Friday, February 20, 2009

Private Practice - Recap & Review - Wait And See

Private Practice
“Wait and See”

Original Air Date: Feb 19, 2009

Bella - TwoCents Reviewer

The team is back in LA, Archer is healed, and everyone is getting back to work. Naomi and Addison are delivering an inter-gender baby, Sheldon and Violet are heading up group couples therapy sessions, Cooper and Charlotte are still fighting, and Pete is giving a woman orgasms. And not in the way you would expect. This is the week that everyone grows up.

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[photo: ABC]

1 comment:

  1. Private Practice
    “Wait and See”

    Original Air Date: Feb 19, 2009

    Bella - TwoCents Reviewer

    The team is back in LA, Archer is healed, and everyone is getting back to work. Naomi and Addison are delivering an inter-gender baby, Sheldon and Violet are heading up group couples therapy sessions, Cooper and Charlotte are still fighting, and Pete is giving a woman orgasms. And not in the way you would expect. This is the week that everyone grows up.

    Archer to Addison: “Montgomery’s look the other way when it is none of their business”

    Archer is a jackalope … I’m trying to keep it G rated, but it’s hard when he is Such. A. Jerk. After treating everyone like crap while he was healing, now he’s a nice guy who acts like a jackalope and cheats on Naomi. And of all people, with Charlotte (I KNOW! Right?!) Naomi treated him like a king & he accepted it because he thought he was dying. Addison catches him cheating & calls him on it. She tells him that she feels like she’s 10 years old & keeping the secret about her father cheating. Turns out that he knows he’s turned into their father, and he’s using that as an excuse to act like a jackalope. Addison’s conscience kills her & she tells Naomi about him cheating. By the time Naomi gets to Archer’s office to rip him a new one, he’s packed and gone without a word.

    Naomi to the baby’s father: “Grow up, be a man. You need to not hurt the woman who loves you.”

    Happy parents give birth to an inter-gender baby. You can see how this would throw everyone in the room for a loop. Somehow the baby has been born with a genetic glitch wherein s/he has genitalia of a male – and female. The less-than-happy parents are forced to decide which gender their baby should be. While only 30% of these children wind up identifying as male, the parents (read: dad) want him to be a boy.

    Addison agrees to do a surgery which will give the baby genetically correct genitalia, but then realizes that she can’t do this to the child. She tells the parents that it should be the child’s decision when s/he is old enough. The father pushes asking how he can be a boy with a vagina. Addison asks how she can be a 20 year old female without one, and the mother agrees. Exit angry father stage left. Seriously, it was the night for jackaloped men. (Yes, it’s a noun and a verb now.) After Naomi finds out that Archer ran off like the dog he is, she turns her jilted-woman-anger against Jackalope Daddy. Thankfully he realizes that Naomi is right & he steps up to the task of raising his child.

    Cooper to Charlotte: “I’m stormin’ the freakin’ castle for you and you so underestimated me … You’re mine and I’m not walking away because you’re scared … You better dig deep, grow the hell up and be in this relationship right now.”

    Who else yelled out “WHAT THE CRAP?!” when Cooper somehow turned this whole relationship fight back on Charlotte? Really? Ok, she cheated on him and wanted to push him away – but she has all but begged him to be with her and stop playing house with Violet. Ugh. Make Violet grow up already. It was a nice scene for Cooper to man up & show his feelings for Charlotte, but this scene just ticked me off.

    Background story lines this week:
    Violet and Sheldon are running a group couples therapy session; which, as you would expect, leads to a lot of heavy looks between them … we get it, you’re confused about your relationship/not-relationship. Sheldon does offer to be there for her if she ever wants to talk. He seems like a nice enough guy - too bad Violet’s a basket case.

    Pete’s favorite patient Beverly (Marin Hinkle of Two and A Half Men) comes to him for more and more treatments, calling him a miracle worker and claims he has magic hands. It turns out that she has Stage 2 Lymphoma, and she’s not ready to deal with it so she’s hiding in Pete’s office hoping for a cure – instead of the oncologist’s.
    Sam calls his girlfriend “Naomi” during sex and for some reason she gets offended. Please. We all knew the girlfriend wasn’t going to last.

    So, will Naomi and Addison burn Archer in effigy? Will Pete find a way back into Violet’s heart, or her panties? Either way, I just want him to stop making puppy dog eyes at her all the time. It’s freakin me out. Should I cut Cooper a break, am I missing something here? And PLEASE ~ will someone give Dell a storyline already?!?
    Leave me your two cents in the comments; we’ll put it toward Violet’s therapy bill.


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