Thursday, January 17, 2008

"The Amazing Race" Recap & Review - "Sorry, Guys, I'm Not Happy To See You"

The Amazing Race 12
“Sorry, Guys, I'm Not Happy To See You”

Original Air Date: January 13, 2007

Rachel - TwoCents Staff Writer

The Top Four Things I Learned from the Episode 10 of The Amazing Race 12

1. If the viewers have been feeling a bit sorry for you because your dad is a mean misogynist, show them your dark side and do something even he wouldn’t do: sabotage.

Christina isn’t above lying and scheming to sabotage other teams… I don’t think anyone is. But when she got tickets to Taipei and asked the attendant to lie to Nate and Jen about ticket availability, the creepy part was the smile on her face. So innocent, yet so evil. I don’t blame her, though: I want Nate and Jen eliminated as much as practically everyone in America. Team Ron & Christina arrived first at the matt in Taiwan, winning a trip for two to the island of Curacao in the Antilles.

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(Editor's Note: Speaking of baby - congrats to Rachel and her family as they welcomed a new baby into the brood!)

[Photo: Monty Brinton/CBS]

1 comment:

  1. The Amazing Race 12
    “Sorry, Guys, I'm Not Happy To See You”

    Original Air Date: January 13, 2007

    Rachel - TwoCents Staff Writer

    The Top Four Things I Learned from the Episode 10 of The Amazing Race 12

    1. If the viewers have been feeling a bit sorry for you because your dad is a mean misogynist, show them your dark side and do something even he wouldn’t do: sabotage.

    Christina isn’t above lying and scheming to sabotage other teams… I don’t think anyone is. But when she got tickets to Taipei and asked the attendant to lie to Nate and Jen about ticket availability, the creepy part was the smile on her face. So innocent, yet so evil. I don’t blame her, though: I want Nate and Jen eliminated as much as practically everyone in America. Team Ron & Christina arrived first at the matt in Taiwan, winning a trip for two to the island of Curacao in the Antilles.

    2. If you want a competitor to be eliminated, you must berate his hair.

    With a start three hours behind the other teams and a Speed Bump looming, team TK & Rachel should not have been a threat. This made me sad, because they are my dark horses. Yet somehow, with ease and communication, something definitely lacking in the other teams, they managed to float their way through the leg and arrived in front of Phil second place. The only thing the other teams could do about it? Make fun of TK’s dreads.

    3. If you carry someone else’s backpack around the world for long enough, that someone else might finally just step up and complete a Road Block.

    Don did a Road Block! Don did a Road Block! And it was a pretty cool one. One team member had to ride (no, not drive) through two Fear-Factor-esque stunts including Jeep balancing and Jeep synchronized swimming. He didn’t really have to DO anything, just survive. Team Nick & Don (who I like to call Team Nick) secured the last spot in the finals arriving in third place. 68-year-old Don will be the oldest person ever in the final three.

    4. If you want something bad enough, you’ll get it: happy birthday to us.

    "Thanks a lot for ruining my frickin' birthday." I can’t believe that no one LET Team Nate & Jen win… I mean, it was her birthday! Gosh! I have to admit, I was worried about this one. Those wacky producers had been playing up the “we’ve never come in first” angel so much that one might think the first time would be at the finish line. That would have been awful because, well, they are both awful people. Team Nate & Jen, (who I like to call Team Bitch & Moan) were the last to arrive and got eliminated. Finally.

    Next time: The finals, baby.

    (Editor's Note: Speaking of baby - congrats to Rachel and her family as they welcomed a new baby into the brood!)

    [Photo: Monty Brinton/CBS]


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