“The Killer Robot Instability”
Original Air Date: Jan 12, 2009
Theresa – TwoCents Staff Writer
It's that time again – a time for shows to return with new episodes, yes, but also time for the Southern California Robot Fighting League Round Robin Invitational. What, you didn't know about that?
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[photo: CBS]
The Big Bang Theory:
ReplyDelete“The Killer Robot Instability”
Original Air Date: Jan 12, 2009
Theresa – TwoCents Staff Writer
It's that time again – a time for shows to return with new episodes, yes, but also time for the Southern California Robot Fighting League Round Robin Invitational. What, you didn't know about that?
The boys design a robot that can zip around and cut through metal, which they name the Mobile Omni-directional Neutralization and Termination Eradicator, or MONTE for short. After they slice up a toaster oven, they almost slice up Penny and she comes in to find out what's going on. Howard hits on her, as per his usual MO, inviting her to the robot invitational's dance. However, this time his creepy compliments and insistence that something will actually happen between them one day sets her off, and she tells him that he is a pathetic man who will die alone. Howard, for the first time perhaps ever, can't brush this rejection off and sequesters himself in his bedroom for days.
Leonard attempts to reach him, but is run off the phone by Mrs. Wolowitz's screaming about popsicles. Come to think of it, have they ever mentioned where Mr. Wolowitz ran off to? Anyway, back at the cafeteria, the boys are challenged by a guy named Barry Kripke who has his own killer robot, and a weawwy bad wisp... excuse me, a really bad lisp. It's odd, because you keep expecting something to be said about it, and nothing really is, and it almost makes you feel guilty for thinking about it. Anyone else?
Needing Howard to help them with a challenge against Kripke's very intimidating killer robot, Leonard convinces Penny to go apologize to Howard. He tries to play it cool, but ends up spilling every sob story of his life to her, and singing the oh-so-awesome song he “wrote” for Marcy Grossman in high school. Penny sympathizes and comforts him - up until Howard takes advantage of the closeness to try to kiss her. Then she socks him in the nose. And may I also say, though I love Simon Helberg, I hope to never ever see that camera angle again.
In the end, Howard shows too late and MONTE and the boys get crushed in the robot fight, even though a valiant effort was made to run away screaming first. And Howard reverts back to his creepy ways. So let me know what you thought of this one and how awesome killer robots are, after the quotes!
Best Lines:
Raj: Perhaps today is the day we finally find out what's inside the Magic 8-Ball.
Sheldon: I did it when I was four, it's an icosahedral die floating in tinted blue water.
Raj: Man, call spoiler alert before you say things like that!
Sheldon: This is an auspicious moment. Like Robert Oppenheimer or Neil Armstrong, we need the appropriate words to mark this historic scientific event.
Raj: How about “Die, toaster, die”?
Howard: I'm a grown man with a Master's degree!
Mrs. Wolowitz: Well, excuse me, Mr. FancyPants! Want me to get you a popsicle?
Howard: Cherry, please!
Mrs. Wolowitz: I ate the cherry, all that's left is green!
Howard: You make me want to kill myself!
Sheldon: Trash talk is a traditional component in all sporting events. Kripke! Your robot is inferior and it will be defeated by ours, because ours exceeds yours in both design and execution. Also, I'm given to understand that your mother is overweight.
Leonard: We can't fight you tomorrow, our engineer is incapacitated.
Kripke: What's wrong with him?
Raj: He's depressed because he's pathetic and creepy and can't get girls.
Kripke: We're ALL pathetic and creepy and can't get girls – that's why we fight robots.
ok, so let me just say:
I laughed so hard during the conversation( yelling match) between him and his mother.
And that camera angle you talked about when he went to kiss Penny....lol.
And WHY, wasn't there a mention among themselves about the guy with the lisp? I guess geeks and nerds don't find it as funny? well i found it pretty funny and he was good and doing the whole conversation like that.