Top 10 Girls - "70's Theme"
Original Air Date: February 27, 2008
Janelle - TwoCents Staff Writer
Welcome to Ladies Night on American Idol! Ryan is standing there with all the girls and reminds us and the ladies behind him that millions of families are watching. Well if the girls weren’t nervous before surely they are now!
We find out that thanks to Ryan watching Regis and Kelly, Randy wears a 13.5 shoe. Ryan thought it was important enough to tell us so I am telling you…I really don’t find that information useful, but you might?
Before we get started, let me remind you dear readers of my scoring system. The more I listen to a song the more I like the song. If I fast forward straight away- the song was no good. If I listened to the song the entire way- it rocked. Ok, now onto the show…
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American Idol
ReplyDeleteTop 10 Girls - "70's Theme"
Original Air Date: February 27, 2008
Janelle - TwoCents Staff Writer
Welcome to Ladies Night on American Idol! Ryan is standing there with all the girls and reminds us and the ladies behind him that millions of families are watching. Well if the girls weren’t nervous before surely they are now!
We find out that thanks to Ryan watching Regis and Kelly, Randy wears a 13.5 shoe. Ryan thought it was important enough to tell us so I am telling you…I really don’t find that information useful, but you might?
Before we get started, let me remind you dear readers of my scoring system. The more I listen to a song the more I like the song. If I fast forward straight away- the song was no good. If I listened to the song the entire way- it rocked. Ok, now onto the show…
Again, it’s 70’s night and the question is “What would America be surprised to learn about you?”
First up for the ladies is Carly. I liked Carly from the start. She was the one that was suppose to have made to Hollywood a few years back on AI but had some trouble with her Visa Card. She tells us that we would be surprised that she works in an Irish pub. Really Carly? You are Irish, right? I thought you were with your accent so really it does not surprise me. She also tells us that she likes to clean and cook and feels at home on the stage.
She sings, “Crazy on You.” I liked it, but thought her energy for the song was low.
Here is what the judges had to say (HIWTJHTS):
Randy: It was a little rough but alright.
Paula: Great to have her back.
Simon: Better than last week.
Janelle: I will see you on the big stage in a few weeks. She has nothing to worry about.
Syesha is next and she tells us that she has been in commercials and we are treated to a commercial she was in. She played a wife. I think that is almost as important as Randy’s shoe size. She also does a spot on baby cry- it really sounded like what a baby would sound like. I was a little impressed by that.
She sings, “Me and Mr. Jones.” I do not like this song in any form or fashion and Syesha isn’t making me like it any more than I did. I must fast forward.
Randy: Not a great song choice.
Paula: Liked what she did.
Simon: Thought it was a bit indulgent.
Janelle: Ummm. No. Not good. Not good.
Up next is Brooke and Brooke tells us that she loves playing with hair. She looks at other people’s hair and wonders how she can fix it. …And I really don’t have much to say about that.
She sings, “You’re so Vain.” Ok, let me tell you that there are many songs sang on AI that I really can’t stand and if I can’t stand the song but the singer can make me like the song the way they sing it- that is the highest complement I can give. Brooke made me like this song. This song I once could not stand, now I love. Brooke ROCKED IT!
Randy: Great song choice
Paula: Perfect song choice.
Simon: Absolutely loved it.
Janelle: Simon, you said what I was going to say!
Ramiele is next. I fast forward just enough to see her doing some hula thing. Didn’t we this last year? And didn’t that not work out for the guy that did it last year? Anyway…
Ramiele sings something I have no clue what it is. I must fast forward right away. My ears can only take so much.
Randy: Was not his favorite choice.
Paula: She didn’t perform her magic
Simon: Agrees with Paula.
Janelle: This is a magic show? Man, have I been judging the wrong thing!
Up next is Kristy Lee. She tells us something about liking horses and being a tomboy.
She sings, “You’re no Good.” I kinda like it. (HIWTJHTS):
Randy: 100% Improvement from last week.
Paula: You’re Back!
Simon: Huge improvement.
Janelle: You will survive to see another week.
Bret Michaels is next- ooops! I mean, Amanda. She was wearing the Bret Michaels bandana thing- I thought I was watching Rock of Love there for a second. Ok, back to Amanda. We would be surprised that this rock and roll nurse loves to read books. And listening her to tell us how she loves to read is about as fun as it sounds.
She sings, “Wayward Son.” I love this song in real life. It is a rockin’ song! However, Bret, err- I mean Amanda does this song no favors and I have to fast forward. Now, if listening to a song I don’t like is the best thing, then fast forwarding through a song I love is the worst thing that can happen to anybody I am judging on AI.
Randy: Not the right song for her.
Paula: You can dance! You are special.
Simon: It did not feel natural.
Janelle: Can someone get Paula’s meds? She isn’t making sense again.
Alania is next and tells that she can’t stand for her food to touch each other on her plate. Ohh. k. What was Randy’s shoe size again? Let’s go back to that topic.
She sings, “Hopelessly Devoted to You.” I must fast forward. Unless I’m watching Olivia Newton John trying to smoke a cigarette or sneak out of a sleepover, I can’t listen to this song.
Randy: Does not think it’s the right song choice for her.
Paula: Things she did a good job.
Simon: Says it looks and sounds like her grandma got her prepared for this song tonight.
Janelle: Simon, do you know her grandma? Wouldn’t that be against the rules if you did?
Up next is Alexandre. Alexandre tells us that she was the poster child for Atlanta Fire Fighters and sang at ground zero.
She sings, “If you leave me know.” Alexandre is wearing shorts while singing this song and I can’t get past the shorts. Somehow they just don’t go together and I know her clothing shouldn’t make me like this song any less, but it does and I have to fast forward.
Randy: Made a safe choice. Thought she was boring.
Paula: Made it her own.
Simon: Thinks she is struggling.
Janelle: Paula, I think this is the first time I heard you say that this season. AI has officially started in my book! Yay!
Kady is next and Kady sings opera. She shows how she sings opera in the bathroom. Again, what was Randy’s shoe size? Were his laces tied? And now I’m thinking of Ace Ventura, “Laces Out!” Where was I? oh ya, AL…
Kady sings, “Magic Man.” Funny because as Kady is walking down the staircase, she looks like a man. And now I’m thinking of that song, “Walk like a Man.” Anybody remember that movie? Well, with all this thinking of other stuff and Kady not doing this song any justice lets see what the judges have to say:
Randy: Never quite found the note.
Paula: Thinks she has many hidden talents.
Simon: He is struggling as much as she is.
Janelle: Wasn’t that guy in that “Walk like a Man” also in “The Fly?”
Asiah is next up and tells that she is a cheerleader. She tells us how being a cheerleader helps her on AI. It helped me too Asiah. Oh! I kid, I kid. I was never a cheerleader.
She sings, “All by Myself.” Ok, I have heard this song enough for two lifetimes, and Asiah is starts off horrible! She must be nervous.
Randy: Thought she did a good job.
Paula: The ending was great.
Simon: Did not pull it off.
Janelle: I think you might be going home tomorrow night, go ahead and pack your bags to be on the safe side.
Well, that’s it for tonight. Tomorrow is elimination night. If you can’t get enough of Janelle you can check out her blog at www.junkfood4thesoul.com