“He's a Ball of Goo!”
Season 16, Episode 5
Original Air Date: March 6, 2008
Rachel - TwoCents Staff Writer
The Top 16 Things I Learned About the Castaways of Survivor: Micronesia
1. Alexis [Airai] is freakishly happy about the tribal mix-up… the favorites came in and fixed all the stupidity that was the fans’ shelter(s).
2. Amanda [Malakal] caught a freakin’ 35 to 40 pound shark! A SHARK! And with her bare hands, too!
3. Ami [Malakal] finally did something that I remember – she held poor Charlie (the rooster) down when Ozzy chopped his head off.
4. Chet [Malakal] might not only be the laziest castaway in Survivor history, but also the best at blaming others for his complete incompetence. “Hey – Joel literally dragged me around the obstacle course not because I’m lazy, but because he is a bad communicator. I said it.”
5. Cirie [Malakal] has become evil. When she caught wind that people wanted to vote the weakest people out first, keeping strong ones while still in group challenges, she orchestrated the vote-off of Joel (the second strongest person in the game) because she counts herself among the weak. No argument here.
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Survivor: Micronesia, Fans vs. Favorites
ReplyDelete“He's a Ball of Goo!”
Season 16, Episode 5
Original Air Date: March 6, 2008
Rachel - TwoCents Staff Writer
The Top 16 Things I Learned About the Castaways of Survivor: Micronesia
1. Alexis [Airai] is freakishly happy about the tribal mix-up… the favorites came in and fixed all the stupidity that was the fans’ shelter(s).
2. Amanda [Malakal] caught a freakin’ 35 to 40 pound shark! A SHARK! And with her bare hands, too!
3. Ami [Malakal] finally did something that I remember – she held poor Charlie (the rooster) down when Ozzy chopped his head off.
4. Chet [Malakal] might not only be the laziest castaway in Survivor history, but also the best at blaming others for his complete incompetence. “Hey – Joel literally dragged me around the obstacle course not because I’m lazy, but because he is a bad communicator. I said it.”
5. Cirie [Malakal] has become evil. When she caught wind that people wanted to vote the weakest people out first, keeping strong ones while still in group challenges, she orchestrated the vote-off of Joel (the second strongest person in the game) because she counts herself among the weak. No argument here.
6. Eliza [Airai] helped rebuild the joke that was the camp at Airai. Seriously, who puts the fire pit below the tide line?
7. Erik [Malakal] might be the only “fan” with any sense. He was adamant they vote off weak players while still involved in group challenges, reserving the votes for threats when individual challenges begin. Smart man, but he may be in trouble because he was the only one left out of the Joel blindside vote (well, besides Joel).
8. James [Airai] had the best quote of the night when referring to the state of the Airai beach: “They should all be dead, the poor little things!”
9. Jason [Airai] pulled a Wiley Coyote when, in the Reward Challenge and tied to James, he ran by one side of a tree and James ran by the other. All that was needed was some sort of “boiing” sound effect.
10. Joel [Malakal] is gone, and, as creepy the guy was, it was a heck of a stupid move to get rid of him.
11. Jonathan [Airai] got his leg impaled by a stick during a challenge, resulting in a visit from the mysterious Survivor medics (and three stitches). It was gross.
12. Kathy [Airai] didn’t have to go to Exile Island! Yay!
13. Natalie [Airai] was the team captain when picking the new Airai tribe, picking James first. Good move!
14. Ozzy [Malakal] was the team captain for picking the new Malakal tribe, which was good because he hid the Immunity Idol on the Malakal beach. It would have been very interesting had he not been chosen to be captain – Natalie would have picked him first instead of James (if she’s smart) and he would have gone home to a different island. How would he have gotten the idol then???
15. Parvati [Airai] got a fat lip in the Reward Challenge. Nice.
16. Tracy [Malakal] helped get the ball rolling to vote out Joel. Stupid!
Seriously... does anyone read this? I think I might start making stuff up to give the show the illusion of "must-watch-tv-ness" that it has been lacking this season!