Survivor: Gabon
Want to see the elephant dung?
Original Air Date:
25 September 2008
Rachel – Two Cents Senior Staff Writer
Survivor 17 (I know!) started this evening and, for the first time, was shown in High Definition. I was really excited about that until I remembered we don’t have anything highly defined around here. I did notice that it had a slightly different look about it; a bit more National Geographic. Anyway, it was a fun “I don’t know any of these people so I don’t care yet” kind of episode. So what did I learn? Let me tell you...
[photo: CBS.com]
Survivor 17 (I know!) started this evening and, for the first time, was shown in High Definition. I was really excited about that until I remembered we don’t have anything highly defined around here. I did notice that it had a slightly different look about it; a bit more National Geographic. Anyway, it was a fun “I don’t know any of these people so I don’t care yet” kind of episode. So what did I learn? Let me tell you...
ReplyDeleteThe Top 18 Things I Learned About the Castaways of Survivor: Gabon
1. Ace [Kota] is the tribe yoga instructor.
2. Bob [Kota] is a physics teacher. Like I couldn’t guess that one. But the coolest thing? He wears his bow tie to the challenges. Awesome.
3. Charlie [Kota] is sweet on Marcus. Too bad Marcus is straight. Can’t win ’em all, so they settle on an alliance.
4. Corrine [Kota] said what might be the most honest thing ever on Survivor: “I’m gonna be a total bitch… and I’m gonna own it.” Good for her.
5. Crystal [Fang], and Olympic Gold Medalist (seriously), caught worms for baiting fish. That’s all I remember.
6. Dan [Fang] was the first sent to Exile Island, which really isn’t an island. More like a hut next to a pond.
7. Danny “GC” [Fang], winner of the first Individual Immunity Idol, was elected leader of his tribe. He quit the next day. So much for impressing me.
8. Gillian [Fang], a nurse, couldn’t get on people’s nerves fast enough, what with all the over-happiness and talk about elephant dung. That and, to quote Michelle, she was about a hundred years old. She was voted off second.
9. Jacquie [Kota] is blonde and an athlete. That’s all I got.
10. Jessica “Sugar” [Kota] is a pin-up model. That, too, is all I remember.
11. Kelly [Kota]… I have no memory of her.
12. Ken [Fang] is a professional gamer who might struggle with the social part of the game. Who am I kidding? “Struggle” is putting it lightly.
13. Marcus [Kota], winner of the second Individual Immunity Idol, solidified an alliance with Charlie, Corrine, and Jacquie.
14. Matty [Fang] looks like that young blonde professional dancer on “Dancing with the Stars.” Anyone with me?
15. Michelle [Fang], the first person voted off this season, was a mean chick who complained a lot.
16. Paloma [Kota] sat out of the second Immunity Challenge. Way to make a mark.
17. Randy [Fang] is a wedding videographer who hates weddings and got four stitches in his noggin the very first night.
18. Susie [Fang] left no impression on me.
What do YOU think? Did anyone watch it in High Def? Was it pretty? Who do you love? Who do you hate? Give us your Two Cents… we’ll use it to buy a High Def TV!