“No Tomorrow”
Original Air Date: March 17, 2008
Rachel – Two Cents Staff Writer
St. Patrick’s Day in NYC can be a bit crazy… I know. I’ve lived there and seen it. And it is only natural that Barney contributes to such wackiness, dragging Ted along behind. The two go to a party (hey – theres The Mother with her yellow umbrella!) where the rules of the universe seem to have gone all kerfloopy: Ted, having ditched Marshall and Lily to go out with Barney, gets rewarded with two hot girls; they ditch the two hot girls and get rewarded with an entire party where the guy/girl ratio is slanted precariously to the girls’ side; they order drinks all night on someone else’s tab and get rewarded by an invite to join a group of very hot and very drunk girls; etc. It is like the universe WANTS them to do jerky things. According to Barney: “There is no tomorrow!”
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How I Met Your Mother
ReplyDelete“No Tomorrow”
Original Air Date: March 17, 2008
Rachel – Two Cents Staff Writer
St. Patrick’s Day in NYC can be a bit crazy… I know. I’ve lived there and seen it. And it is only natural that Barney contributes to such wackiness, dragging Ted along behind. The two go to a party (hey – theres The Mother with her yellow umbrella!) where the rules of the universe seem to have gone all kerfloopy: Ted, having ditched Marshall and Lily to go out with Barney, gets rewarded with two hot girls; they ditch the two hot girls and get rewarded with an entire party where the guy/girl ratio is slanted precariously to the girls’ side; they order drinks all night on someone else’s tab and get rewarded by an invite to join a group of very hot and very drunk girls; etc. It is like the universe WANTS them to do jerky things. According to Barney: “There is no tomorrow!”
Meanwhile, Marshall, Lily, and Robin go to the newly acquired apartment to play board games. Funny thing is, they realize the place is crooked, and not in a “The Sheild” sort of way. It actually slants and seems to get slantier as the episode goes on. After all the kerfuffle associated with buying the place, this blow is almost too much for Marshall and (especially) Lily to handle. Robin saves the day by inventing the game Apartment Roller Luge, a very fun-looking sport where you sit on a skateboard with a colander for a helmet and see how far you can get across the apartment. It is very Poltergeist without the Poltergeist.
Back to the opposite of “My Name is Earl” Barney and Ted, things seem to be shifting. The girl Ted is hooking up with confesses she’s married. This might be OK for someone like Barney, but not Ted. To make matters worse, he is approached by the guy who owns the tab they’ve been putting drinks on all night. BUT the universe goes wacky again when the guy punches Ted, gets taken away by the cops, and Ted and Barney get free food and drinks for the rest of the night. Ted thinks it was awesome!
The next morning, Marshall is disgusted with Ted and his behavior, especially the kissing a married woman part. Ted defends himself, saying it wasn’t that bad. Marshall counters with a series of voice mail messages. You see, Ted’s phone likes to dial Marshall while in Ted’s pocket. Over the course of the night, it left 17 messages that paint a truer picture than the one Ted remembers: he was sloppy drunk and not at all the charming Ted we know and love. Ted realizes he was being a total jerk and turning into a Barney. He doesn’t want that. The future Ted/Dad thoughtfully states that to realize how skewed things are you have to see things crooked. (Nice apartment tie-in!)
Ted goes back to the bar to find his lost phone but doesn’t. He does, however, find a yellow umbrella. The plot thickens…
Next week: “Ten Sessions” featuring Britney Spears. You heard me. It is going to be legen… wait for it…