Original Airdate: Oct 27th, 2008
Alicia Gray – TwoCents Reviewer
Blair. Whoa girl. Chuck really isn’t interested in you anymore. Remember? Blair wakes up after having a risqué dream about her and Chuck in the backseat of a limo. In Brooklyn, Jenny and her new terrible rocker-chick haircut are having a mini meltdown over some fabric a group of Italians won’t send her. Jenny won’t slow down. She’s late. She has to pee. She’s forgotten her homework, until a half naked Nate stops her coming out of the bathroom.
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[photo: Giovanni Rufino/CW]
Gossip Girl
Original Airdate: Oct 27th, 2008
Alicia Gray – TwoCents Reviewer
Blair. Whoa girl. Chuck really isn’t interested in you anymore. Remember? Blair wakes up after having a risqué dream about her and Chuck in the backseat of a limo. In Brooklyn, Jenny and her new terrible rocker-chick haircut are having a mini meltdown over some fabric a group of Italians won’t send her. Jenny won’t slow down. She’s late. She has to pee. She’s forgotten her homework, until a half naked Nate stops her coming out of the bathroom.
Blair walks to school as Chuck pulls up next to her in a limo. He offers her a ride…in more ways than one. She’s a bit “miffed” and doesn’t really want to do it given the fact her dumped her last episode. Though, he almost persuades her he tells her to say “those three magic words.” “I Hate You” she retorts. He drives off.
Nate drops off Jenny’s homework at Eleanor’s studio and takes off. One of Eleanor’s new model’s, Agnes, tells her Nate is SO into her. Jenny squeamishly says that’s not true. At school, Dan and Serena have yet another heart to heart conversation. We get another recap on how they are happy to be friends. Blair barges in and tells Serena she needs help taking down Chuck. Dan stays and suggests she drive Chuck wild by seducing it up, so he’ll want her more. Back at Jenny’s work, Eleanor tells Jenny the buyers liked the dress she’s wearing. Eleanor demands she remake it in Ms. Waldorf’s fabrics, which is hard to do in a day Jenny says. But she agrees.
Blair and Chuck go for drinks. As Blair plays the “come and get me” card, Chuck doesn’t by it and takes off. Serena goes to see Dan at Rufus’ studio. She runs into an upcoming artist named Aaron. They hit it off. Blair calls Dan to tell him suggestion didn’t work. He suggests she intercept him at home.
Jenny and Agnes go out for drinks too. Agnes tells Jenny she wants to wear her dress. Chuck arrives at home to find a half naked Blair. They kiss until he sees Serena’s text about how bad Blair is. Agnes almost convinces Jenny to go out partying with her. Jenny says no, Agnes leaves, leaving Jenny without her dress to work on.
The next morning, Agnes apologizes and tells her she should think about starting her own clothing line. Later, at the gallery, Serena runs into Aaron they flirt again. Dan and Blair talk about Chuck. We learn that Blair really does love Chuck. She won’t say it because she’s afraid she’ll become just another notch on his bedpost. Poor Blair.
At the studio, Jenny hands Eleanor the finished dress. Eleanor doesn’t like the dress AT ALL. Jenny is sad and the boss tells her if she wants to be a grown-up she can’t act like a child anymore. Jenny storms off taking her original work.
At the art show, Dan and Rufus go over the show. Serena arrives basically wanting to see Aaron. Serena then gushes to Aaron about how great his work is. He in turn asks her out. She says no unless she can answer a riddle about a caterpillar. We later learn it has something to do with them having been friends at a camp.
Agnes arrives at the art show and tells Jenny she got her an interview with some journalist. They want to feature her as a designer to watch. This makes Little J’s ego turn into Big J’s ego. She decides then and there it’s a good idea for a 15-year-old girl to start a fashion line. Jenny takes off from the art show after giving Nate a peak of what’s to come from her new crazy life. He’s far from impressed.
Up on the roof, Chuck and Blair have it out. Blair lets it out that she’s still hurt from the helipad incident of last season. She doesn’t understand why she has to be the one to say I love you first. Chuck replies because they had a deal. Blair doesn’t want everything to be about deals. They both take off.
Jenny goes to an apartment with Agnes and her photographer friend. Photographer Max snaps the girls as they dance the night away. It’s creepy because they’re super young and he is taking pictures of them stripping. This scene is ridiculous. There’s a knock on the door and Nate enters pulling Jenny away.
Serena and Dan do more talking. About Blair. About her wanting to go out with Aaron. About Serena’s camp life with Aaron. It’s all too much. Serena has to leave to find her new boyfriend in training immediately, but sees him take off from the art show with some girl.
Blair sits in her room moping, until Chuck enters. He comes to tell her they won’t say I love you because once they do the thrill is gone. So, they decide to part ways for a while and if it’s meant to be in the future then it will happen then. I think I died a little inside.
Jenny and Nate exit the apartment. That took a LONG time to do. That’s the biggest apartment EVER. Jenny is ticked off that Nate pulled her away from her new friends. Jenny then acts funny for a moment and kisses him. He kisses her back. Look I’m sorry, but seriously? She’s like 15 and he’s like 18, this can’t go anywhere good. This is now my least favorite story. I am anti-NANNY (Jenny/Nate). Come election time please people vote NO on Proposition NANNY!!
I'm with you. NO to NANNY. Ugh. What a horrible storyline...actually I'm not a fan of the entire Jenny storyline. A fashion designer at 15? Really?
ReplyDeleteAlso, can I add Vanessa to the hate list? I can't believe she told Dan what Blair and Chuck did, but failed to mention the little matter of her blackmailing Blair! Geez.