Saturday, November 22, 2008

Ghost Whisperer - Recap & Review - "Heart & Soul"

Ghost Whisperer
Heart & Soul

Original Air Date: 21 Nov 2008

Lynn – TwoCents Reviewer

So, now that Melinda's dearly beloved has stepped into someone else's body, they can be together again and live happily ever after, right? Wrong — but you knew it wouldn't be that simple. Sam Lucas, the owner of the body Jim inhabits, has a sister and parents who are worried about him. Why? Because poor Sam/Jim can't remember anyone or anything. Including Melinda.

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1 comment:

  1. So, now that Melinda's dearly beloved has stepped into someone else's body, they can be together again and live happily ever after, right? Wrong — but you knew it wouldn't be that simple. Sam Lucas, the owner of the body Jim inhabits, has a sister and parents who are worried about him. Why? Because poor Sam/Jim can't remember anyone or anything. Including Melinda.

    Melinda has been staying with Sam (I've debated endlessly over what name to use and we'll just go with Sam for now since the man technically is Sam) at the hospital 24/7, and she's learned a bit about him: he's an architect who just moved to Grandview, and he has no memory of anything, not even his own face. Her excuse for staying with him is that he was fixing her garage before the accident. Eli explains to Delia that Jim stepped into Sam's body and Melinda is waiting until he remembers her to tell him this, so Sam won't think she's crazy.

    Meanwhile, Mel checks Sam's schedule and goes to meet Jordan at the phone shop to tell her what happened. Jordan is Sam's sister. She visits him, but he doesn't remember anything but her shampoo. Jordan wonders when Sam will remember. A ghost guy appears and says he'll never remember.

    That night, at Melinda's house, the same ghost appears and calls her and Jim thieves.

    Back at the hospital, Melinda finds that Sam has been checked out of the hospital by his parents who plan to take him back home, they say, before slamming the door on poor Mel.

    Eli identifies the ghost as Alan Walters, the other man in the crash who died instantly. He also tells Melinda that when people are reincarnated, memories from past lives are lost.

    At Sam's place, Jordan is arguing with her parents about how happy they must be that their son's lost his memory so they can control him future over again. Sam overhears and sneaks out through a window. He comes by Melinda's antique shop with deli sandwiches and asks her to come eat lunch with him.

    We get a flashback of Jim and Melinda, happy and in love, sitting on a bench having lunch at the park. In the present, Melinda and Sam sit together on the same bench. Sam tells Melinda that her laugh sounds familiar. He also says he feels free, and he just wants to enjoy this oblivious afternoon.

    Alan's ghost is back, ready to argue. He says Jim took the family's chance to mourn their son and now they'll never know their real son is dead. The family needs to know the truth, and the ghost is willing to stay for the rest of Melinda's life to get that truth.

    Sam comes to Melinda's house and tells her he's leaving: he can't pay his rent. Melinda says he can fix her window, garage, etc. and stay with her until he gets back on his feet. Sam's parents are outraged by Melinda's choice of "live-in handyman."

    While attempting to play the guitar, Sam comes across an article about Jim Clancy's death and realizes Melinda just lost her husband. Melinda begins to tell him about Jim being reincarnated as Sam, but Sam just laughs it off, and Melinda is quick to cover.

    Sam's parents tell him that he's moving back with them. He refuses but he says Jordan should go because of the support she needs more than him.

    Delia's skepticism over Melinda's gift comes up again. They get into an argument at the antique shop over Sam/Jim. Delia insists Melinda is in denial, but she says Jim really is in Sam's body. Delia storms out after both of them are considerably shaken up.

    The next time Sam sees Melinda, he thinks he understands. He doesn't want to remember his past, especially if he was a bad person. He thinks he had an affair with Melinda, but Melinda assures him she would never cheat on her husband. She seems so familiar to him—she seems like a trustworthy friend, at least. Alan appears and tells Melinda to tell him the truth. Suddenly, though, Sam thanks Melinda for everything, but says he has to leave. With that, he gets in his green pick-up and drives off.

    Melinda goes to Sam's apartment, but his parents say he isn’t there. Melinda starts to give them a strict talking-to about how their son is back and he may never remember his old parents, so they should try to be the best they can be for him now.

    Delia comes to pick up Ned from his basketball practice. Ned confesses that it was always just he and Jim, but he didn't tell Delia because she might make him work at the store instead. Delia sees Sam shooting baskets on the court. He tells her he was just driving, but he felt like he was supposed to be somewhere.

    Delia brings Sam back to Melinda's house. She gives Mel a pep talk, apologizing for what she said, and telling Melinda that she's got a second change at her one true love.

    Sam and Melinda decide they don't need any explanations; instead, they'll start at square one. They begin moving Sam's things into Melinda's garage. Sam says his parents called Jordan and apologized, so she's going back to live with them.

    The ghost comes back and tells Melinda he's glad she didn't listen to him. Understanding the dead is her specialty, not his, and it brought back together a family. Before crossing over, Alan says that Jim stepping into Sam's body was a miracle, and a miracle is exactly what Melinda deserves.

    So, what did you think? I think the appearance-thing is a little weird—how it's split from Sam to Jim's face periodically. Other than that, I'm kind of enjoying this new twist and what they could do with it. (Unfortunately, we'll have to wait two weeks to find out.) So, what's your two cents? Share with us!


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