Top 10 Boys - "70's Theme"
Original Air Date: February 26, 2008
Janelle - TwoCents Staff Writer
Sorry for being MIA the last few weeks. I would tell you the full story, but I know you are only here for one thing and that is how it went on American Idol tonight so without further ado, here we go…
Oh! Before we start, I must tell you about “Janelle’s AI Meter.” It goes like this: if I fast forward through a song, it sucks- plain and simple. If I listen to all of a song, it totally rocked. If I listen to just a bit of a song and then fast forward, the song was alright. The more I listen, the more I like. Ok, got the rules down? Once again…here we go! (Are any of you E! News watchers? If so, then you know that in the beginning they always show a clip of Ryan saying that when the show starts. Ok, I know, back to AI- shees you guys are pushy aren’t you?)
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American Idol
ReplyDeleteTop 10 Boys - "70's Theme"
Original Air Date: February 26, 2008
Janelle - TwoCents Staff Writer
Sorry for being MIA the last few weeks. I would tell you the full story, but I know you are only here for one thing and that is how it went on American Idol tonight so without further ado, here we go…
Oh! Before we start, I must tell you about “Janelle’s AI Meter.” It goes like this: if I fast forward through a song, it sucks- plain and simple. If I listen to all of a song, it totally rocked. If I listen to just a bit of a song and then fast forward, the song was alright. The more I listen, the more I like. Ok, got the rules down? Once again…here we go! (Are any of you E! News watchers? If so, then you know that in the beginning they always show a clip of Ryan saying that when the show starts. Ok, I know, back to AI- shees you guys are pushy aren’t you?)
It is guys’ night on AI. It is also a 70’s theme night. Oh! This should be fun. I was born in ’76 and so this should be my night!! And the question for tonight is “What would American be surprised to learn about you?”
First up is Michael. Michael tells us that he loves playing tennis. Tennis takes his mind off things and some of his best work comes after playing a game of tennis. Really Michael? Me too! I always play a game of tennis before I sit down to recap AI, really I do! Ok, you got me- maybe I don’t.
Michael sings, “You can go your own way.” I listen. I almost like, but not really. I fast forward through about a quarter of the way.
Here is what the judges had to say (HIWTJHTS):
Randy: Not his best, but he did alright.
Paula: Got the whole crowd working.
Simon: it was OK. It was his weakest performance.
Janelle: No Paula he did NOT! I totally disagree with her.
Jason is next and he tells us during his pre-performance interview he hates doing interviews. They promptly show clips of him messing up his interview, funny AI, real funny.
He sings a song I don’t know. He is playing his guitar and I can’t help but wonder if he would look pretty as a girl. He has a pretty face, really he does. I have no idea what this song is and I fast forward- you what that means.
Randy: Vocals weren’t that great
Paula: Wants to see him without his guitar
Simon: Horrible.
Janelle: Yes Simon I agree.
Up next is Luke and Luke tell us something about touring and how that got him prepared for AI. Ok Luke, lets see what ya got…
Ok, yet another song I have no idea what it is. I am guessing it is a Queen song, but I can’t be sure. Luke is singing in a high voice and I don’t like it at all. I must fast forward.
All I think about is the fact that my mom had to listen to this crap when she was driving around in her car back in the ‘70’s. Thank God I was baby and have no memory of this horrible music.
Randy: Like him better than last week.
Paula: Great Week.
Simon: This song was a mistake.
Janelle: If this was better than last week, glad I missed last week!
Robbie is next. Ryan questions Robbie in the Coke Cola Upstairs Room and Robbie answers his question with this, “I be me.” It was funny. If you aren’t laughing, well I guess you had to be there.
Robbie tells us that we would be surprised that he is a drag queen. Oh! I kid I kid! I was just seeing if you were paying attention. He really drag races. Actually, I’m not that surprised. He kinda looks like someone who would drag race.
He sings “Hot Blooded.” He does alright. But I must say, his energy is kinda low for this song. Lets see if the judges agree with me.
