Thursday, April 2, 2009

Lost - Recap & Review - Whatever Happened Happened

“Whatever Happened Happened”

Original Airdate: April 1st, 2009

Laura Kelley, Associate Staff Writer

Lost finally stepped up its game a little bit this week, with a surprisingly good Kate-centric episode, and I never thought anything with lots of Kate could be good. Jin, after being karate-chopped by Sayid, wakes up in the jungle because he hears his walkie talkie, and sees that Little Ben has just been shot. He loads him up in the Dharma van, and drives back to see that everyone is preparing for the hostiles to invade. Somehow, Ben’s dad just noticed his kid was missing, and wins the Britney Spears Best Parent Ever trophy from me. Not really, but that would have been an awesome twist.

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[photo: ABC]

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  1. Lost
    “Whatever Happened Happened”

    Original Airdate: April 1st, 2009

    Laura Kelley, Associate Staff Writer

    Lost finally stepped up its game a little bit this week, with a surprisingly good Kate-centric episode, and I never thought anything with lots of Kate could be good. Jin, after being karate-chopped by Sayid, wakes up in the jungle because he hears his walkie talkie, and sees that Little Ben has just been shot. He loads him up in the Dharma van, and drives back to see that everyone is preparing for the hostiles to invade. Somehow, Ben’s dad just noticed his kid was missing, and wins the Britney Spears Best Parent Ever trophy from me. Not really, but that would have been an awesome twist.

    Back on the mainland three years ago, Kate goes to see Sawyer’s ex Cassidy. Kate gives her an envelope full of money, and Cassidy tells her that Sawyer jumped out of the helicopter to get away from her. It would be a wise decision to do so. Cassidy figures out that Aaron isn’t Kate’s son. On the island, Horace finds the keys in the lock of Sayid’s cell, and says it had to be one of the janitors that let him out. Sawyer tells Miles to get Jack, Kate, and Hurley and keep them under house arrest, presumably so they don’t do something stupid.

    Sawyer sees that Ben’s dad doesn’t have his keys. Juliet says she can’t save Ben, and they have to go get Jack, but Jack whines and refuses to help, too busy pouting. Hurley and Miles talk about time travel, and Miles’s theories are refreshingly different from Faraday’s in that they actually seem plausible. Kate gets mad at Jack for refusing to help, and Jack’s excuse for being lazy is that the island will fix things itself. Kate says she doesn’t like the new Jack, and Jack says she never liked him. Can you blame her, Whiny McComplainypants? Can you?

    Kate goes to give blood for Ben, and talks to Ben’s dad. Roger Linus tells her Ben stole his keys because he’s a bad father, and then Ben goes into shock. In the house, Miles explains to Hurley that this all already happened, just not for them because time as they experience it is not a straight line thanks to Ben turning that wheel. He also mentions that any of them could die, because this is their present. Juliet gets the idea to take Ben to the Others for help, and Kate takes him.

    On the pier before the six came back, Kate yells at Jack and then takes Aaron to the store for milk. She somehow manages to lose him, and a woman who looks like Claire finds him. Kate tells Cassidy later that she kind of expected Aaron would be taken from her. So she gives Aaron to Claire’s mom and tells her the truth. Meanwhile, Sawyer finds Kate at the border fence, and says he’ll help her because of Juliet. They carry Ben across the fence while Juliet goes to talk to Jack. She tells him that the six never needed to come back, because everyone was doing just fine. Sawyer asks Kate what his daughter is like, and tells her that it would never have worked between them, and he’s grown up because of Juliet.

    The always gorgeous Richard Alpert shows up and asks if that’s Ben. Sawyer gives Ben to him, and Alpert says if he takes him, his innocence will be gone and he’ll be one of them forever. Um, wait, why would you give a kid to some dude who says his innocence will be gone? Hopefully Chris Hansen from To Catch a Predator is among the Others, because that was really creepy. An Other says that Alpert shouldn’t take Ben, because Ellie (Mrs. Hawking) and Charles (Widmore, presumably) will find out. Alpert carries him into the temple, which we never really got to see last time thanks to Jin’s subpar detective skills, and Alpert looks troubled. Then adult Ben wakes up, and Locke welcomes him back to the land of the living.

    I liked this episode, mostly because Alpert and Ben came back. I did not enjoy the weird Quiznos commercial I saw for a sandwich called the Torpedo, because I really would rather not eat something called that. What did you all think? I’m excited for next week, since the preview looked awesome. Leave your Two Cents in the comments, and happy April fool’s day!


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