Thursday, July 31, 2008

"Firefly" Summer DVD Review - "War Stories"

“War Stories”

Original Air Date: 6 December 2002

Rachel – Two Cents Staff Writer

Wanting to get between the bond that Zoë and Captain Mal have (they were in a war together, after all), Wash elects to go on a mission with Mal instead of Zoë. Bad move. Niska (one of the big bads of the show) finds the two, kidnaps the, and proceeds to torture the hell out of them. He was miffed that they didn’t follow through when he hired them in the episode Train Job.

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  1. Firefly
    “War Stories”

    Original Air Date: 6 December 2002

    Rachel – Two Cents Staff Writer

    Wanting to get between the bond that Zoë and Captain Mal have (they were in a war together, after all), Wash elects to go on a mission with Mal instead of Zoë. Bad move. Niska (one of the big bads of the show) finds the two, kidnaps the, and proceeds to torture the hell out of them. He was miffed that they didn’t follow through when he hired them in the episode Train Job. All through the torture, Mal and Wash fight about Mal’s relationship with Zoë. Wash is jealous of their bond and the two go back and forth about trivialities like whether or not Mal and Zoë have ever slept together and if they actually should sleep together. The fight was all part of Mal’s plan to keep Wash’s mind off the torture. It worked splendidly and when Zoë come to buy his freedom, Wash is still alive.

    Feeling that Mal was willing to sacrifice himself for his crew, Wash talks everyone into going back to Niska’s ship. They go in, shoot up the place, and rescue Mal. But some things will never be the same. For instance, this is the first time we see River take out three armed gunmen with her eyes closed. Something ain’t right with that girl.

    Why this episode is important:
    Torture aside, this episode was really about relationships, exploring the relationship between a husband and wife versus the relationship between two people who share a common horror, in this case, a war.

    This episode also gave us one of the Jossiest moments ever. When the rescue party comes for Mal, they find him fighting both for his life and as retribution for his being tortured while Niska’s prisoner. Zoë stops short and says “Jayne, this is something the captain has to do for himself.” to which Mal replies “No. No, it’s not!”

    Fun Trivia:
    According to Internet Movie Database, “Several spacecraft from Star Trek Voyager are seen in the background of space shots in the series. Most notably the spaceship "extras" visiting Niska's space station, which include a Talaxian cargo ship, Steth's vessel and Kes' ship from the Star Trek series.” Now, I’m not much of a Trekkie, myself, but my husband (bless his heart) vouches for IMDb’s claims.

    Your Two Cents:
    What do YOU think? Is Wash’s jealousy understandable? Do you have sections in your life that you can’t really talk about with your significant other because he/she just won’t understand? Seriously, is anyone reading this little article at all? Give us your Two Cents… We’ll use it to buy Mal and Wash’s freedom.

    In two weeks, my number one favorite Firefly episode: “Objects in Space”

  2. No specific feedback, but thanks for the heads up. I'm so sad this show isn't running. :( Such a great cast!

  3. I'm reading. ;-) I loved this episode. My favorite part: when Zoe comes to rescue Wash and Mal and has to choose which one to save. Without hesitation she chooses Wash. I loved that.

  4. I love that part, too! Niska didn't even have to ask her the question. The other cool part about that is that Mal totally agrees.

    Thanks for reading! :)


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