Saturday, April 18, 2009

Prison Break - Recap & Review - The Mother Lode

Prison Break
The Mother Lode

Original Air Date: Apr 17, 2009

Tom R. - Sr. Staff Writer

So much for warm and fuzzy family reunions. Kathleen Quinlan joins the cast as Catherine Burrows Scofield, wasting no time in sending people out for General Krantz’s blood. But by the end of the episode, she’s setting her sights on her own family. Scylla really is reflecting the mythic monster it’s named after.

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[photo: Greg Gayne/FOX]

1 comment:

  1. So much for warm and fuzzy family reunions. Kathleen Quinlan joins the cast as Catherine Burrows Scofield, wasting no time in sending people out for General Krantz’s blood. But by the end of the episode, she’s setting her sights on her own family. Scylla really is reflecting the mythic monster it’s named after.

    The episode opens where the December break left off. After ending the call with Catherin, Linc turns his attention to the keys taken from Catherine’s courier. Mahone researches their history to find two locations where the keys will fit. One is a residence, the other is a church in Little Havana. The crew splits up, and Bagwell and Self finds secrets kept at the church. When Bagwell is prohibited from entering, they return with Mahone to find a back room filled with guns and doctored security badges, all of which make them uneasy about Catherine.

    Before the return to the church, however, Linc and Mahone find the residence cleared out, but a picture of Linc and Catherine is left behind. When Linc notes the car in the photo as suspicious, the license plate leads them to an address where Linc finally meets her face to face. She asks him to leave her alone for two days so she can set things right. But the dates on the fake security badges lead the crew to think that they need to keep their eye on her. Linc returns to the address, but he is unaware that he in the sights of a sniper. The last words of the episode are her order to fire.

    General Krantz is nearly killed in a double-cross after giving the order to shoot Michael on sight. Michael and Sara hitch a ride with a trucker, but he is killed, and the agent takes the wheel. Michael and Sara break out of the trailer using a vending machine and a jack, and in the chase, they kill the agent. As he expires, he tells them he was not sent by Krantz.

    Glad to see the show back to close 0ut its run. Interesting threads added here, and the ending is the best they’ve put up in a long time.

    So…What did you think? Drop your ideas in the comments or drop me a line at: .


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