“The Fourth Man in the Fire”
Original Air Date: Oct 26, 2008
Andi - TwoCents Reviewer
First things first, Bill is not dead, which wasn’t really all that much of a cliffhanger anyway because we all know Moyer is contracted into season two, but whatever. Aside from Bill being… um…un-dead, tonight’s episode goes to great lengths to teach us that when we complain that the sex is too dirty, they take one step further and go… dun, dun, dun…literal! But we’ll get to that later.
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[photo: HBO]
True Blood
ReplyDelete“The Fourth Man in the Fire”
Original Air Date: Oct 26, 2008
Andi - TwoCents Reviewer
First things first, Bill is not dead, which wasn’t really all that much of a cliffhanger anyway because we all know Moyer is contracted into season two, but whatever. Aside from Bill being… um…un-dead, tonight’s episode goes to great lengths to teach us that when we complain that the sex is too dirty, they take one step further and go… dun, dun, dun…literal! But we’ll get to that later.
The morning after the fire finds Sookie staring into a coffin full of vampire goo and believing Bill is dead. So she goes home and busies herself cleaning.
Tara is at home being baffled by her mother, who made breakfast, threw out the booze and did the laundry. Apparently chanting and piling rocks does solve your problems.
Back at Jason’s, he and Amy are having a meeting of the Mutual Appreciation society and she calls him wise, which proves she clearly doesn’t know him and she’s crazy.
Tara shows up at Sookie’s while Sookie has her head in the oven, but fear not, she’s only cleaning. They’re both having really bad days and when Tara notices the bite marks on Sookie’s neck, Sookie has a conniption fit and claims that Bill hit…er… bit her because he loves her. She promptly kicks Tara out. It might be time for an intervention because Ms. Stackhouse’s relationship is coming off a little unhealthy.
Does Jason eat anything other than pizza? It’s a valid question. Anyway, he and Amy reminisce about how he has no parents, but then he surprises everyone and says the only smart thing he’s ever said, “I am the worst brother in the world.” Way to catch on there, Jason.
Sam and Terry are just back from a gator-hunting trip. (Am I the only one who thinks that’s just as weird as Terry’s possum penis necklace? No? Good.) Terry asks Sam about seeing him running in the woods naked and Sam helps him come to the conclusion that it was another hallucination brought on by his PTSD. Not cool, Sam.
That night, Sookie waits around for Bill and when he doesn’t come, she heads out to his grave with flowers, but wait, what’s that? Oh, it’s Bill, crawling out of the muddy ground. Oh, but wait, now they’re going to have the dirtiest, nastiest sex ever. Just no.
Sookie’s late to work the next morning, probably on account of all the showers, and proceeds in her my-boyfriend’s-not-dead bliss, to be the worst waitress ever, prompting Amy to pick up the slack, which gets her a job. She and Sookie bond a little later over dirty dishes. Across the room, Terry hits on Arlene with the best pick up line ever (“I like your voice and your clavicles.”). Sam broods about his issues with Tara, while she storms around. He calls her into his office and kisses her because apparently they’re the only two people who get how crappy life is. Oookay.
Later on, cuddle time is interrupted when Arlene and Rene drop the kids off at Sookie’s. Arlene is nervous about leaving them when Bill’s there, and she gives in much too easily, in my opinion. Bill is, of course, excellent with the munchkins.
Arlene comes back to get the kids, having just been proposed to and all the women squee. Can’t wait to see what the bridesmaid dresses look like.
Next morning, Andy and Bud discover that the fourth man in the fire is the mortuary assistant/fangbanger kid. They also question Sam about that night in the bar and about his naked forest jogging. Sam hands Andy some cock-and-bull story about his parents being nudists, which would have been a good story if Andy weren’t, you know, a detective. Later, he calls up the nudist camp Sam mentioned and guess what? No Merlotte’s ever.
Then we cut to Bill coming home and finding Eric lounging in his bathtub. So, the scene went a little like this:
“Eric, what big… everything you have.”
“The better to intimidate you and steal your girl with.”
“Wait, what?”
Oh, symbolism, how I love thee. This is one of the best scenes and not only because it features Eric in the bath, but because we learn that Bill’s little act of rebellion is to not return texts. Oh, Bill, how sad.
But the scene is over too soon and we have to go back and catch up with Amy and Jason. Don’t worry, they’re still stupid. They want V and since Lafayette cut Jason off, they decide to go straight to the source and kidnap Lafayette’s pet vampire. It was nice knowing you two.
I’m going to just skip over the scene wherein Lafayette gets sexy with Milton from Office Space (aka his pet vampire), okay? You know what? I’m also going to skip the part where Tara visits the witch doctor. All you need to know is that it happened.
Sookie and Bill go to Fangtasia on Eric’s order (could be a favor, depending on who you’re asking) because he needs to use her mind reading to catch the person who stole $60,000 from him and Pam and Long Shadow. And look! Pam’s in pink and khaki! This is a much-loved detail from the books, so it’s nice to see it translate to the show. Anyhow, Sookie is a little resentful at being bossed around, so she makes a deal, to Eric and Pam’s amusement. She’ll do this little task for them anytime so long as the humans involved in any wrong doings are handed to the police. Eric agrees and Sookie gets to work. But just as she’s started to figure out what happened, Long Shadow leaps across the bar toward her.
The End.
So, what do you think happens to Sookie? Was the cemetery-sex as gross to you as it was to me? Did anyone else notice how huge Alex Skarsgard is? I knew he was tall, but wow.
See you next week!
The dirty sex was just wrong ... for so, so many reasons. Not the least of which was that it *slightly* resembled a rape scene. At least take the time to say "Hi how are you? Nice night out isn't it?" yeesh Bill!!
ReplyDeleteI still maintain that Jason is too stupid to breathe. Other than the revelation that he KNOWS he sucks as a sibling, this episode did nothing to change my opinion. He needs to be neutered for his own good.
I. CANNOT. WAIT. to see Lafayette's face ~ PLEASE tell me that he finds out who took his pet vampire!!!!
The whole deal with Sam is bugging me already. I'm about to just read the books & skip the cliffhangers on this one.
The preview with Sookie covered in blood can't mean that anything good happens ... unless Long Shadow is killed on top of her & she gets a V juice bath. Don't let Jason find that out, he'll be the next one licking bloof off of her!