Original Air Date: March 20, 2008
Ashi - TwoCents Reviewer
Sock lives in the Work Bench since getting kicked out of his house, and he’s had it. He calls Sam to complain, but Sam has other problems: a beastly-snoring girlfriend. After Cady wakes up, they meet Sock and Ben for bowling, which the guys do often. Somehow she strikes every round, even after throwing a gutter ball that hops back and strikes.
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Original Air Date: March 20, 2008
Ashi - TwoCents Reviewer
Sock lives in the Work Bench since getting kicked out of his house, and he’s had it. He calls Sam to complain, but Sam has other problems: a beastly-snoring girlfriend. After Cady wakes up, they meet Sock and Ben for bowling, which the guys do often. Somehow she strikes every round, even after throwing a gutter ball that hops back and strikes.
Sam suspects something’s up with Cady, but Sock and Ben remind him she’s devil mark-free. Ted calls an employee meeting because things are disappearing from the Bench, and he wants surveillance cameras – that should already be there -- installed. Sam, Sock, and Ben have Andi cover them while they check out Sock’s – actually, their sweet new apartment. Sock forged their signatures on the contract before asking if they wanted to move in.
The Devil steps out of Sam’s closet as he’s packing -- his parents gave him the okay to move out. Time to play Reaper again. Sam wants the Devil to tell him about the escaped soul and go. With about a dozen souls returned to Hell, he knows what he’s doing and he’s tired of being treated like a kid. The Devil takes that as his cue to send them to a playground for soul debriefing. Herbert Schrim the hunter/forest hermit is mad his hideout’s a city park.
Josie and Andi visit the boys’ place while they’ unpack, and Sam reveals he hasn’t told Cady he moved. At the bar, Josie tells Andi as a friend she should warn Sam about Cady, but Andi doesn’t think it’s her place to say because they’re, well, just friends.
The boys see a news report about a murder in the forest. It’s their soul. A prettily wrapped vessel appears: a food processor.
Cady visits while Sam is on shift at the Bench, wondering why he didn’t mention moving. He swears things are fine between them. The lovebirds make out for Ted’s cameras, and a glass door shatters. A wary Sam mentions it to Sock and Ben at their place while they’re setting up the Wii. The power shuts off, so they ask their neighbors, a couple named Steve and Tony for some help. Tony fixes the power and Steve invites the boys for dinner tomorrow.
The boys drive to the forest to search for the soul. Ben climbs a tree for an aerial view of the area and slips. What breaks his fall? A dead jogger. Our trio returns to the Bench to regroup, and Sam realizes they can lure Herbert out by jogging through his forest. They go back, hear a woman scream, and follow her voice to find she’s already dead. When they set out to find Herbert, Sock gets stuck in a rope trap, and as Sam and Ben struggle something unseen attacks Sam. Sock can’t get the vessel to work, but a passerby’s dogs scare it off. The next day the gang gathers – or steals? -- paintball gear from work to mark Invisi-Soul. Ted makes Sam install surveillance cameras to catch the Work Bench thief. Sam slips into a classroom and the Devil walks in, disappointed his Reaper didn’t figure out Herbert’s invisible camouflage. He offers him glasses that reveal the face of evil and gloats about Sam still needing him, which irritates Sam enough to refuse the super specks. The Devil is going to enjoy watching him fail—I mean, catch Herbert on his own.
Cady shows up at the Bench to talk to Andi about Sam. She upset Sam’s acting cold around her and suspects Andi’s why. Andi declares for the hundredth time – as she said herself -- they’re just friends, and Cady backs down.
Sam, Sock, and Ben go to Steve and Tony’s for dinner. Steve preps the food while Tony and Sock talk fine wine and Sam and Ben look at the couple’s certificates on a shelf. They like doing charity work because “it’s good for the soul.” In comes Steve with deliciously fatty shrimp, and Sam stains his shirt. He and Steve clean it up in the kitchen, where Sam notices some sanding tools and a security system. Ding! Light bulb.
Our boys gear up for soul hunting as Ted freaks out over his stolen cameras. The trio gets to the forest but arbor activists are set for a charity run. Sock stays behind to distract the runners into hugging trees so Sam and Ben can track Herbert with – guess what – Ted’s surveillance system. They hear him nearby and shoot when he trips the system, when they remember Sock has the vessel. Herbert is attacking them when Sock shows up, and he tosses Sam the vessel as he and Ben paintball Invisi-Soul. Sam sics the vessel on Herbert and it sucks up his pieces. Escaped Soul Smoothie, tasty.
Ted’s cameras are reinstalled and he’s convinced someone’s teasing him. Andi confronts Sam about Cady’s spooky visit, telling him to be careful around her. Sam comes home and the Devil’s there chilling, but Sam has to see Cady. The Devil gets him to admit what’s bothering him: is Cady’s the Devil’s daughter? A peculiar smile creeps on the Devil’s face before he answers no. If Sam cares about her, he says, whoever sired her shouldn’t matter. The Devil gives him the see evil glasses again as a reward for catching Herbert by himself. Before meeting her Sam scans Cady with the glasses – evil-free. He starts explaining his distant behavior but gets interrupted. She needs time and space to think through things at her mother Mimi’s place in New Mexico. Poor Sam goes home defeated, and his buddies reassure him Cady will come around. He can’t find his shirts since Steve and Tony are laundering them. He finds their door open when he gets there and discovers something startling. The trio’s favorite neighbors are demons sanding off their horns.