Randy: Does not think his voice is rock enough.
Paula: Things Robbie knows who Robbie is. Duh Paula! He just said before the song, “I be me.”
Simon: Vocal was ok.
Janelle: Is there a song that you can sing and incorporate, “I be me” in the lyrics?
Up next is Danny. I have liked Danny since auditions. He is a little Paris Hilton mixed with something that would make him a male Paris Hilton. Oh! I like Paris. I like the fact that she is famous for being rich! I want that job!! But back to Danny. Danny tells us that he used to be in punk band but they only did one show, sucked at it and broke up. Ok Danny, good to know.
He sings a song that I must fast forward after the first sentence or maybe first word. I have no idea what this song was and didn’t want to stick around to find out what the title might possibly be.
Randy: Though he was thinking while he was singing.
Paula: Amazing vocal skills.
Simon: Better than last week.
Janelle: Uummm, judges were we in the same room??
David #1 (he has dark hair) is next and tells us that he just to be in gymnastics. He lets us know that was really good and even won a medal or something. He explains that the outfit he had to wear is just like the girls but with white pants over the bathing suit type thingy the guys have to wear. Thanks David, I always wondered about that.
He sings., “ Papa was a rolling stone.” NOW WE ARE TALKING! This was the best so far! He rocked it! I didn’t even think to fast forward. He made me proud that I was born in the ‘70’s. I didn’t even really know this song before tonight and now I’m going to download it!
Randy: That was hot
Paula: Something wonderful.
Simon: Best vocal of the night.
Janelle: Quick! Where is my iPod so I can download and listen to that again?!?!
Jason is next up and we would be surprised that he plays multiple instruments. Ya, Jason, I’m not really that surprised. After all you are in a music competition- I’m just saying.
Jason sings, “Without Love Where Would You Be Now?” I do not like this song and while there have been times contestants have sang songs I don’t like, but they make it work, this was not one of those times. I fast forward.
Randy: It wasn’t a singer’s kind of song.
Paula: It was fun to see this side of him
Simon: Awkward.
Janelle: I’m listening to David’s “Papa was a Rolling Stone” on my iPod, did I miss something?
Chickeze is next and he tells that we would be surprised about his name. Not really. I’m no that surprised it’s from another culture and people mess it up all the time.
He sings yet another song I don’t know, don’t like and have to fast forward.
Randy: Chickeze is back!
Paula: Million times better.
Simon: Ooops! I forgot to write down what Simon had to say!
Janelle: Next week, Chackooezieszch, please pick a song I know! I know you have a good voice, I remember you from the auditions, but when you sing a song I don’t know and you don’t grab me in the first three seconds, I have to move on.
David #2 is up next. Not to be confused with David #1. David #2 is looks like a short brown hair rocker. He tells us that we would be surprised that he does crossword puzzles and he considers himself a “word nerd.” You know what? I am kinda surprised at that.
He sings, “All Right Now” and ROCKS IT! He is a rock start up there with his electric guitar!
Randy: Believes him.
Paula: The Bands on fire.
Simon: Solid.
Janelle: Paula? The bands on fire?? This is supposed to be about David #2, not the band. Please don’t forget your meds next week, ummkay?
David #3 is next. This is the David that is like 16 and has really dark hair. Know who I’m talking about now? Good. He tells us that we would be surprised that he met the season 1 finalist from AI AND he sang in front of them in the hotel lobby or something like that. We see a clip (think YouTube kinda clip) of him singing in front of Kelly Clarkson and her thinking he was amazing. He sings, “Imagine.” He does an AWESOME JOB!! This kid is the kid to beat! I can’t believe he is only 16! He changed up the song, but did it pure justice. I. Love. It.
Randy: One of the best vocals he has seen on the AI stage.
Paula: (I think she is crying!) Wants to hang him on her rearview mirror.
Simon: It worked.
Janelle: See you in the top two!
See you tomorrow night for Ladies Night! And if you can’t get enough of Janelle you can check out her blog at www.junkfood4thesoul.com