Thursday, February 5, 2009

Life on Mars - Recap & Review - The Dark Side of the Mook

Life on Mars
The Dark Side of the Mook

Original Air Date – Feb 4, 2009

Tara – TwoCents Staff Writer

As the team is being investigated for helping Ray's brother, Eddie, escape, we learn that Ray sort of has a heart and that someone who actually exists in 1973 is communicating with Sam. So, he's only kind of crazy.

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  1. As the team is being investigated for helping Ray's brother, Eddie, escape, we learn that Ray sort of has a heart and that someone who actually exists in 1973 is communicating with Sam. So, he's only kind of crazy.

    The episode starts with an investigator interrogating Gene, Ray, and Sam about Eddie Carling's disappearance. Typically, each of the men denies their involvement in their own unique way.

    It seems that Ray's younger brother Eddie has been constantly in and out of trouble. As the head of the family, Ray has done all he can to help his brother, including getting him a job working at a ritzy hotel downtown. Unfortunately, Eddie, clearly a brain child, repays Ray by robbing a bank a few blocks away from the hotel while wearing his hotel uniform. Oddly, he's caught and brought to the precinct.

    Meanwhile, Sam decides to leave the hospital, despite gun shot wounds to the stomach to follow up a tip. The tip leads him to a house. There, the phone rings, and a voice instructs him to go to the basement, grab a shovel, and then head outside. Outside, Sam digs up a headless body. The only identification? A phone number on a slip of paper. He memorizes the number and leaves the paper.

    While Sam is in the house and Ray is trying to help Eddie, Gene decides to open a big red present that was left on Sam's desk. Inside is a head. Lovely.

    The team tracks the head back to a known robber. After psyching out a biker gang, which was really quite funny, Gene finds out that the guy was working with Big Boy Bosco.

    Sam decides to call the number he found on the dead body and Ray answers. Sam is a little surprised. He's also surprised when they're called to the scene of the headless body he originally dug up and sees Ray steal the evidence with his number on it. Sam confronts Ray, but Ray refuses to admit that he did anything.

    Annie, meanwhile, has decided that there might be something to Sam's story, considering he predicted the red dress incident. Unfortunately, she can't decide whether it's ESP or schizophrenia. Sam is amused and asks her about Ray and his brother. Annie tells him that Eddie has been staying with Ray.

    Sam puts two and two together and decides to bail Eddie out of prison. He follows Eddie who leads him right to the loot from a hotel room robbery. Ray finds them, and Sam realizes that Ray was just trying to protect his brother from ending up as the next headless victim. Apparently, Eddie and the other two thieves decided to steal from a very powerful Wall Street magnate, Stamp. Eddie is the only one left alive at this point.

    Sam, Ray, and Eddie return the goods to Stamp, who doesn't seem overly concerned by the death of the other men. Sam arrests Stamp for conspiracy to kill deposit Ray's warnings that it won't do any good. Stamp lawyers up and is released, just as a man walks into the station with a big red box. It's the missing head. The man confesses and denies even knowing Stamp.

    The investigator wraps up his interviews with all the men denying knowledge of Eddie's whereabouts. In reality, we see that Ray has given his brother his car and told him to get lost—permanently. Aw, poor Ray.

    As the investigator leaves, another man steps into the room and destroys Gene's and Ray's interview tapes. He puts Sam's tape in a folder marked Aries. Then he calls Sam and tells him that he's doing a good job. Uh huh. That's not creepy at all.

    This episode was okay. I get why they used the backwards method of story telling, but it wasn't very effective. What did you think? Who is the man on the phone? What is Aries? Leave your TwoCents below.

  2. It's been a while since I saw this one, but I'll comment more if you start covering the show again. I love this show though it's REALLY odd.


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