Top 8
Original Air Date: April 7, 2009
Patricia Morris Buckley - Associate Staff Writer
OK, who thinks there are ought to be a law that the judges don’t talk too much in the beginning of the show so that contestants in the end will get more than 30 hurrried seconds worth of comments? Or worse, they get no comments at all because the DVR has shut off and practically no one even gets to see their performance?
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[photo: FOX]
American Idol
ReplyDeleteTop 8
Original Air Date: April 7, 2009
Patricia Morris Buckley - Associate Staff Writer
OK, who thinks there are ought to be a law that the judges don’t talk too much in the beginning of the show so that contestants in the end will get more than 30 hurrried seconds worth of comments? Or worse, they get no comments at all because the DVR has shut off and practically no even gets to see their performance?
If I hadn’t taped Fringe, which comes right after American Idol, I would have completely missed Adam Lambert’s brilliant version of “Mad World.” (If you also missed it, go to YouTube — of course it’s too late to vote, but you’ll still enjoy hearing it.) It’s great that the show is down to an hour now, but that doesn’t appear to be enough time unless the judges use economy with their comments.
On another note, at this point in the competition we should be having trouble deciding who should go home, but it’s just too easy. Too many singers are stumbling. At least last night the judges finally decided to come down on Scott MacIntyre — forgetting their previous viewpoint that, because he’s legally blind, he must have a good voice. Welcome to reality, judges!
Let’s take a look at how the Top 8 did with Songs From the Year They Were Born
DANNY GOKEY: “Stand By Me” 1980
A nice version nicely delivered. Not great but definitely solid.
Randy didn’t like the song choice but thinks Danny has talent. Kara tells him that he killed the song at the end and Paula says he opened the show by setting the bar high. Simon thinks the beginning was good, the middle campy and the end amazing—so overall, great.
KRIS ALLEN: “All She Wants to do is Dance” 1985
We learn in his video that Kris wanted to be a taxi driver — funny! He plays the electric guitar, but the melody of the song is barely recognizable. He takes the dance right out of the song.
Kara is glad he picked an up tempo song, but thinks he took all the youth out of it. Paula agrees with Kara but adds that he’s one of their most likeable contestants ever. Simon calls his performance indulgent, boring and forgettable. Randy thinks the self indulgent arrangement lost Kris in the mix.
LIL ROUNDS: “What’s Love Got To Do With It?” 1984
Are we finally ready to stop giving Lil chances to be great? Once again she sounds like a wannabe Tina Turner doing karaoke. Even her pitch is sharp in several places. She’s been given a lot of chances and not delivered – time to say “bye bye!”
Paula says she looks hot but she needs to go outside the box and prove she knows who she is as an artist. Simon say they’re not looking for a second or third rate Tina Turner and it feels as though “we’ve lost you.” Randy says Tina Turner isn’t her and it seems like Lil isn’t listening to the judges. Kara thinks she has to make the leap from singer to artist.
ANOOP DESAI: “True Colors” 1986
This stripped and slowed down version is beautiful and Anoop nails it. He’s finally figured out (we hope) that this is what voters want to hear from him — soulful ballads.
Randy calls it a very nice vocal. Kara says that “tonight you controlled the song, you didn’t let the song control you. You took a pop song and interpreted it with soul.” Paula calls his song choice “flawless” and his voice “magical.” Simon calls him a “singing yo-yo” but he took a song and made it his own.
SCOTT MCINTYRE: “The Search is Over” 1985
He plays the electric guitar but barely touches it. It’s a good song choice, but he’s wobbly on the notes. This guy isn’t even close to being as good as the other singers.
Kara says he has some good moments, but some really bad ones as well. Paula says some of his high notes sound too screechy, but applauds him from stepping away from the piano. Simon thinks the song was horrible, the guitar playing not much better and tells him he’s trying to be someone else. Randy thinks it was OK, but “it didn’t show you as a star.”
ALLISON IRAHETA: “I Can’t Make You Love Me” 1992
Her black ruffled skirt that’s higher in the front and longer in the back is outrageous in a fun way, but her singing sounds as if she’s trying too hard. Singing a ballad is new for her.
Paula says that hearing her sing one note and she knows it’s undeniably “Allison.” Simons says she was very good, but she has to show more personality to make people like her as people don’t know much about her. Randy compares her to Kelly Clarkson and says she’s one of the best of the night. Kara likes how she takes the adult content of the song and makes it young.
MATT GIREAUD: “Part Time Lovers” 1985
He’s rushing the song, but adding the scat is fun. I like his version better than other ones I’ve heard before. Unfortunately, the judges have to rush through their comments.
Randy calls it “one of the best of the night.” Kara says its “incredible on any level.” Paula: “Two words: Standing Ovation.” Simon says it’s a million times better than last night.
ADAM LAMBERT: “Mad World” 1982
Sitting in a chair most of the performance, Adam is very restrained and in control. At one point it looks as if he’s going to go screechy on it, but then he holds back. It’s an amazing performance and the song has been playing over and over in my head since.
But... the show is over the time by eight minutes… sooo Simon decides to make the only comment – and gives Adam a standing ovation! I don’t think that’s ever happened before, do you?
My pick to go home: Scott (although Lil is a close second right now).
So who was your favorite of the Top 8? Who do you think should go home tonight? Did you even get to see Adam sing? Do you think the show should be required to stick to 60 minutes—not 68?
I agree with you Patricia. That was a joke. They ramble on and on for the first 6 people and then the last 2 get one line feedback or, even worse, left off the DVR world. Simon gave a standing ovation and no one saw it. Bad move FOX - bad move.