Day 7 - 9:00-10:00AM
Original Air Date: Jan 11, 2009
Jeff P. - TwoCents Staff Writer
We start out this episode with an aircraft that is communicating with a terrorist organization, while they think they’re speaking to air traffic control. We’re only one episode in and we’re knee deep in action. This is 24 all right.
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[photo: FOX]
ReplyDeleteDay 7 - 9:00-10:00 AM
Original Air Date: Jan 11, 2009
Jeff P. - TwoCents Staff Writer
We start out this episode with an aircraft that is communicating with a terrorist organization, while they think they’re speaking to air traffic control. We’re only one episode in and we’re knee deep in action. This is 24 all right.
Jack tells Renee that he thinks an FBI agent is involved as a double agent. Jack doesn’t believe that a sniper could set up that quickly unless they had FBI assistance. Renee doesn’t believe him. Meanwhile, Tony has air traffic control frozen and sends two planes at eachother with the purpose of having them collide. But at the last minute, Tony tells one plane to pull up in time. He calls air traffic control and tells then that this was only a “warning shot” and that the next one will not be. They ask Tony what he wants and he tells them that they will find out soon.
A man comes by to see Tony and sees the module that Latham created. He tells Tony that he’s done well and notifies him that the next job coming up should be their last after working 3 years together. Soon after the US announces that it will be going after Juma and help Sangala. President Taylor asks the African leader to punish Juma by the word of law and not continue the cycle of violence. Later the sniper calls Tony to tell him he’s trapped in the basement of the building. When an agent finds his way down to the basement, he meets the sniper and tells him Tony sent him. Jack sees the sniper walking out with an FBI jacket. This confirms to Renee that the Bureau has in fact been infiltrated. He suggests that they pursue him alone since he doesn’t know how much of the FBI has been compromised.
Latham is brought to a new hiding place along with the module. The man who met with Tony gives the module to a man who works for General Juma! That’s not good. He tells him that America will pay for interfering with other countries’ affairs. Meanwhile, President Taylor finds out how cataclysmic it is to have the module in the wrong hands. Larry asks Janice (played by Janine Garofolo) to triangulate the location of Renee now finding out that she left the sniper site. He now knows that her & Jack are off on a clandestine meeting.
Henry and a secret service agent show up to see Roger’s ex girlfriend Samantha to confront her about the money she received after his death. She tells Henry that is was money from her aunt and not because of Roger’s death. Later, the sniper arrives at his destination and Jack and Renee pursue him. They catch up with the sniper, and he tells them that he doesn’t know where Tony is. Jack uses him as a shield but his own people kill him as they charge the ship that Tony may be on. Jack finds Tony and after a chase and fight he disarms Tony. The episode ends with Jack asking, “What happened to you?”
Here is another stellar episode with plenty of suspense. And there was also an interesting exchange made between Jack and the driver/agent of an FBI car. The agent tells Jack that he supports what he’s done and there are others like him. Jack argues that the people do deserve to know what their agencies are doing, and they should be allowed to make that decision. This is obviously quite topical with the torture discussion nowadays and shown to us in time with the new President and his regime taking office. The show has always skirted this issue and it’s interesting to see it brought to the forefront now. What do you think?
And, are you as curious as me to why Tony is helping out terrorists? Your two cents is always appreciated.