Thursday, March 19, 2009

30 Rock - Recap & Review - The Bubble

30 Rock
The Bubble

Original Air Date: March 19, 2009

PG Ignacio - Associate Editor

Have you ever been given preferential treatment because of your good looks? Yeah, neither have I. Tonight’s episode required Liz Lemon to make a difficult decision to confront her new boyfriend with reality. Jack has to convince Tracy to stay with TGS and Jenna goes another episode embarrassing herself.

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1 comment:

  1. Liz quickly finds out that her new boyfriend, Drew, is living in a bubble. He gets everything he wants because he’s good looking. Perfect strangers give him compliments, waitresses let him order off the menu, policemen tear up parking tickets, and Calvin Klein even offers him a modeling job – because they are all blinded by his good looks. Even more ironic, Liz finds out that he’s not good at anything. He’s not good at tennis, cooking, or even being a doctor – which is his profession. He couldn’t save Liz from choking!

    Liz decides that she has to show Drew that he lives in a bubble. Jack warns her against it, showing her a picture of when he was young, like Drew, and explains that she needs to let Drew live in that bubble for as long as he can. Liz verbally describes the photo of Jack to be very muscular like Superman and extremely good-looking. So much that Liz asks to keep the photo. Liz goes her own way and shows Drew what reality is. Drew really dislikes it and pleads for Liz to live in his “bubble” with him. When he invites her to ride off into the sunset on his new motorcycle, Liz makes the right choice and lets Drew go.

    Liz Lemon is back on the market. (Everyone get in line behind me.)

    In Jack’s world, Jack makes the mistake of pointing out to Tracy that he doesn’t really need to work at TGS anymore with all the money Tracy has earned from the adult video game he made. So, Tracy quits and spurns all of Jacks attempts at getting him back on the show. Jack realizes that the thing that means the most to Tracy is the friendship and assistance of Kenneth the page. With Kenneth’s help, Jack almost has Tracy back on the show, but Kenneth cannot continue to torture Tracy by ignoring him to get him to get back on the show.

    Tracy and Kenneth begin to leave TGS together when Jack finally figures out the solution. If Tracy isn’t going to work for TGS, than Kenneth is no longer needed as a page at NBC. Knowing how much being a page means to Kenneth, Tracy decides to rejoin the cast just before show time. Jack recovers and succeeds yet again.

    Jenna was involved in the side story, attempting to garner attention; she appears on the Today show to publicly donate her hair to charity. After making a big deal about it to the cast and crew, she freaks out and stops the cutting after Meredith Vieira breaks the news to Jenna that Tracy has quit TGS. Some of her hair was cut off, but she thinks it’s not necessary anymore if Tracy is gone. Poor Jenna has no idea Tracy came back.

    I say this at the end of my reviews every week – another entertaining episode. 30 Rock always has me laughing out loud. I loved the scenes when Liz and Drew were playing tennis. Liz’s phrases are hilarious too. When she saw Jack’s photo of his own “bubble” days she exclaimed, “What the what!” So, what did you think of this episode?


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