“It Hit Everyone Pretty Hard”
Season 16, Episode 6
Original Air Date: March 13, 2008
Rachel – Two Cents Staff Writer
The Top 15 Things I Learned About the Castaways of Survivor: Micronesia
1. Alexis [Airai] …was she even in this episode?
2. Amanda [Malakal] flies under the radar once more.
3. Ami [Malakal] took a liking to the fans… and called out the favorites for their sense of entitlement.
4. Chet [Malakal] couldn’t be a bigger baby. With an “owie” on his heel, he asked to be voted off the island. Want to know what a REAL survivor would have done? See number 10 below.
5. Cirie [Malakal] is targeted by the remaining Fans for eviction because of her holier-than-thou approach. Strangely enough, I find myself hoping they’ll make good on the threat because Cirie is getting so dang arrogant!
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Survivor: Micronesia, Fans vs. Favorites
ReplyDelete“It Hit Everyone Pretty Hard”
Season 16, Episode 6
Original Air Date: March 13, 2008
Rachel – Two Cents Staff Writer
The Top 15 Things I Learned About the Castaways of Survivor: Micronesia
1. Alexis [Airai] …was she even in this episode?
2. Amanda [Malakal] flies under the radar once more.
3. Ami [Malakal] took a liking to the fans… and called out the favorites for their sense of entitlement.
4. Chet [Malakal] couldn’t be a bigger baby. With an “owie” on his heel, he asked to be voted off the island. Want to know what a REAL survivor would have done? See number 10 below.
5. Cirie [Malakal] is targeted by the remaining Fans for eviction because of her holier-than-thou approach. Strangely enough, I find myself hoping they’ll make good on the threat because Cirie is getting so dang arrogant!
6. Eliza [Airai] didn’t do much to stand out his episode, either, but I would like to take this opportunity to ask if anyone is reading this recap? Anyone?
7. Erik [Malakal] gets the eye-rolling award for his performance at tribal council. Boy doesn’t like Ozzy.
8. James [Airai] took control of the Immunity Challenge by using his brut strength to carry Eliza and Parvati across the course on one pole instead of the designated two. Hmmm… strength played a BIG role in this challenge. I bet Malakal is real happy they voted off Joel instead of Chet.
9. Jason [Airai] got sent to Exile Island and found the fake idol Ozzy placed there. Problem is he thinks it’s real. To make things even more Gomer Pyle, he thought he’d be tricky and “out” Ozzy as having the idol to throw people off the idea that he himself might have found it. This is gonna be good.
10. Jonathan [Airai] was strong-armed by the Mysterious Survivor Medical Team to call it quits. His wound from the last episode had become infected and, upon threat of death, he left his tribe kicking and screaming (well, crying). Good luck, brother.
11. Kathy [Airai] made me a bit sick during Jonathan’s departure. She sobbed on his shoulder “We need you! We need you!” Kathy – you officially met the guy four days ago! Sure, it sad to see him go, but come on!
12. Natalie [Airai] …was she in this episode either?
13. Ozzy [Malakal] becomes the second target of the remaining fans… do they not realize if Ozzy is gone, they’ll all die? Literally?
14. Parvati [Airai] almost lost the Immunity Challenge for her tribe when, at the last moment, she fell of her perch and they had to start over. But, since the other tribe was so brilliant in the last episode when they voted off their strongest player, Airai won anyway.
15. Tracy [Malakal] voted for Erik. Huh?
Next week: “Like a Wide-Eyed Kid in the Candy Store”
Amen to #4!