Hilda go to Flushing Burger where their father works and find out the manager is Kimmie (Lindsay Lohan), Bettys enemy from school. Kimmie cut Ignacio's hours once she found out he was Betty's father. Long story short....big food fight and Ignacio is now fired. Betty later realizes that there is growing up to do, so the next day she appologizes to Kimmie. We find out that Kimmie is jealous of Betty. Betty gives her a pep talk and Kimmie gives Ignacio his job back. (he is the best cook she has)
The show ends with Betty giving Daniel the idea to put the video of her on the motorcycle on the web, it will appeal to his audience to help sell the magazine. Then she goes to her disastrous apartment and finds her family cleaning and painting. Hilda still hasn't told her Tony (coach) Diaz is married. Show ends with Betty knocking on her neighbors door (cause the music is too loud) and meets Jesse. She seems a bit smitten. He gives her the "B" necklace he found when she moved. I think we just met Betty's new crush.
Well what did you think? You know my opinion about Henry/ Gio situation, what's yours? What did you think of Betty's new wardrobe? Give me your twocents in the comments.
Thanks for listening
I have to be really honest - I thought the show was horrible. I didn't like the way they dealt with the Henry/Gio storylines. The viewers deserved better on that one. Also, how much longer are they going to continue to portray Betty as so naive - who would rent an apartment sight unseen? Really, now. I'm also not getting her stupid wardrobe with the tights and the socks. I was very, very disappointed.
ReplyDeleteI hear ya cary....they picked the same fashion person that did "sex and the city", and let me tell you, never saw what they liked as far as the clothes in that show either.I mean I know you have to keep her "ugly" but who in the world would think of striped stockings or socks w/pumps? I agree w/ the apartment thing too, whouldn't Christina shake her on that? But did like the Marc and Amanda moments.