My Last Words
Original Air Date: 6 Jan 2009
Rachel – TwoCents Assoc. Editor
Dr. Maddox becomes BFFs with Jordan. Enough said. Love. It. Well, I guess I’ll tell you more about the episode, although it really doesn’t matter. OK, it does matter. It was actually a very touching episode and re-established Scrubs as a great series.
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[photo: CBS.com]
Dr. Maddox becomes BFFs with Jordan. Enough said. Love. It. Well, I guess I’ll tell you more about the episode, although it really doesn’t matter. OK, it does matter. It was actually a very touching episode and re-established Scrubs as a great series.
ReplyDeleteJD, fresh off his heart-to-heart with Dr. Cox about teaching his interns even if they make him crazy, tries to instill some bedside manner on Jo/Denise who, for lack of a better phrase, has no soul. Yeah, that’s gonna work. But nothing can bring JD down: tonight is Steak Night. A once-a-year date with Turk that even has its own song and dance. Seriously, nothing can deter the two... except maybe Death himself.
On the way out the door, they are asked to change the IV in room 103 and meet Mr. George Valentine (Glynn Turman) who is at Sacred Heart to die. After sneaking him a beer, the two realize that George needs somebody to help him go through this last stage of life. He has no family, and he is terrified. Steak Night can wait; JD and Turk need to help George. (And seriously, Jo/Denise is the one working the floor and she should in no way be allowed to even talk to patients, let alone help them die. She is frightening.)
So JD and Turk get to know George. They tell him what it will be like to die, what they think is on the other side, and why they are not scared of death. With some classic bromance moments, and a creepy stuffed JD a’la Rowdy moment, they get him to open up and learn that his main concern is that no one will remember him. JD tells the story of Mr. Long-Beard-Stinky-Pants in whose life JD’s father made a difference. It is a sweet story and helps George a bit, but not much. Finally, JD and Turk admit that they are terrified of death, too. "We fight death every singly day... we can’t let it know we’re afraid of it or it’ll kick our ass." JD admits that all he knows is that he wants his last thought to be a good one.
In classic Scrubs montage form, JD and Turk spend the evening just talking to George, helping him feel comfortable and, more importantly, not alone. George’s last thought? "That beer tasted great."
What do YOU think? What do you want your last thought to be? How awesome is Ted? Give us your Two Cents… We’ll buy a beer and drink it in memory of George.
Next Week: My Saving Grace