Original Airdate 11-11-07
Jeff L - TwoCents Staff Writer
Hayley is having that nightmare again. The one where she’s in weird school class and she can’t color outside the lines of her American flag. She wakes up and breaks Jeff’s arm but realizes that she really needs to not just brake his arm but break up with him completely.
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American Dad
Original Airdate 11-11-07
Jeff L - TwoCents Staff Writer
Hayley is having that nightmare again. The one where she’s in weird school class and she can’t color outside the lines of her American flag. She wakes up and breaks Jeff’s arm but realizes that she really needs to not just brake his arm but break up with him completely.
She tells Stan and Francine that she’s leaving Jeff and going to France to live carefree life with a string of lovers (some of whom may be women). Stan doesn’t want to see her leave the path of happiness he’s imagined for her because of some stupid dream.
At the office, Stan talks to Bullock (Patrick Stewart, Star Trek: TNG) about how Hayleys is having these dreams because he’s brainwashed her to be a CIA sleeper agent. Bullock tells Stan that the brainwashing sleeper agent program was scrubbed because if the sleeper is activated for more than one week they lose all their free will. Bullock advises Stan to just let Hayley go and she’ll never realize she was a sleeper agent. Stan doesn’t want to just stand by and let Hayley throw her life away however and the same goes for the crazy southern senator who’s having a similar problem with his willful son Dill.
Meanwhile over in the B-Story, Steve and Roger decide to open their own detective agency. They can’t do anything half-assed so they decide to take one hour to prep their new detective personas and report back.
Stan and the senator agree to arrange a date for Hayley and Dill, who’s obviously gay (Not that there’s anything wrong with that).
Roger and Steve both come up with personas that would place them in a wheelchair. Both want to be Wheels in their detective agency Wheels and the Legman.
Hayley meets Dill and when she refuses to date him, Stan activates her sleeper agent code phrase turning her into his order-following-drone.
Stan makes Hayley date Dill and then orders her to marry him before Saturday when he has to deactivate her or she’ll be lost forever. At the wedding, Hayley is about to say “I Do” when time runs out. Stan missed the deadline to free Hayley from her brainwashing.
Bullock is hitting on bridesmaids at the reception. Stan tells Bullock that he activated Hayley and he flips out. Bullock tells him that the real reason they cancelled the program was because the sleeper agents who weren’t deactivated all killed their handlers. Stan is Hayley’s handler and she attempts to kill him several times throughout the reception and the father/daughter dance.
Roger and Steve each went out on their own to find another partner for their detective agency. Steve’s partner is a retired cop and real-life private eye. Roger’s partner is an angel – literally (or at least she has some wings sewn to the back of her dress).
The battle between Stan and Hayley rages on and the sprinkler system turns on sending the entire wedding party and guests scrambling outside. Hayley and Stan battle some more and end up fighting it out all the way back to their house inside the stretch limo. Stan searches Hayley’s room for an object from her childhood that might unlock her brainwashing, but Hayley shows up and shoots him right between the eyes.
Stan wakes up, he’s just had the weirdest dream that Hayley shot him and he died but as the camera pulls back and the family is beside his hospital bed, Francine tells him that it wasn’t a dream at all. He was dead for six minutes before the doctors could restart his heart. Hayley doesn’t remember anything and Stan tells her she can go to France if she wants to, but she’s got that out of her system. Who knows what happened to Dill, he just disappeared at the reception. Maybe he’ll show up to claim his wife in future episodes.
3.5 out of 5 stars.