Saturday, February 7, 2009

The Office - Recap & Review - Lecture Circuit

The Office
Lecture Circuit

Original Air date: 5 Feb 2009

Shannon - Two Cents Staff Writer

Michael learns the office has a p.a. system. It goes about as well as you can imagine until Jim discreetly cuts the cord.

Pam and Michael go on a lecture circuit to explain Michael’s secret for success. Pam is along as Michael’s assistant. Michael would prefer Pam dress as a magician’s assistant. Also, she gets to carry all Michael’s stuff by herself. She’s also not looking forward to seeing Karen.

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1 comment:

  1. Michael learns the office has a p.a. system. It goes about as well as you can imagine until Jim discreetly cuts the cord.

    Pam and Michael go on a lecture circuit to explain Michael’s secret for success. Pam is along as Michael’s assistant. Michael would prefer Pam dress as a magician’s assistant. Also, she gets to carry all Michael’s stuff by herself. She’s also not looking forward to seeing Karen.

    Karen is hugely pregnant. Michael asks right away if it’s Jim’s baby. Karen says it’s not. Karen is married to a dermatologist named Dan. Karen asks how Jim is. Pam tells her they’re engaged and Karen is speechless for a second than proclaims how great that is. It’s a little awkward. Pam says she gets closure from seeing Karen again.

    Kelly is pissed that everyone forgot her birthday. Dwight and Jim are throwing her a belated party but it’s not going well. Dwight hangs up half blown balloons and a sign that says “It Is Your Birthday”. Jim asks if anyone wants to contribute to the party fund. Creed hands over a 3 dollar bill.

    Michael starts his presentation with the announcement that he just got a call (on a calculator) informing him that his father has died. Only he lied. Karen provides the snark.

    Stanley has a lovely customer and Andy likes her. Stanley will trade her for two clients. Andy feels out whether or not Julia (the client) has a girlfriend. Andy bursts into the office asking for advice on how to ask Julia out. He gets advice from Creed. Scary. Creed says he should just go straight to a kiss. Julia is having none of the “Nard Dog” and is officially weirded out and they lose the account. Yeah, don’t take dating advice from Creed.

    Michael says he needs closure with Holly. Pam suggests they blow off the lecture and go see Holly.

    And then it’s to be continued.

    I’m interested in seeing how the meet up with Holly will go. Wanna bet Holly’s already met someone else? Are they bringing Amy Ryan back? I’d love it if they did, she was great on the show. Not only that, but in my opinion, the last few episodes have been lackluster. They need Amy Ryan.


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