Monday, July 7, 2008

"Arrested Development" - Summer DVD Review - "Key Decisions"

Arrested Development
“Key Decisions”

Season 1 DVD

Alicia Gray - TwoCents Reviewer

Marta, Gob’s a real winner, isn’t he? You play the part of devoted girlfriend, but when it comes time for your day in the spotlight he really does forget the little people who made everything possible. Life isn’t fair isn’t it? While you get yourself nominated for a Daytime Desi (Daytime Emmy for Spanish Soap Opera Stars), he decides it’s key to perform his little magic tricks to get back in with the Alliance. I mean c’mon, seriously, do you really think he’s going to pull it off? I didn’t think so. I don’t see him locking himself up into his father’s prison and escaping unharmed.

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1 comment:

  1. Arrested Development
    “Key Decisions”

    Season 1 DVD

    Alicia Gray - TwoCents Reviewer

    Marta, Gob’s a real winner, isn’t he? You play the part of devoted girlfriend, but when it comes time for your day in the spotlight he really does forget the little people who made everything possible. Life isn’t fair isn’t it? While you get yourself nominated for a Daytime Desi (Daytime Emmy for Spanish Soap Opera Stars), he decides it’s key to perform his little magic tricks to get back in with the Alliance. I mean c’mon, seriously, do you really think he’s going to pull it off? I didn’t think so. I don’t see him locking himself up into his father’s prison and escaping unharmed.

    Do you also wonder why you’ve put yourself in his family? After all, his sister Lindsay, decides to retake up her activist roots and stand by a guy trying to save a tree, but falls asleep and the tree is torn down. Brother Buster inadvertently flirts with his mother Lucille’s rival Lucille 2 (who he later dates). Michael, unbeknownst to you will try at anything to let you see he has feelings for you. But, here comes Gob again you feel the need to run back to him after he’s stabbed in jail by a White Power supremacist.

    See, even in the near jaws of death, Gob must have the publicity. True he does “escape” prison, but not on the right terms. You know he really wanted to eat the key to free himself from jail, but has a phobia of using the toilet in front of others.

    Marta, Gob is a failed musician. Michael will ultimately not be the right man, Buster will play for your attention (even though you’ll never have met him), and Lindsay (you don’t want to go there) is not quite there, but always has the heart. I am sorry you didn’t win your Desi, but cheer up, with the Bluth’s by your side life is always interesting.


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